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переведите пожалуйста. 1) Having been counted, the children started to board the plane. 2) Having been sold, the dress was removed from the

10-11 класс

window. 3) Having lived in a little village all his life, he found his daughter's city flat too noisy. 4) She closed the door, having left the key in the room. 5) Having been invited to the party, the girls spent all weekend getting ready. 6) Having read the book befor, he decided not to buy it.

Vikasapegina 23 дек. 2013 г., 11:41:28 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 дек. 2013 г., 13:23:53 (10 лет назад)

1) Как только детей посчитали, они начали садиться на самолет.

2) Будучи проданным, платье было удалено из витрины.

3) Живя в небольшой деревне всю свою жизнь, он счел город, в котором жила его дочь, слишком шумным.

4) Она закрыла дверь, оставив ключ в комнате.

5) Будучи приглашенными на вечеринку, девочки провели выходные дни в подготовке к ней.

6) Прочитав книгу ранее, он решил не покупать ее.


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Переведите пожалуйста с:

Robin Hood is a legendary hero of England. He lived in the twelfth century. The legend said Robin Hood lived in Sherwood Forest with his merry men.
Robin Hood and his merry men took money from the rich and gave it to the poor. There are many stories about them. Here is one of them.
One day Robin Hood was walking through the Forest with his men when he saw a young man. The young man was wearing a very fine red coat and singing merrily. The next morning Robin Hood saw the same young man without his fine coat. The young man was looking very sad. Robin Hood sent Little John to bring the young man. When the young man came to Robin Hood the latter asked him, "What is your name?" The young man answered that his name was Allan-a-Dale. Then Robin Hood asked:"Have you any money?" AIlan-a-Dale answered, "I have only five shillings and a ring that I have kept for seven years. I wanted to marry a nice young girl. Yesterday I went to marry her, but her father is against it. He wants to marry her to a rich old man. Now I am unhappy."
Robin Hood asked the young man: "What will you give me and my merry men if we help you to get your girl back again?" Allan-a-Dale had neither money nor gold, but he promised to be Robin Hood's true servant. So Robin Hood decided to help Allan-a-Dale and they all went to the town where the girl lived. When they came to the town they saw the girl Allan loved. She was going into the church with the rich old man. Robin Hood and his men went into the church and asked the priest to marry the girl to Allan-a-Dale.
When the priest refused, Robin Hood pulled off the priest's coat and put it on Little John. So Little John married the young people and they returned together to the merry Greenwood.

Перевести на английский язык используя инфинитивные обороты

Для него продемонстрировать научные идеи было трудно.- Я хочу,чтобы ты получил всеобщее признания.- Он, как полагают,предложил эксперименты.

Помогите пожалуйста!!!!

Читайте также

ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА НОРМАЛЬНО,А ТО НА ПЕРЕВОДЧИКЕ НЕ ПОНЯТНО ЧТО ПОЛУЧАЕТСЯ!!! One of the worst things about family relations that young peopl

e single out is lack of privacy. They often complain that even if they disappear into their room for some peace, its guaranteed that some one will come after them, wishing to know what they are up to. With parents, brothers or sisters in one house they dont have a chance to be alone, unseen or unheard. Some of them even say that their family members have no sympathy for their feelings. I believe that when families have such problems the first thing to do is to talk. Children must tell parents what makes them unhappy. Calm communication without the words that hurt people, will definitely provide a solution. Teenagers are vulnerable and they need someone to talk to.

ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА НОРМАЛЬНО!!! One of the worst things about family relations that young people single out is lack of privacy. They often

complain that even if they disappear into their room for some peace, its guaranteed that some one will come after them, wishing to know what they are up to. With parents, brothers or sisters in one house they dont have a chance to be alone, unseen or unheard. Some of them even say that their family members have no sympathy for their feelings. I believe that when families have such problems the first thing to do is to talk. Children must tell parents what makes them unhappy. Calm communication without the words that hurt people, will definitely provide a solution. Teenagers are vulnerable and they need someone to talk to.

Поставьте общие вопросы

1) There is a tea-pot on the table
2) I work from nine to five
3) We are leaving for Hamburg next Saturday.
4) I have been busy the whole evening
5) My friendstudied in Sorbonne when he was yound
6) It is winter
7) I had to go there in the daytime
8) I will show you how to do it
9) You must work hard
10) I can swim in cold water

1) Another moment and she began ( realizing; to realize) that one of the eyes of the portait started (to move/moving).

2) She's starting ( to sing, singing).
3) she overturned the work-box and began ( picking; to pick) up the articles one by one from the floor.
4) It took him twice to begin ( realizing, to realize) that such a detectives would never find his sister.
5) Take an umbrella. It's starting ( raining; to rain).

Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения: 1. We have been invited to dinner. 2. When she came, the problem of unemployment was

still being discussed.

3. A new road round Khabarovsk will be built soon.

4. All invitations will have been sent up by 5 o'clock.

5. Five workers were employed by them.

6. This experienced employee can be relied on.

7. The right job is being looked for by graduates now.

8. The better results would be achieved if you worked hard.

9. The resume must be written by him.

10. The invitation should be accepted by you.

11.All management functions cannot be performed properly by one person. 12.Official reports will have been discussed by the end of the next month.

13. All the jobs requiring skills are groupped together.

14. Each applicant will be asked by the manager tomorrow

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