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My holiday проект по англыйськый мовы

1-4 класс

Deivid96 16 марта 2014 г., 21:26:28 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
17 марта 2014 г., 0:26:05 (10 лет назад)

Holidays are always welcome. Who can deny that?...
Many great holidays and anniversaries are celebrated in our country. On the 1st of May there is May Day — the holiday of spring and labour. On the 8th of March there is Women's Day — the holiday of all women and girls. We celebrate Day of Independence of Russia on the 12th June and Day of Russian Constitution on the 12th of December. Now people celebrate some religious holidays such as Christmas and Easter. But my favourite holiday is New Year's Day, of course. It is a really wonderful holiday. People get ready for this holiday long before it. They buy New Year trees and decorate them. Every year a fairy-tale comes to every house and every family on New Year's Eve. Children and even grown-ups wait for this day because they believe that all their wishes and desires come true and different wonderful miracles happen on that day...
On New Year' s Eve people get together to see “the old year out and the new year in”. They eat tasty food, drink champagne, dance and have a good time together. They wish each other happiness and good luck in the new year and put the presents under the New Year tree. Children like this holiday very much. They wait for New Year presents, which, they believe, Father Frost bring to them. Everybody is merry on that day and wishes the next year to be good and happy and all one's troubles and disappointments to remain in the past...


Другие вопросы из категории

As group find about New Year celebrations in these countries.Answer these questions| 1.Is New Year an important holiday?Why is it important


2.How do the people in each country celebrate it (fireworks,processions)?

3.When do they celebrate it (dates,summer/winter)?

Помогите написать про то как отмечают Новый Год в Великобритании,России,США,Испании,Бразилии,Испании и в Италии по этому плану.

Вставить правильные глаголы : go, be, wear, play. 1). Last year we -------to Ireland.2).The welcome there ---------wonderful.3).The year before we

---------to Wales.4).In Scotland we all --------------our kilts.5). And bagpipes --------------all day.6).Perhaps -------------my favourite place

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напиши недостающие слова.

one many
помогите очень надо!!

прочитай эти слова в транскрипции запиши их буквами

[wet][hen][dзaem]dзvg][siks][best][wel][fvni]буква vперевернутая

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Выполнить проект по плану.

My future Holidays.
Plan yuor future holidays.
1..What are you doing on your future holidays?
2.. What are yuo going to do?
3..What do you think you will do on your future holidays?
.Illustrate your future activities with the pictures.

Выбери и вставь десять нужных слов в текст письма Кристофера Робина Винни Пуху. I Like my holidays, i at 9 a. m. and my face and ears. I don"t

forget about my . I have many friends here (здесь) . After breakfast we ski, skate and in the park. We watch TV a day. In the evening my friends and i listen to new and letters. Sometimes we play Winnie, i miss you (скучаю по тебе). Come and see mt, .

Выбери и вставь десять нужных слов в текст письма Кристофера Робина Винни Пуху. I Like my holidays, i at 9 a. m. and my face and ears. I don"t

forget about my . I have many friends here (здесь) . After breakfast we ski, skate and in the park. We watch TV a day. In the evening my friends and i listen to new and letters. Sometimes we play Winnie, i miss you (скучаю по тебе). Come and see mt, .

Помогите раскрыть скобки. I (to spend) my holidays in the country last summer. My father (to read) newspapers every day. The boys (to play) tennis

in the yard next Sunday. I (to write) a letter now. My mother (to cook) dinner every day. Look! The baby (to sleep). Children (to watch) TV yesterday. We (to visit) our friends tomorrow. Listen! The children (to sing) a beautiful song. Nick (to have) five lessons every day. They (to build) a new house by next summer. The Browns (to live) in London for twenty years. I (to swim) in the sea for two hours before the storm began. At twelve o clock tomorrow I (to read) my English book.

Write a letter to liza about your autumn holidays.

Dear Liza,
I dont think I will do a lot on my holidays.
I think I ____________________________.
I"d like to______, but I also should_______.
I hope I_____________________________.
I cant wait to______because___________.
From Russia with Love,
даю 50 балов честно клинусь

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