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ПРОВЕРТЬЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СОЧИНЕНИЕ, there are some ways of English. I think that a good way to study English on the Internet. It is an available way for all pe

10-11 класс

pluses in that you can study English on the Internet when you want. You can choose time. On the Internet there can be more detailed material. also you shouldn't leave the house. one more plus that you won't spend money. Now each person can allow himself it.
Minuses of studying of English on the Internet, it is laziness. It is sometimes very difficult to sit down most at the Internet and to start studying English. You can use helps. if you have no progress, you can give up English studying on the Internet.
Presently English needs to be known all. Many professions demand knowledge of English. Studying of English is a hard work. Many efforts are necessary that, to study it. English language is an international language. His knowledge can help you with rest abroad. I think that English studying on the Internet, more popular way. After studying, you will be able to watch movies in English, to listen to music. the most important you will be able to communicate with foreigners, to study their culture. I very much like English, I completely would like to seize it. 15:09:39

равел 07 нояб. 2014 г., 5:54:25 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 нояб. 2014 г., 6:54:00 (9 лет назад)

A good way -IS- to study English ...
The plus - IS- on the Internet ...
Also you - MAY NOT-
One more plus -IS- that you - DON'T- spend money on that.now each person can alow it to himself

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Переведите пожалуйста текст, БЕЗ переводчика:

Я хотела бы рассказать немного о
своей семье. Мои родители очень добрые и заботливые люди. Папа и мама работают
в энергетике. Также у меня есть младший брат, которого я очень люблю.

Еще у меня есть бабушка и дед. Бабушка
занимается домашними делами, а дед работает в автобусном парке.

Читайте также

Поставь предложения в отрицательную форму.Пример there are some sandwiches in my lunch box-There arent any sandwiches in my lunch box

1.There are some children in the room
2.There is a coffee table in front of the armchair
3.There is a cupboard next to the fridge
4.There are some women in the room
5.There are some books on the shelves
6.There is a tree behind the house

Проверьте пожалуйста сочинение "For and Against doing sport"

Меня волнует грамматика

Sport is one of the essential parts of a person's life. It helps us to not only gain
good health but gives our lives interest, enthusiasm and excitement.
Nevertheless, there are people who think that sport is harmful.

In my opinion, sport is good for the body because it makes you burn calories and
makes you increase your muscle mass to have a good body. Besides it helps to
person to make more organized and better disciplined, if he plays in a team
sport. Finally, it has psychological benefits by reducing stress.

However, there are some drawbacks of doing sports. Heavy workouts can be dangerous and
even lead to serious diseases, because it takes a lot of energy and could be
exhausting. Although it is very beneficial to do exercise regularly, abuse has
its downside because as a result you may get injuries or cardiovascular

What is more, easy workouts bring a lot of benefits to health and they are very useful.
Besides, if you do sport with your friends it gives you more fun and pleasure.

To sum up, sport is a must if you want to keep yourself healthy. But it has to be said
that some physical activities may be even dangerous. That's why sports must be
done with carefulness and without too many efforts, which lead to diseases.

Проверьте, правильно ли, если есть ошибки - исправьте. There are different kinds of weather: sunny, rainy, snowy, windy. My favorite

weather - warm and sunny, when the breeze sways the branches of trees. In the summer it is often heatwave and after that it is usually downpour and I like it. Also I like photographing bolts of lightning. After the shower there is clean, fresh air and scorching sun ceases to torment people.

I do not like winter and snowy weather, because it's cold. Often there are storms, blizzards, gales which I hate. The sky is overcast and sun rays can get through the clouds very rarely. The nastiest weather –it is sleet. Shoes, clothes become wet and at this time it is very easy to get sick.

Поставьте вопросы к следующим предложением: 1.There are some new pupils in our group. 2. There is no book on the table. 3. There were many old houses in

our street. 4. There are 4 seasons in a year. 5. There will be a conference next week. 6. There are many large cities in our country. 7. There was nobody in the room. 8. There are 7 days in a week. 9. There is something on the shelf. 10. There are many places of interest in London. 11. There are many beautiful flowers in our garden. 12. There was much work last week.

Correct the mistakes. 1. This pets are funny. 2. She have a family. 3. What does we do in the shop? 4. There are some salt in the soup. 5. The stones fall

to the water. 6. There are two dozens roses in the box. 7. Those tulip is very nice. 8. There is some horse in the yard. 9. How much photos have you? 10. The one of September is the Day of Knowledge. 11. We go into Moscow every year. 12. When are you study English? 13. I prefer this song for that one. 14. Does you like to play chess? 15. Ann and Kate swims in the lake. 16. I see a few snow on the ground. 17. I want to give you these cake. 18. Are she live there? 19. Why you show your dress before party? 20. We have no a cat. 21. You are tired, don’t you? 22. Is there some broken glass on the floor? 23. You read texts every day? 24. Has his parents a flat or a house? 25. Give me a milk, please. 26. There is not the lamp on a wall. 27. Who plant all trees in the garden? – We do. 28. Translate the Russian words on English, please. 29. There are a little chairs in the room. 30. Who are there at the door? – We are. 31. How many homework must you do now? 32. They was at the club yesterday. 33. What does fly in the room? – A bee does.

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