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Say a few words about any person and his dream. Mention the following: if that was a real or a literary person what his or she dream

10-11 класс


how he or she got what he or she was seeking for

how long it took him or her to do it.

Огромное спасибо заранее, буквально 10-15 предложений. Жду решений :*

Чадг 05 марта 2015 г., 23:19:55 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 марта 2015 г., 0:28:41 (9 лет назад)

Напишу про себя, если ты не против, скажешь что твоя знакомая :D

Each person has a dream, it's a very important thing that keep us alive, we can't live if we don't have what to live for, in other words, if we don't have a dream.

One of mu friends likes dancing a lot, she is just living by dancing. And, you know, she is really doing it very well. Her dream was to teach others to dance, and it doesn't matter, whether small chlidren or adults. She was working and training a lot, she was saving money, was finding out for new moves and others. And one day, she opened her own dance school, where she teachs how to dance Hip-Hop. She has bought some loudspeakers, paste a lot of hip-hop music on her stick, and began to make wonderful things.

I visited her some times, and I saw that she was really very happy that she is making something that she enjoy and love to do. So, it's a good example of someone's persevarence. And it shows us that if we want to do something, we have to work on it, and sure we have to dream. Like Jared Leto said: If you a willing to walk the path of a dreamer, everything is possible :)


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I would like to say a few words about my great-grandmother . Her name Nadeeva Fedosya Egorovna . She was born May 29, 1915 in Mordovia. She worked as an elementary school teacher . Her family had 6 brothers and 2 sisters , 5 brothers and elder nephew died in the Great Patriotic War. These events affected the history of her family and our too. And I know that it is not moved from place to place . She moved to Omsk in 1938, because in Mordovia was a great drought , 5 years nothing would grow . It was the first and last crossing . Unfortunately we have no family legends , but I'm happy that I could share with you at least something .

People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fil, more organised and better disciplined. It unites

people of different classes and nationalities. Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, football, basketdall, body-building etc.

All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadiums, sport swimming pools, skating-rinks. football fields. But, of course, one has to pay for there services.

Sport is paid much attention to in our schools and lnstitutes. Physical training is a compulsory subject. Different sports and games are popular with my classmates. All my friends go in for different kinds of sport, such as waler sports (that is swimming, sailing, rowing), gymnastics, horseracing, wrestling, fencing, weightlifting, boxing, football, basketball, volleyball, etc.

And now a few words about our physical training lessons at school. In summer they are held out-of-doors. When it is cold outside the lessons are held indoors in our school gymnasium.

Professional sport is also paid much attention to in our country in the city where I live. there are different sport societies, clubs and sport schools. Practically all kinds of sports are popular in our country, but gymnastics and tennis enjoy the greatest popularity.

The most popular kinds of sports in the United States are baseball, dasketball and American football. In England the popular kinds of sports are golf and rugby. Englishmen like football too. It is their national kind of sports.

Ответить на вопросы:

1. Why do people all over the world are fond of sports and games?

2. What are summer sports and what are winter sports?

3. What kinds of sports are popular with your friends and schoolmates?

4. Do you have to play for sports facilitics, such as stadiums, swimmming pools and tennis courts?

5. What can you say about physical training lessons at your school?

6. What kinds of sport are the most popular in our country?

7. What are the sports clubs in our country?

8. What are the most popular kinds of sport in America and England?

9. What other American or English sports do you know?

10. Are American football and baseball popular in Russia? Why and why not?

11. What do you do to be healthy and fit?

re-write the following rules for parents using words and expressions from the box

- There are two extra words/expressions
- Sometimes you will need to change the word order.
BOX: act like, complain about, control, curiosity, embrrassing, jealous, privacy, respect, stuff treat, trust.
1) Enjoy your children. Dont expect them to behave in the way you did at their age.
2) Respect their wish to be away from other people.
3) Dont say to your friends that you are annoyed and dissatisfied with your child.
4) Dont ask your children question which cause them to feel anxious and uncomfortable.
5) Listen more than you talk. The desire to learn and know is more efficient than attempts to have a directing influence over their thinking.

re-write the following rules for parents using words and expressions from the box

- There are two extra words/expressions
- Sometimes you will need to change the word order.
BOX: act like, complain about, control, curiosity, embrrassing, jealous, privacy, respect, stuff treat, trust.

1) Enjoy your children. Dont expect them to behave in the way you did at their age.

2) Respect their wish to be away from other people.

3) Dont say to your friends that you are annoyed and dissatisfied with your child.

4) Dont ask your children question which cause them to feel anxious and uncomfortable.

5) Listen more than you talk. The desire to learn and know is more efficient than attempts to have a directing influence over their thinking.

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