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помогите составить вопросы с хвостиком по этим предложениям

5-9 класс

George collected toy cars last year)Ronald gets up at eight o'clock in the morning
Sally fed her pet
We were not at the zoo three days ago
My hobby is not growing flowers
we don't usuallyget up earlyon Sundeys they didn't go to the museum last Thursday
you couldn't come on time

RуЧkA 25 янв. 2015 г., 13:45:01 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
25 янв. 2015 г., 16:26:56 (9 лет назад)

George collected cars last year, didn`t he?
Ronald gets up at eight o`clock in the morning, doesn`t he?
Sally fed her pet, didn`t she?
We weren`t at the zoo two years ago, were we?
My hobby is not growing flowers, is it?
We don't usually get up early on Sundays, do we?

+ 0 -
25 янв. 2015 г., 19:21:36 (9 лет назад)

с хвостиком


Другие вопросы из категории

Поставь глагол в нужную грамматическую форму и задай вопрос к выделенному слову. Пример: 0) We …….(go) on demonstration last week. a) We went on

demonstration last week. b) When did you go on demonstration? 1) Mary …..(visit) her grandparents every summer. a) b) 2) We …..(take) an exam on English now. a) b) 3) I met Sam while I …..(walk) in the park. a) b) 4) Mr. Brown …..never (be) to Paris. a) b) 5) They …..(do) the cleaning next Sunday. a) b)


1)The sooner we begin,___ you'll receive the necessary information.
a)the quicker
b)the more quickly
c)the quicklier

2)He understood you___to help me then
a)to be willing
b)be willing
c)are willing

Ответьте на вопросы плиззззззз Who helped you to carry you luggage? Did you tip the porter? What kind of train did you take? What berth do you pr

efer to have, an upper to lower one? What do like to do while travelling by train, to red, to lock through the windows etc. ? Where did you have meals? When did you arrive at the palace of you destination? Did anybody meet? How many days you spend in Kazan ? Did you make new friends there? Did you see any sights? Did you have much fun? Did you enjoy your trip? wOuld you like there again some day.

Вставить в нужной форме слова.

Лучше всего с переводом

Помогите!заранее спасибо

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Составить вопросы к кроссворду из слов на тему: еда

Помогите составить вопросы к кроссворду на английском языке.Можно с этими словами: juice milk strawberry apricot yoghurt bacon pizza hamburger biscuits pasta. Но это не обязательно. Можно и другие, но на тему еда.Помоги,прошу.Сама я плохо составляю вопросы.А кроссворд я сама сделаю.

Помогите составить вопросы по данным образцам.

1. You wonder if your neighbours would like you to babysit for them on their wedding anniversary.( нужно составить вопрос, опираясь на образец)
Would you like me to water your plants while you're away?(образец)

2.Would you mind not playing loud music early on Sunday morning?(образец)
I'm so sorry we made so much noise last night. It won't happen again.

3.You need someone to feed your cat while you are away.
Would you be able to watch over our house for us while we're away?(образец)

4. Your next-door neighbour is ill. You offer to do his shopping for him.
Shall i get you some milk when im at the supermarket?(образец)

помогите сделать вопрос с хвостиком

1)We have a lot of fun in summer
2)He always has a shower in the morning
3)They had lunch at noon
4)You don't have supper
5)She has dinner at seven
Пишите вопросы на подчеркнутые слова в предложениях они будут в скобочках переводил задание переводчик
6)They will have(a pet) tomorrow
7)Jane took a taxi (because she was late)
8)We saw (Ann) in the street
9)I read to my little cousin (every evening)
10)We get to the city centre (by bus)
11)(ann's sister) is clever and friendly
12)I can teach the dog (some new tricks)
13)We have got (three)
14)(Grasshoppers) live in the grass

Помогите пожалуйста 6 вопросов по английскому из этого предложения Doctor Phil's reads his newspaper in the sitting room every evening Вот его

перевод:Доктор Фил читает свои газеты в гостиной каждый вечер

И из этого предложения тоже 6 вопросов Mr.Garlic likes to visit his Children in Rome.

Вот его перевод Mr.Garlic любит посещать своих детей в Риме.

пожалуйста очень надо до завтра

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