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Задание под номером III(снизу) - нужно исправить ошибки в предложениях. Помогите пожалуйста:)

10-11 класс

Uluashka1457 16 нояб. 2013 г., 21:37:08 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 нояб. 2013 г., 22:09:28 (10 лет назад)

Перепишу, заранее исправив ошибки.

1. Could you tell me, which state is Disney Land situated in?
2. Should I be interested to know what the major countries exports and imports are?
3. Do you know how many time zones there are in the USA?
4. Have you got any idea how Death Valley got its name?
5. Did you happen to know how far it is to the airport?


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He (not to translate) this text yesteday
Помогите поставить все специальные вопросы к предложению :

They listen to tha radio in the morning.

this is the tale of a little old man.his name is dob .And it is the tale of dob friend-a dog.The dogs name is rover.And it is the tale of a very funny

animal.One day Dob is busy He is making lunch.He is making porridge,hamburgers and meat-balls-he knows that his friend Rover likes them very much.When Rover came,the lunch was on the table.He saw the meat-balls and said: M-M-M.Great! The two friends ate the meat-balls and porridge and drank some milk.After lunch dob and Rover went for a walk.

Ребята, помогите хотя бы несколько предложений! Пожалуйста!!!

Put the words
in the correct order to make sentences.

2) for
debt borrow financing
is money the
you business your;

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Найти ошибки в предложениях,помогите пожалуйста,предложения желательно записывать целиком..

1) The model of ship was made by the young worker.
2) The hospital is been visited by Jonn.
3) The meeting was organized by our the class yesterday.
4) The new planer were discovered by the spaceship.
5) The first prize was win by our friend.
6) The dog was calling Blackie by Jonn.
7) The computer is being been used by us in this project.
8) The small house in the woods is build by Jack.

Ребят, срочно нужно исправить ошибки в этом тексте!!! Помогите!!

Kim came with friends to buy a car. Vince's father mr Scott decided to help Kim with car. He checked cars.
Guys looked cars. Then Vince and terry began to argue. Vince think that cars damage environment and people have to cope without cars. But terry doesn't agree with Vince . He think that people can't lives without cars nowadays . Kim was agree with Vince.
Then Kim asked boys to go out of town on Sunday. But Vince couldn't because he promised go out with Andrew . Kim and terry desired to go out by Terry's car.

Задание под номером 6,помогите пожалуйста!

Brandon_____ (run) since he was a child. Остальное на фотографии...

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