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Помогите ребят пожалуйста!!!очень срочно!!! Camplete the sentences. 1)If it does not stop raining... . 2)If you had taken my advice ... . 3)I would find th

10-11 класс

is shop Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. 1)Mother said to Mary:"Don't forget to take umbrella.It is going to rain" 2)Victor said to me :"Did you answer all the questions?" 3)Ted said :"What do you want for dessert,Kate?"

Tonia2 10 мая 2013 г., 5:29:36 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 мая 2013 г., 7:06:49 (11 лет назад)

2. reported speech
1 mother told Mary not to forget to take umbrella. It was going to rain.
2 Victor asked me if i asked all the questions?
3 ted asked kate what they wanted fodessert


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите грамотно перевести текст на английский, не просто вбить в

онлайн переводчик. Даю 100 баллов!
Животных не могут общаться с человеком. Потому что человеческая речь - сложный процесс и они не способны её воспроизвести.
Использовать слова значит использовать разные символы, чтобы вступить в контакт с другим челове­ком. Для этого нужен разум.
Поэтому они не могут раз­говаривать так, как это делает человек.

English is the Language of Communication

"Do you speak English?" — with this phrase begins the conversation between two people, that speak different languages and want to find a common language.
It's very good when you hear: "Yes, I do", and start talking. People of different countries arid nations have to get along well with the progress in world trade and technology as well as with each other.
So it is very useful to learn foreign languages. Knowledgeof foreign languages helps us to develop friendship and understanding among people.
English is very popular now. It's the language of computers, science, business, sport and politics. It's spoken all over the world. It is the official language of the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United States of America, Canada, Australia. There are more than 750 million speakers of English in the world.
Speaking a foreign language you can x'ead papers, magazines and original books by great writers, watch satellite TV Programs. If you like travelling you can go anywhere without being afraid that other people will not understand you. English is very important to find a good job.


"I met him last year."

Что выбрать помогите пожалуйста!!! 1)There are two desks next to / in / on the window/

2)There is no pantry on / in / at his flat.

3)There is a nice carpet at / on / in the floor

4)I share a large room of / from / with my brother.

5)There are many intere sting books at / on / in the shelf.

Читайте также

Помогите плиззз это очень срочно через час нужно сдать!!!!!заранее спасибо 1 Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative from of

the adjective in blackets.

1 )this restourant is _____(cheap) than the other one in this street.The food is realy good.Ithink it*s the____(delicious) food in town.

2)who is the____(popular)sction in your country?

3)Michael is a good player,But Peter is the ____(talanted) player in the team.

4)Could you tell me the _____(quick)way to get to London from here?

5)Eva is generous,but Laura is even_____(generous)than her.

6)I*ve never been_____(happy).This is the___(happy) day of my life.

2 Complate the sentences.Use as...as and a word from the box


1)I don*t think a hippopotamus can run____a lion.

2)today is warm?but isn*t not____yesterday.

3)i*m early.The journey didn*t take____I expected.

4)the children are asleep,so i*ll be____i can.

5)i got an A.The exam wasn*t____Iexpected.

6)the Alps aren*t______the Himalayas.

7)My curry isn*t_____yours.

8)I didn*t expect the film to be_____it was.

Помогите пожалуйста, очень срочно.

Put questions to the underlined parts of the sentences:
1. The consignment was shipped yesterday.
2. English is spoken in many countries.
3. This important information is gathered and analyzed by economists.
4. The Gross Domestic Product will be measured in terms of current prices.
5. Used goods are not included in the GDP because they add nothing to the nation's wealth.
6. Mr. Brown was appointed the head of sales department.
7. This order will he fulfilled in time.
8. This process is called manufacturing.

Make these sentences passive. Only use by if it is neecssury to say who did the action.
1. Karl Marx wrote Das Kapital.
2. They are repairing your car now.
3. Steve Jobs founded Apple Computers.
4. The board will dIscuss the proposal.
5. Did anyone inform Mrs Wilson
6. They make Renault cars in Slovenia.
7. They have transferred him to the New York office.
8. The princess opened the new conference center.
9. They had made a full investigation by the 1st of June.

Помогите пожалуиста нужно очень срочно Insert the definite or indefinite article where necessary: 1. There are three… theatres and… opera-house in my

home town. 2. I generally take the bus when I get about… town. 3. .. bus lines in our city connect … centre with suburbs. 4. Wen I go to… institute I most often use… second bus line. 5. Is there… good library in your home town? 6… chief adornment of …city is … opera-house. 7. My… friends live in Odessa in… Lenin Street. There is… trolley bus running along …street. …Lenin Street crosses… main street… of city,… Deribasovskaya Street. 8…. name of… river that flows through… Leningrad is… Neva. It is… beautiful river with …granite embankment and …five bridges… parks and… squares of… Leningrad are really picturesque… population of… city plant… flowers in… squares. 9. Moscow is the capital of… USSR. It is… large cultural centre of our… country. You can find many… institutes, …mills and …factories there …University is …multistoried building with… lecture halls,… libraries,… laboratories and… rooms for… students. 10... tram No.4 will take you to… Central Post Office. 11. He usually goes to his home town by … air.

Пожалуйста,очень срочно!!!

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in italics
EXAMPLE:We HAVE french classes twice a week.
1)Don't call the office at one o'clock.We ________(have)a meeting.
2)You're so lucky!You________(have)three holidays already yhis year.
3)I'm a designer,but I________(work) in the sales department at the moment.
4)She_________(work) in London when I last saw her.
5)He_________(work) for three different companies since last year.
6)Before she emigrated last year,she____never_________(travel) abroad.
7)People__________(travel) to the moon in the 25th century.
8)I____________5.000 miles by the end of this month.

помогите пожалуйста(( conditionals(1,2 type) complete the sentences. 1If children (watch) violent television programmes, they will become violent. 2.

YOung children would learn to speak better if they (wach) less television. 3. If you dont get nervous before the exam, you (not have) any problems. 4.If you (be) rude to your sister, she wont help you. 5. If Marha Josi (give up) smoking, shed feel better. 6. If it (rain) this weekend, what will you do? 7. If he is still ill tomorrow, he (not play) in the match. 8. If it is not tomorrow, what (you/do)? 9. If you (you win) the lottery, what would you do? 10. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where (you/go)?

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