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Диалог:Комплименты ПО НАРЯДУ

10-11 класс

Chistotell 29 янв. 2015 г., 0:10:11 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 янв. 2015 г., 2:58:54 (9 лет назад)

-Добрый вечер
-Красивое платье
-Спасибо,а у вас хороший пиджак
Ставь спасибо буду рад)


Другие вопросы из категории

2Б. Перепишите предложения, поставив глагол, стоящий в скобках в соответствующую видовременную форму: a) The marketing management (to decide)

that the funds (to spend) better on a new product.

b) Products (to plan) to serve markets.

c) Marketing strategies (should, to develop) for markets.


РУССКИЙ!1.a,this,song,is,good.2.is,an,book,this,English.3.dad,is,your,where?.4.your,job,is,what,mother s?.5.at,he,is,good,school.6.big,not,flat,is,the,very.7.our,there,in,is.a,flat,living room.8.in,there,two,are,beds,your,bedroom?.9.sweater,is,green,my.10.help,I,you,must?.11.play,tennis,who,must?.12.can,she,look,me,at.

как будет по англиски 54
!the history of the london police! Today there are policemen everywhere but in 1700 London had no

policemen at all. A few old men used to protect the city streets at night
and they were not paid very much.
About three hundred years ago London was starting to get bigger.
The city was very dirty and many people were poor. There were so many
thieves who stole money in the streets that people stayed in their homes
as much as possible.
In 1750 Henry Fielding started to pay a group of people to stop
thieves. They were like policemen and were called ‘Bow Street Run‑
ners’ because they were working near Bow street.
Fifty years later there were 120 Bow Runners but London had be‑
come very big and needed more policemen. So, in 1829 the first metro‑
politan (or London) Police Force was started with 3000 officers.
Most of them were working on foot but a few rode horses. Until
1920 all the police in London were men.
Today London police are quite well paid and for the few police of‑
ficers who still ride horses the pay is even better than for the others.
1) in 1700 the men who protected the streets were paid? a) a lot. b) a little c) nothing
2) 300 years ago, many people a) came to live in london b)wanted to leave london c) had big houses in london
3)people did not leave their houses because a) the city was not clean b)they had no maney c)they were afraid
4)the bow steet runners a)stole maney b)stopped people stealing c)paid people to steal
5)in 1800, there were a)enough policemen b)not enough c) too many policemen
6)of the first 3 000 metropolitan policemen a)all of them rode horses b)some of them rode horses c)most of them rode horses
7)today, police officers who work with horses are paid a) more than their colleagues b)the same as their colleagues c)half as much as their colleages

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составьте диалог по данной проблеме. Помогите пожалуйста!!)Готова дать больше баллов, если вы решитесь взяться за работу))) нужно составить

диалог в виде интервью. У владельца спрашивают, как он собирается бороться с проблемой, владелец отвечает и т.п.

Желательно не менее 5 вопросов с ответами

Goldcorp is a company that mines gold in Canada. The company owns the Red Lake mine, which is not productive.

In 50 years of production, only 3 million ounces have been extracted and the quality of this gold is low grade. The mine's costs are high and the company is losing money fast. Rob McEwen, the CEO, believes there is more gold on the site. Other mines in the area have produced high quality gold: one mine has produced more than 10 million ounces. Perhaps this source of gold also runs into the Red Lake site. If the company could make a new discovery, all their problems would be solved! But exploration is slow. The small team of geologists workin the problem has a lot of work to do to analyse all the data, and the lies at more than1,000 metresbelow the ground, so testing is expensive. What could the company do?

НУжен диалог на английском:))) ( до 12 фраз, по 6 от каждого, примерно так)) )Вы находитесь в театре, но ваши места в заднем ряду вы хотите изменить

их. напишите диалог об этом. you are at the theatre but your seats are in the back row you want to change them. act out your dialogue.

I . Выберите слово, близкое по значению данному.


1. tall a) high, b) low, c) wide,

1a. tall – high

1) type; a) level, b) kind, c) course;

2) education; a) admission, b) science, c) training;

3) undergraduate ;a) student, b) majority, c) postgraduate;

4) applied; a) available, b) provided, c) practical;

5) previous; a) main, b) higher, c) early;

6) vocational; a) general, b) professional, c) academic;

7) to apply; a) to ask, b) to enter, c) to include;

8) to require; a) to offer, b) to undertake, c) to need;

9) to finance; a) to shorten, b) to subsidize, c) to classify;

10) to complete. a) to finish, b) to award, c) to pay.

II . Выберите слово, противоположное по значению данному.


1. light a) easy, b) late, c) dark,

1c. light – dark

1) early; a) late, b) normally, c) dentistry;

2) before; a) still, b) over, c) after;

3) typical; a) theoretical, b) usual, c) social;

4) state (adj.); a) living, b) private, c) sphere;

5) similar; a) prior, b) same, c) different;

6) ancient; a) modern, b) on-line, c) inclined;

7) practice. a) length, b) century, c) theory.

III. В каждом ряду найдите слово, выпадающее из данной тематической группы.


1. a) spring, b) summer, c) dinner, d) winter

1c. dinner

1. a) college, b) teaching, c) school, d) university;

2. a) Doctor, b) Master, c) Cambridge, d) Bachelor;

3. a) grant, b) government, c) loan, d) subsidy;

4. a) to provide, b) to found, c) to create, d) to charter.

IV. Выберите английское словосочетание, соответствующее русскому варианту.


1. идти домой а ) to go home, b) to go to school

1a. идти домой – to go home

1) аспирант ;

2) присвоить степень ;

3) плата за обучение ;

4) происходить ;

5) профессиональное высшее образование .

a) undergraduate student;

b) postgraduate student ;

a) to take a degree;

b) to award a degree;

a) tuition fees;

b) teaching fees;

a) to take part;

b) to take place;

a) vocational higher education;

b) general higher education.

V. Из данных слов выберите то, которое закончит предложение.


1. When a child is seven, he goes to … .

1. When a child is seven, he goes to school.

a degree;

an undergraduate;


a loan;

a grant;



1. I made five … for jobs but didn’t get one.

2. Thanks to past scientific … , it is now possible to send people to the moon.

3. That money is … , not a gift. Return it.

4. A university student working for a bachelor’s degree is called … .

5. Instruction, especially that received in a small group or individually is called … .

6. An academic title; rank or grade given by a university to a person who has passed examinations is … .

7. A sum of money provided by a government, local authority, or public fund to finance educational study, building repairs, etc is … .


VI . По выделенному суффиксу определите часть речи.

Example :

1. constitution a ) прилагательное, б) существительное

1б. constitution – существительное

1) previous ; a ) существительное; б) прилагательное;

2) subsidize ; a ) глагол; б) прилагательное;

3) mainly ; a ) прилагательное, б) наречие;

4) distance ; a ) существительное; б) прилагательное;

5) application . a ) глагол, б) существительное.

VII . По выделенным словообразовательным суффиксам определите, какое из английских слов соответствует предъявленному русскому слову.


1. teacher a) учитель , б ) учить

1 а . teacher – учитель

1) ancient ; a ) древний, б) древность;

2) category ; a ) категорический, б) категория;

3) available ; a ) доступный, б) доступность;

4) government ; a ) правительственный, б) правительство;

5) general. a) общий , б ) обобщать .

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