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помогите пожалуйста срочно )

10-11 класс

Warframe07 22 апр. 2013 г., 3:43:46 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 апр. 2013 г., 6:10:29 (11 лет назад)

чем помочь? напиши а а то не кто не поймёт чем помочь

+ 0 -
22 апр. 2013 г., 7:42:00 (11 лет назад)

помогите плиз


Другие вопросы из категории


sentences using Conditionals |,||,|||

To win the game - to train hard.

To play computer game-to have time.

To make friends-to join a club.

Выберите правильные формы причастий.

The peripherals are the physical units {attaching, attached} to the computer.
It is a {calculating, calculated} machine that speeds up financial calculations.

I studied there for three years when l left college l went on with my studies and became a doctor.I always wanted to travel.I became a doctor on a

shjp,sajljng both to fhe East and to the West Indies. On May 4 1699,I sailed trom Bristol for the South Seas as a doctor of a ship named the Antelope.перевести на русский язык

Помогите с английским! Заполните пропуски, употребив прилагательные в скобках в правильной степени сравнения.

Dear Leo, I`m writing to tell you about my new house. It`s the biggest house I`ve ever lived in, but also ... (expensive). Still, it`s much ... (nice) than my last house. Although the garden is a little ... (small), the rooms are much ... (spacious) and there is much ... (little) noise. The area I live in now is .... (peaceful) place I`ve ever lived in. The neighbours are ... (quiet) here than anywere else, and they are .... (friendly) people you will ever meet. There are lots of flowers here, so it`s much ... (colourful) than my previous home, and there is a bus stop near my house, so it`s .... (convenient) than before because I don`t have to take my car to work. All in all, I can say that finding this house is ... (good) thing that`s ever happened to me! I hope you will visit me here soon.

Ex 33 Open the brackets, using the correct tense form.


I (enter) the dentist's waiting room which (be) full. Like any other waiting room, it (have) an atmosphere of its own. A small table (be covered) with very old magazines; the curtains (be) of indefinite colour and the armchairs definitely unclean. There (be) dusty pictures on the wall. I (take) my seat and (decide) to pass the time watching the people around me.
A little man beside me (turn) over the pages of a magazine quickly and nervously. It (be) hard to understand what he (look) at; from time to time he (throw) the magazine on the table and (pick up) another. Opposite me there (be) a young mother who (try) hard to quiet her son. The boy (make) aeroplane-noises as he (move) an ashtray on the floor. Near him an old man (sleep) and the boy's mother (be) afraid that sooner or later her son (wake up) him. I myself (be) sleepy. The boy (be) quiet now in his mother's arms. There (be) a deathly silence in the room and just at this moment the loud speaker (call) out the name of the next lucky person.

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Ребята помогите пожалуйста срочно

Ребята помогите пожалуйста срочно надо!!!
Write the following word combinations in the plural form using

possessive case(Напишите следующие комбинации слов во множественном

числе используя притяжательный падеж)
например:This boy/ bag- these

1)this engineer/work.......
2)my sister/clothes......
3)this woman/secret.....
4)that country economy.....

Помогите, пожалуйста, срочно!)What do you consider to be the most important profession of the 21 century and why? Что вы считаете самой важной профес

сией 21 века и почему? Пожалуйста, очень срочно надо, помогите!


ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СДЕЛАТЬ НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ЗАДАНИЕOpen the brackets.Put the verbs into the Future Indefinite.
1.I (not to go) to the Hermitage tomorrow.
2. Kate (to give) it to you this afternoon.
3.We (to have) orange juice.
4.He (not to phone) her tonight.
5. I (to help) you with it.
6. They (not to have) coffee.
7. It is hot here, I (to open) the window.
8. I (to get) a taxi.
9. It is cold here, I ( to close) the window.
10. I (not to tell ) anyone what happened.

Помогите, пожалуйста, восстановить идиому: "Неоперделенный артикль + синоним прилагательных "beautiful, cute" + кухонная утварь для чая +

предлог, означающий принадлежность + водное животное.
Получается, или a или an + wonderful, pretty + teapot + of + какое-то водное животное. Помогите пожалуйста!

Помогите пожалуйста перевести текст и как произносить его на русском языке.

Dear friends,
Welcome to Green School!
Let's read and write in English.

Let's run and jump in the forest!

go to school together!
Mr Greenwood and his pupils

Помогите пожалуйста дописать предложения в рассказе и перевести его.
1) He is an elephant.
2) His _____________ is Thomas.
3) He isn't angry.
4) He is _________________________.
5) He can _______________________________.
6) He can't ________________________________________.
7) We _____ to school together.

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