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помогите,очень срочно нужно,написать не большое сочинение на английском языке про защиту вымирающих животных

5-9 класс

Novikovdv741 01 февр. 2015 г., 23:03:11 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 февр. 2015 г., 1:51:55 (9 лет назад)

Steller CormorantBy November 1741 Commander Nitus Berisha returned to the shores of Kamchatka after a hard swim in the mists of the unknown sea, discovery and description of the north- west coast of America and the Aleutian Islands , but, alas, there was a wreck - the flagship of the packet "Saint Peter" washed up on an unknown island reefs near . Ahead was wintering , the construction of a new ship wreckage , return to the harbor of Petropavlovsk .Dozens of sailors were killed on the island from disease and deprivation . Died of scurvy himself commander. In his memory , the island was named after Bering. and Archipelago , which belonged to the island - the Commander . Sea, located north of the Aleutian Islands and the Commodores , too, was later named Bering .Naturalist expedition of Bering - Georg Steller - Commander Islands have brought good luck . It was here that he made two of the most significant discoveries in his life - described as new to science beast and bird, later named in his honor. However, both were unhappy. On the sad fate of Steller's sea cow know everything. Huge marine mammal was completely destroyed during the quarter century whalers . Steller cormorants " lucky" more . Open simultaneously with sea cow in 1741 , he became extinct about 100 years later, in the 30 -40- ies of the XIX century.Cormorant was much larger and had a dark goose Ocheret white " mirror" around the hips. Feathers on the wings of cast bronze, back, neck and chest were metallic blue and green glitter. During the mating period, the head of an adult bird decorated two crest , and on the neck appeared filamentous white feathers . Under a dark gray beak stood yellow throat pouch . Bluish- green eyes were surrounded by rings of bare yellow skin , for which Cormorant received the scientific name " ochkovyyh . This name is based on the magnificent Steller description , gave the bird in 1811, the famous naturalist Peter Simon Pallas . But now he is better known under the name Steller cormorant .Fatal feature spectacled cormorant was his inability to fly. Like most flightless birds , it became the largest flying counterparts. But he did not need a flight. Commander Islands surrounding sea did not freeze in the winter and teeming with fish all year round , and dwelt Cormorant on the rocks , inaccessible to foxes , preferring secluded islets .As usual, the existence of the species was in jeopardy only with the advent of man.A further scenario is well known. Spectacled Cormorant in the North Pacific in detail repeated the fate of Great Auk in the North Atlantic , the more that both species were remarkably similar in biology. For a century, the Commander was going the same wanton slaughter was exposed to all the island flightless birds , starting with the dodo 

+ 0 -
02 февр. 2015 г., 2:55:01 (9 лет назад)

Every 10 minutes one animal dies.Necessary to protect animals or people will.
die.After all, without our animal life is meaningless.
We will die without food.
  chicken is meat.
Pig is meat too.
Indeed, without the animals we nebudet clothing.
Sheep is wool.We have a red book which recorded endangered species.We need to protect animals.


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Помогите,пожалуйста,сделать английский!

. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect Simple or Continuous.
1) Jane ________ (write) a letter to a magazine. She ____ (not finish) it yet.
2) Den __________ (look) for his pen-knife, but he _______(not find) it yet.
3) Nick _______(play) a computer game for two hours and he is still playing.
4) Greg _____ (wait) for Jenny in the downtown. She _____ (not arrive) yet.
5) Kate ________ (not finish) painting the flowers yet. She (work) on the picture for two weeks.

Отгадать, что за слово:

A small situation that can be told or written, imaginary or truthful.

Прочитай текст и вставь в него подходящие по смыслу местоимения. Ben and Ken are in Rome. Ben is a pupil ... is a good pupil. Kim is a student. ... is n

ot a good student. BEN: Is Rome big? KIM: Yes, ... is BEN: Are you happy, Kim? KIM: No, ... am not. ... am sad ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА

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