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1.look after smb./smth определение к фразовому глаголу

10-11 класс

2.раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в правильной форме
Tom's face is so red because he______for half an hour (to run).
3.В предложении есть ошибка. исправьте ее
there a more men that womens in the room
4.закончите предложение
the person____is a conductor.
5.прочтите предложение и задайте вопрос
jennifer watered the pot flowers in her classroom alone.
6.cocтавьте предложение
they taste fish and chips are in paper served because that way better

SashulyaP1 22 июля 2014 г., 20:51:02 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 июля 2014 г., 22:57:11 (9 лет назад)

1. Look after smb/smth - присматривать за кем/чем-либо
2. Tom's face is so red because he has been running for half an hour.
3. There are more men that women in the room.
4. The person over there is a conductor.
5. Why did J


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите пожалуйста придумать текст с фразами (штук 5-7 фраз), можно использовать не много других(своих) фраз : What is done is done (что

сделано, то сделано)

That is the whole point! ( в этом то все и дело)

I don*t mind ( я ничего не имею против)

It*s going to be all right ( все будет хорошо)

Hear me out ( услышь меня)

It never crossed my mind ( Ни когда не приходило на ум)

I don*t give a damn! ( мне все безразлично)

Things happen ( всякое бывает)

What a pity ( как жаль)

What*s up? ( что случилось)

How can i know ( как я могу знать)

пожалуйста решите кто сколько может очень срочноUse the correct tense form of the verbs in brackets.

On Saturday, January 10, 1914, two men 1 (to enter) John G. Morrison’s store.
The grocery owner and his two sons 2
(to close) the shop for the night. As soon as the men 3 (to enter), one of them cried, “We’ve got you now!” and shot at
the elder Morrison. He 4 (to shoot)
twice and died that night. It 5 (to
believe) that he 6 (to kill) by two
bandits who 7 (to have) twice in the
past ten years made attempts 8 (to
rob) him. Mrs. Morrison 9 (to tell)
the police that her husband 10 (to
speak) to her of two men in their district whom he believed to be his enemies, 11 (to give) their names and said: ”If
anything 12 (to happen) to me you 13 (may) have to look them up”. Though
several people 14 (to arrest) no
attempt was made to hide the two men whom Morrison 15 (to tell) his wife 16 (to
be) his enemies. The event which 17 (to
take) place that night had also led to the arrest of Joe Hill. However, all the
men who 18 (to arrest) in the days
immediately following the murder were later set free, except one – Joe Hill.

Ребята,проверьте моё эссе на наличие ошибок.пожалуйста. Тема : Many people think that the best way to travel is by car. ----- In

our worls there are a lot of means of transport.One of them is by car.

In this essay I will name some of the advantages and disadvantages of travel by car.

The most common argument for is speed,which depend on type of car.I think that is very big advanture.When you travel by car you can look through the window.It's very pleasant prosecc if you like it.
In favour of disadvantages I can say that some ptople may have a sick.Travel by car is not really my kind of thing,because I have a sick,but it depend on beauty in the car.It sounds stupid but it is true.I can't put up with(терпеть) father's car,when we travel somewhere.I feel headache and sickness.But for my relatives all is good in father's car.
Evidently(очевидно) that this mean of transport not for all people,but if you like travel by car you have a good impressions from your trip.

Задание под номером 6? Решите пожалуйста!

Brandon_____ (run) since he was a child. Остальное на фотографии...

Читайте также

Предлоги и фразовые глаголы. Вставьте предлоги и запишите ответы в соответствии с образцом: 0) - in, 00) - on, и т.д. Переведите получившиеся предложения

на русский язык. Для справки обратитесь к данной ниже таблице.
to be interested in=to have interest in to be similar to=to look like something\somebody else
in a day=one day later on the way to=if you walk towards to be good at=to do sth well
to be famous for=to be well-known to remind of =to appear to be similar
to bring up=to raise children to look after=to take care of sb
to get on well=to be in good relations with sb
1. Juan is not very good ……… spelling
2. The supermarket is ……… way to the station.
3. Kevin gets ……… very well with his colleagues.
4. The children’s grandmother looked ……… them while I was in France.
5. Does this photo remind you ………anyone?

Look at the pictures.Match the pictures from Ex. 8 with the dogLook at the pictures.Match the pictures from Ex. 8 with the dog descriptions. Which

kind of dog would you like to have as a pet? Why?
a) ... a large long-haired dog. People ofter use it for looking after sheep.
b) ... an angry- looking dog with a short neck ang short thick legs.
c) ... a small active dog. People ofter use it for hunting( охоты)
d) ... a long- haired dog. People ofter use it for hunting.

Пожалуйста!!!!!!! ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО!!!!!!!!!

1. Подчеркните в предложениях глагол-сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму и залог.
1. Bricks have been in constant use everywhere in every sort of construction. 2. Is 2 o’clock tomorrow OK with you? - I’m sorry, I’ll be papering the walls. Let’s meet some other time. 3. An important part in the history of building was played by the column. 4. Is your house looked after when you are on holiday?

2. подчеркните в предложениях причастие 1
(Participle 1) и причастие II (Participle II) и установите функции каждого из них, т.е. является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола-сказуемого.
1. While waiting for him I looked through the magazines lying on the table.
2. The results obtained were of great importance. 3. When reconstructed the theatre looked more beautiful than before. 4. I shall still be translating the article when you come.

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