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Complete the dialogues.Use the words:some or any.Act out the dialogues.//Mum:Mag,what would you like for breakfast?/Mag:...cornflakes with milk./Mum:I

1-4 класс

am sorry,there isn't...milk today.I hope you'll go and buy... ./Mag:Of course,Mum.But now I'd like a toast,...jam and a cup of tea./Mrs Wilson:Jason,is there...jam in the jar?/Jason:I am afraid not,Granny.But there is...porridge on the plate./Father:Is there...coffee?/Mother:No,there isn't...coffee.There is...tea./Father:Then give me...tea,please. Заранее спасибо.

111234 13 июля 2013 г., 13:58:29 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 июля 2013 г., 16:38:11 (10 лет назад)

Mum:Mag,what would you like for breakfast?

Mag: SOME cornflakes with milk.

Mum:I am sorry,there isn't ANY milk today.I hope you'll go and buy SOME.

Mag:Of course,Mum.But now I'd like a toast, SOME jam and a cup of tea.


Mrs Wilson:Jason,is there ANY jam in the jar?

Jason:I am afraid not,Granny.But there is SOME porridge on the plate.


Father:Is there ANY coffee?

Mother:No,there isn't ANY coffee.There is SOME tea.

Father:Then give me SOME tea,please.


Читайте также

Mum:Mag,what would you like for breakfast? Mag: SOME cornflakes with milk. Mum:I am sorry,there isn't ANY milk today.I hope you'll go and

buy SOME.

Mag:Of course,Mum.But now I'd like a toast, SOME jam and a cup of tea.

Mrs Wilson:Jason,is there ANY jam in the jar?

Jason:I am afraid not,Granny.But there is SOME porridge on the plate.

Father:Is there ANY coffee?

Mother:No,there isn't ANY coffee.There is SOME tea.

Father:Then give me SOME tea. ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ПЛИЗЗЗЗ!

Complete the sentences.Remember that some verds are used only in Present Simple,even if they mean"now,at the moment".

Example:What...you...for your birthday?(want)-What do you want for your birthday?
1.What'sthe name of the square?-I... not...(know)
2.What do you think of this computer game?-Oh,I...it.It's really catching(like)
3.Are you busy?-I...some help.(need)
4.Look!What a nice spider!-Phew,I...spiders.I don't think they are nice.(hate)
5.He...cold and frosty weather(love)
6.My friend...two nice puppies.(have)

Прошу о помощи с домашкой... английский, 3 класс:

Сomplete the dialogue by using the words from the box.
• thirsty, the salt, terrible, I wonder, matter, Yes, please, hungry, puss me, to have, I'd love to, Thanks •

Mum: Dan, you look _________! What's the _________ with you? Have you got a headache?
Dan: No, thanks. I'm just very _________
Mum: Would you like _________ some soup?
Dan: _________ !
Mum: Here it is!
Dan: ________ . The soup isn't salty.
Mum: Here you are.
Dan: _________________
Mum: Will you have some meatballs?
Dan: _________________
Mum: What would you like for a drink, _________ ?
Dan: Oh, everything! Juice and coffee. I'm __________ .
Mum: You really are!

Заполни пропуски словами : some any no.1 There is.....juise in the glass.2 Would you like..... orange juice?.....No,thank you.I don,t want......3 Are there

.....people on the farm? 4 They have.....money at home. 5 Would you like......tea? 6 There were .....letters in the letter-box.


1) ... glass of ... orange juice, please.
2) When I came into the room, there was ... big read apple, ... orange and ... apricot on the plate.
3) Would you like ... apple juice? -Yes, please.
4) The lady always has ... chocolate cakes and ... cup of ... tea in the late afternoon.
5) Could you buy ... milk and two strawberry yoghurts for Alice?
6) In the magazine, you can find ... easy salad recipe, which you can try at home!

Вы находитесь на странице вопроса "Complete the dialogues.Use the words:some or any.Act out the dialogues.//Mum:Mag,what would you like for breakfast?/Mag:...cornflakes with milk./Mum:I", категории "английский язык". Данный вопрос относится к разделу "1-4" классов. Здесь вы сможете получить ответ, а также обсудить вопрос с посетителями сайта. Автоматический умный поиск поможет найти похожие вопросы в категории "английский язык". Если ваш вопрос отличается или ответы не подходят, вы можете задать новый вопрос, воспользовавшись кнопкой в верхней части сайта.