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Choose three grammatically correct sentences: 1) If I had more free time, I would go there.

10-11 класс

2) When you will come, I'll be watching TV.
3) Do you have a pet? - Yes, I have the cat.
4) Call me if you see her!
5) I stopped reading a book, because it was not interesting.
6) Do you have time little to complete the task?

Pyos 21 авг. 2013 г., 4:05:55 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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21 авг. 2013 г., 5:50:36 (10 лет назад)

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предложения в страдательном залоге(Passive Voice) и переведите
их на русский язык. Подчеркните

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Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs. a) If I (have) more free time, I (take up) a new hobby. b) I (be) happy with my future job if

the working conditions ( be) good . c) If I (work) long hours, I (get ) tired by the end of the week. d) If I (have ) to deal with difficult clients , I (need ) good interpersonal skills. e) If I (want) to be a lawyer , I (have ) to get some qualifications first. f) I (get) a lot of work experience if I (try) some odd jobs in summer. g) I (be) well-paid if my job (be) really dangerous. h) I (be) happy if my future career (involve) creative work.

Подчеркните формы глаголов, укажите их время и переведите предложения. Напишите тип условных предложений. 1. If Jess had been free yesterday, she would

have joined you. 2. If you don’t take a taxi, you’ll miss your train. 3. If you worked hard, you would succeed. 4. If it rains tomorrow, we won’t go to the forest. 5. If Adam had left earlier, he should have caught the train.

Срочно помогите!!!!

Раскрывая скобки, напишете каждое предложение три раза, построив условные предложения I, II и III типов.
Образец: If you (to be) free, I (to come) to see you.
If you are free, I will come to see you.
If you were free, I would come to see you.
If you had been free, I would have come to see you.
1) If he (not to come) in time, we (to wait for) him. 2) If you (to put on) your glasses, you (to see) better. 3) If you (not to work) systematically, you (to fail) at the examination. 4) If he (to be) ill, he (not to take) part in the football match. 5) If we (not to have) so much luggage, we (to walk).

2) Choose grammatically correct variant of translation:

Неужели ты думаешь, если бы я встретил Помелу, я бы не сказал тебе об этом?

a) Don't you think if I saw Pamela I won't tell you about it?

b) Do you think that if I see Pamela I wouldn't tell you about it?

c) Don't you think if I've seen Pamela I won't tell you about it?

d) Don't you think that if I had seen Pamela woudn't have told you about it?

I. Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold.( суффиксы и приставки) 1. Many people find their work rather___________(bore). 2. He

did not pass the exam. He was very______________(appoint) 3. Peter liked all animals and little children. It ____________( character) him like a very kind man. 4. The only thing poverty leads to is ___________(happiness) and ____________(literacy). 5. It was such an ______________(interest) excursion! 6. Susan is a _____________(charm) girl with lovely figure. 7. The ____________(distant) between S.Petersburg and Moscow is about 600 kilometers. 8. My Mom does the ______________(cook) in our family. 9. Your behavior is awful! You are ________________(polite) and ___________(moral)! 10. She had the ______________(appear) of an actress. II. Раскройте скобки. Поставьте глагол в нужное время или форму (герундий). A) Обратите внимание на времена сказуемых в главном и придаточном предложениях!!! В) Обратите внимание на условные предложения!!! 1. If you_____________ (phone) me earlier, we could have bought this book. 2. I can’t stand Mr. Brown! He__________________(always / tell a lie). 3. Steven______________(work) at this problem for three months. We’ll be able to see the presentation next week. 4. We________________(just / buy) a new car. We can go to the see. 5. Before Olga came to London, she___________________(learn) English for three years. 6. When her mother came home, Helen____________________(clean) the room since morning. 7. Thank you for_______________(come) in time. 8. There is no reason in______________(argue). 9. If the train _________________(come) in time, we would not have been late at the concert. 10. Yesterday at 5 o’clock Tom _______________(do) his homework and could not go for a walk. 11. Yesterday by 5 o’clock Tom_______________(do) his homework and could go for a walk. 12. If you ________________(phone) me, I would go to the cinema. 13. When her mother came home, she______________(write) the letter and___________(go) to the park with her friends. 14. If he _______________( buy) a car, we’ll go to the see. 15. If he___________________(buy) a car, we would go to the see. 16. If he____________________(buy)a car , we would have gone to the see. 17. My father _________________(work) here for three years. 18. My father__________________( repair) this car since morning. 19. If I had learned the grammar rules, I __________________(not /get) a bad mark. 20. If I learned the grammar rules, I_______________________(not/ get) a bad mark. 21. If I learn the grammar rules, I_______________________( not / get) a bad mark.

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