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вставить вместо пропусков необходимые артикли:an?a? the. It is well when... healthy mind is in... healthy body.

10-11 класс

Yuro4ka 18 февр. 2015 г., 14:53:16 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 февр. 2015 г., 16:29:47 (9 лет назад)

Скорее всего : "It is well when a healthy mind is in a healthy body"

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24 окт. 2018 г., 16:43:19 (5 лет назад)

my favorite subject at school was... biology


Другие вопросы из категории


E. Перепишите предложения, поставив глаголы в скобках в форму
пассивного залога.


Ребят помогите пожалуйста!!!

Составить предложения, используя глаголы в скобках.
Model. He is able to play chess (can) – He can play chess.
1. It isn’t necessary to pay the bill now (need).
2. We advise him to find a better job (ought).
3. I’m not sure he is our director (can’t).
4. You are not allowed to participate in this conference (may).
5. It is quite possible that the team will get the first price (might).
6. He has to sign this important document at once (must).
7. Do you want me to help you in your study (may).
8. They were not able to translate texts without a dictionary (could).
9. I advise you not to interfere in his business (should).
10. He is able to work with computer hardware (can).

Задание 4 а и в пожалуйста

Читайте также

I. Вставьте вместо пропусков глагол to be в нужной форме. Переведите предложения.

1. Nick ... a nice man.
2. Ann and Mary ... university students.
3. We ... not journalists.
4. I ... ten years old. How old ... you?
5. ... you in the kitchen or in the living-room?
II. Вставьте вместо пропусков глагол to have в нужной форме.
1. My brother ... a new car.
2. She ... some friends.
3. They ... a two-room flat.
4. How many English books ... you?
5. ... you friend any English books?
III. Вставьте соответствующие личные местоимения в объектном падеже.
1. Close your books and put ... on my desk.
2. Is it your school? Show it to ....
3. He is coming. Open the door for ....
4. Give ... some flowers. She likes them.
5. My phone number is 5543. Say ... to Nick.
IV. Выразите принадлежность одного предмета/лица другому, употребив притяжательные местоимения my, her, his, our, your, their.
1. (You) house isn`t high and modern.
2. (He) coat is black.
3. (She) dog is small and funny.
4. (I) teacher of Maths is a very clever man.
5. (We) hometask is very difficult.
V. Напишите следующие предложения во множественном числе.
1. This is a large room and that is a small room.
2. Her dress is beautiful.
3. The woman is young but the man is old.
4. She has a little child.
5. The text is English.
VI. Употребите притяжательный падеж вместо словосочетания с предлогом of.
1. The father of Jane.
2. The books of the school children.
3. The names of his cousins.
4. The brother of this boy.
5. The parents of John.

Вставьте вместо пропусков необходимый глагол ( to be, to

have), или их формы. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1) I ... glad to see you. 2) ... you hungry? 3) We ... two children.

4) This ... a new house. 5) I ... a two room flat in the house. 6) It ... snow-

ing hard. 7) She ... not much work to do.

задайте пожалуйста к этому тексту все возможные вопросы!!! как можно больше) I'm an actor,but it is difficult to find work and the money is quite bad. I wa

nt to be a film star. I do not have any acting work. I do office work. I am working in an office in the centre. the people are very nice and the money is good.

Помогите с английским1) a)off b)away c)by d)back

2) a)asking b)demanding c)requesting d)appearing
3) a)brings b)goes c)arrives d )drivers
4) a)placed b)settled c)located d)put
5)effect b)result c)outcome d)conclision
6) a)return b)reserve c)repeat d)reverse
7)a)moment b)period c)time d)intant

A Great Mother.
Janet Ferguson is a working mother. She loves her two children with all her heart, but sometimes she thinks how wonderful it would be to get 1)...........and be on her own for a little while.

Janet's mornings are incredibly busy. She gets up at the crack of dawn, so she can get herself ready before her two children wake up, hungry and 2)...........for breakfast, which, of course, she has to prepare. Once everyone is washed, dressed and fed, Janet 3)...........her son and daughter to school.

Jane, the youngest, goes to a kindergarten which is 4)...........about twenty minutes from the city centre. Tom's school is right in the middle of London, which means that on many mornings Janet has to deal with heavy traffic to get him there. As a(n) 5)........... , she is often late for her job as an accountant at a large department store. Janet works hard for eight hours, and then turns around and does everything in 6)............She picks up the children, takes them home, feeds them and then makes sure they are in bed at a normal time. By this 7)........... every night, Janet is totally exhausted. It is only when she goes in to kiss Tom and Jane goodnight that she realises that all the work that she did that day was worth it because she has two such great people in her life.

Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо. 1) He took … deep breath and said, “ I have … confession to make “. 2) “ You are … very best, and …

apple of my eye. I do not want you to get into …mess.” 3) … summary is …shortened version of … passage, in your own words. 4) … Dean need not finish … work if he is in … hurry. … report can wait. 5) … dress is … dream! It fits you like … glove! Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо.

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