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Привет, мне нужна помощь с домашней работой. Мое домашнее задание во вложениях.

10-11 класс

Христианчик 08 июня 2013 г., 17:00:30 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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08 июня 2013 г., 18:15:27 (10 лет назад)

Yong people always like extreme spots and they usually say, that it helps them to build a character.  Although, there are alot of people who say that it doesn't. 


In my opinion, doing extreme sport is too dangerous for your health. It can cause more demage then can make something good for your character. It is possible even to die there! I think, it is a lot worth than not to have a strong character. Coming back to this tipic, how can dangerous sport help you to build character? Moreover, continious stress, even if you like it periodically, just can make (100) you nervous, not strong with your spirit. 


However, other people say, that going through your fear do help to build a character. Most extreme sports, such as banjee jamping or aquabiking, really make people feel very frightened. Maybe that is correctly so, but when it is a real fear, panic, it won't be an enjoy for you, will it? So why should you do this sport, if it does not bring you satisfaction? There is no point in it.

 In conclusion, such kind of a sport is very popular nowadays and (200) can help a person to get away from every day work an problems and to have new Impressions, feellings and experience. 


(В скобках отмечалось промежуточное и конечное кол-во слов)


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вставить глагол ( Put in is; are; do; does.)
1. where ........ you from?
2. where ......... July live?
3. ......... you live your new school?
4. where ....... yournotebook ?
5. ........ you play sports ?
6. What time ...... the library cljse?
8. ...... you mother a lawyer?
9. .... the know your phone number?
10. ..... her job boring?

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1. Новость удивила меня
2.у меня есть брат и две сестры
3.мои родители путешествуют каждый год по Европе
4. Сегодня погода холоднее,чем вчера
5. Этот день самый счастливый в моей жизни

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