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Очень нужна помощ.Английский. Ex. 2 Complete the dialogue between Danny (D) and his French friend, Simone (S) with the correct form of going to or would

10-11 класс

like and the verbs in brackets. D: Hi, Simone! I passed all my exams! S: That's fantastic! So, what are your plans? What (1) ____ (do) now? D: Well, I've got a place at university next year. I (2) ____ (not go) this year because I (3) ____ (take) a gap year first. S: Oh really? What (4) ____ (do)? D: Well, I'm not sure. I think I (5) ______ (go) to France for a few months because I (6) _____ (study) French at university, as you know. S: Sounds great. D: But I haven't got much money, so I (7) _____ (find) a job in France. Maybe you could help me, Simone? S: Sure. What (8) ____ (do) here? Have you got any ideas? D: Well, I'm not sure. I (9) ____ (work) in a bar or a shop to practise my French. S: Great. I got a job last week, I (10) _____ (work) in a friend's shop for the summer. I'll ask if there's a job for you too. D: That's fantastic, Simone. S: I'll phone you next week. Bye for now. D: Bye!

Tatis 05 янв. 2014 г., 5:08:50 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 янв. 2014 г., 6:34:40 (10 лет назад)

1. ...are you going to do..

2. ...am not going to go...

3. ...would like to take...

4. ...are you going to do...

5. ...would like to go...

6. ...am going to study...

7. ...going to find...

8. ...would you like to do...

9. ...would like to work...

10. ...am going to work...


Другие вопросы из категории

Переводите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

"Don't sit up late", said the doctor to Mary. Our teacher said, "Thackeray's novels are very interesting". Kate said, "Mike, do you like my puppy?" "My nephew is very capable young man", said the woman. "I want to know how your cousin likes working at this hospital", said Vera to Mike.

В2. Match to make sentences(there is one letter you don’t need) I think _____ A for his glasses. Have you seen

them? I’m thinking _______ B not old enough to drive a car 3. Phil’s looking______ CI’m going to buy the new Racetrack CD.

D of getting Dad a CD for his birthday.

Зроби речення питальними

It's frosty in winter.
They were at home on Sunday.
She was at home on Saturday

Complete the sentences, using a

comparative form. Translate the sentences.

Читайте также

Ex.2 Give the correct form of the verb in brackets.

I (to be tired) already. I feel I’ll die!

A) Am tired

B) Will

C) Has tired

D) Will be

E) Was
Ex.3. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets.

B Complete using the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1 Where (you / go) when I saw you on the bus last night?
2 (you / enjoy) the film?
3 When we shared a room, Zoé (always/take) my things. It was so annoying!
4 When l went to get the tickets, I realised I (not/ have) any money.
5 When I was young, we (go) to France every year on holiday.
6 Elvis (become) famous for the song Blue Suede Shoes.
7 When you rang last night,l (work) in the garden so l didn't hear the phone.
8 I (hear) from Davina last night. She says hello.
9 The old man (appear) to be very tired and he slowly sat down.
10 We (throw) a surprise party for my brother last Saturday.

Circle the correct form of the verb in each sentence.

Example I’m not liking/ I don’t like tennis very much.
1 We have/We’re having a house near the beach.
2 Do you know/Are you knowing what’s happening?
3 I used to love basketball but I think I’m preferring/ I prefer volleyball now.
4 I don’t enjoy/I’m not enjoying cooking very much.
5 They paid for the car so it is belonging/it belongs to them now.
6 He’s thinking/He thinks that school is boring.
7 Do you see/Are you seeing my problem?
8 She thinks/She’s thinking of going to university.
9 I’m feeling tired so I think I’m deserving/I deserve a holiday.
10 Those clothes are looking/look great on you!

FIll in the gaps with the correct forms of the words from list

WORDS : Help,confidence,history,enthusiasm,imagine,determine,peace,danger
1.He always has new exciting ideas. He is the most _______ person i know.
2.Go to the Tourist centre if you need useful advice or information. They are very _____ and friendly.
3.I was starting to feel more _________ about the exam. I was sure I could pass it.
4.The cathedral is the main _________ monument in the region. It dates back to the 12th century.
5.Air pollution has reached ________ levels in some cities.
6.We all are ________ about the idea of going to Vladimir on holidays. We think it will be very exciting.
7. I am _______ to learn French and I am going to work hard on it.
8.It is a very quiet and ______ hotel, a good place for those who want to relax.

Помогите плиззз это очень срочно через час нужно сдать!!!!!заранее спасибо 1 Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative from of

the adjective in blackets.

1 )this restourant is _____(cheap) than the other one in this street.The food is realy good.Ithink it*s the____(delicious) food in town.

2)who is the____(popular)sction in your country?

3)Michael is a good player,But Peter is the ____(talanted) player in the team.

4)Could you tell me the _____(quick)way to get to London from here?

5)Eva is generous,but Laura is even_____(generous)than her.

6)I*ve never been_____(happy).This is the___(happy) day of my life.

2 Complate the sentences.Use as...as and a word from the box


1)I don*t think a hippopotamus can run____a lion.

2)today is warm?but isn*t not____yesterday.

3)i*m early.The journey didn*t take____I expected.

4)the children are asleep,so i*ll be____i can.

5)i got an A.The exam wasn*t____Iexpected.

6)the Alps aren*t______the Himalayas.

7)My curry isn*t_____yours.

8)I didn*t expect the film to be_____it was.

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