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10-11 класс

1. Не entered the Aviation Institute last year. 2. My sister stud­ies at the university. 3. The third-year students will have industrial training next summer.

Лерка2010 06 дек. 2013 г., 11:48:29 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 дек. 2013 г., 14:28:23 (10 лет назад)

Who entered the Aviation Institute last year?
Did he enter the Aviation Institute last year?
What Institute did he enter last year?
What did he do last year?
When did he enter the Aviation Institute?

Who studies at the University?
Whose sister studies at the University?
Does your sister study at the University?
What does your sister do at the University?
Where does your sister study?

Who will have industrial training next summer?
What students will have industrial training next summer?
What will the third-year students have next summer?
What will the third-year students do next summer?
When will the third-year students have industrial training?
What training will the third-year students have?


Другие вопросы из категории

вставь is,are.

This a computer.
Those desks.
These lamps.
That a chair.
It Dan's rocking horse.
They Lida's toys.

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1. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

I have…color TV-set…TV-set is
on…little table…table is in…corner of my room. There is…cup of coffee on…table.
Do you like…black coffee or…white coffee?
2. Напишите следующие предложения во множественном числе.
There is green leaf on the tree.
There is new book.
There rose is white and that rose is red.
He has a nice new car.
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II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому члену предложения.

A driver was going in his car at a great speed through the country road.

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