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Make up sentences according to the example.

10-11 класс

Example: time/ he/ come back/ - It's time for him to come back.
1. hight time/ we/ say goodbye to everubody; 2. time/ the child/ go to bed; 3. time/ she/ put up with his behavior; 4. hight time/ they/ develop a new model; 5. about time/ we/ leave the house; 6. hight time/ he/ speak English fluently; 7. time/ she/ choose a profession; 8. hight time/ we/ buy a new TV set; 9. hight time/ he/ ring me up.

Nastyarozanova 23 дек. 2014 г., 1:52:39 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 дек. 2014 г., 3:55:45 (9 лет назад)

1. it’s high time for us to say goodbye to everybody;  
2. It’s  time for the children to go to bed;


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Помогите написать полноценное сочинение,пожалуйста!!!с проблемой,комментарием,аргументами за и против и выводом. Благодарю заранее!! Тема:some scholars

argue that half of the world,s languages will be lost before 2100. With this in mind,consider the idea that fewer languages might lead to better communication among people. Use the words:endangered,to vanish,extinct,to retain identity,a world language,devastating


Exercise 3. Use Future Simple - Active or Passive:
1. The odor of necrosis (to detect) usually even before the pulp chamber is opened because dentin becomes saturated with by-products of protein denaturation.
2. If caries is not managed preventively, the restorative treatment (to doom) to a cycle of disease, repair, new disease and further repair, and before too long, extraction.
3. Undermined enamel is brittle and in due course (to fracture) if subjected to occlusal forces, producing a large cavity.
4. The state of the tissue at any time (to depend) on the balance between the attacking forces and the defence reactions.
5. In many cases removing the adjacent tooth (to improve) access for cleaning, and even relatively large enamel lesions partially (to remineralize).


1. Last lesson they (to write) a test on Physice.
2. I (to buy) a nice bike at the sport shop a week ago.
3. What coffee ... you usually (to drink? - I ( to drink) black coffee.
4.Where ...your parents (to go) last weekend? - They ( not to go) anywhere.
5. How ... you (to spend) your next Saturday?- I (to spend) it trainig in the qym.

Помогите, будьте добры.

Переведите из косвенной речи в прямую. (Перевод на русский не нужен)
1.Betty said that her grandmother was in the hospital.
2.He told us that he had been working since 10 o'clock.
3.Percy asked me if i would introduce him to my parents.

Читайте также

СРОЧНО!!Exercise 77. Make up sentences according to the example. Example:

No sooner he (arrive) home___he fell

Пожалуйста...Очень срочно.... I. Change sentences according to the example. Example: We have a big kitchen = We’ve got a big kitchen/We have got

a big kitchen. Do you have a sister or a brother? Have you got a sister or a brother? 1. They have a new office. 2. I have a sister. 3. I don’t have a brother. 4. Jack has a bicycle. 5. Jack doesn’t have a car. 6. Jane has a dog, hasn’t she? 7. Do you have a phone? 8. What do you have in your hand? 9. Do you have a sister or a brother? 10. You don’t have a dog, don’t you?

II. Use the correct forms of the verb “to be”. Example: … you at home? = Are you at home? Jill: Hello. … we all here today? Maria: John … missing and Lisa … missing too. John: Good morning! Here I … . Lisa: Sorry, I … late. Jill: Oh, that … all right. … you both OK? John: Yes, we … .

Make up sentences according to

the models to practise the use of
the Complex Subject.
a) Model: несомненно, они
исследуют эту проблему (to be
They are certain to investigate
this problem.
1.Вероятно, они купят
цифровой компьютер (to be
likely). 2. Они обязательно
измеряют температуру (to be
sure). 3. Маловероятно, что они
придут сегодня (to be unlikely).
4. Он определенно сделает это
(to be certain). 5. Врят ли он
поступит в этот колледж (to be
b) Model: Кажется, он учился
здесь (to seem).
1. Кажется, он купил
компьютер (to seem). 2.
Оказывается, он пытался
переводить текст (to prove). 3.
Он случайно встретил ее на
улице (to happen). 4. Казалось,
что они его уже забыли (to
seem) . 5. Эксперимент оказался
удачным (to prove).

Помогите пожалуйста,очень срочно!!! Make the following sentences passive according to the pattern. Give two variants when possible.

► Pattern: They showed me a very interesting book.

a) I was shown a very interesting book.

b) A very interesting book was shown (to) me.

1. My mother told me the news yesterday.

2. Their friends sent them their photographs last week.

3. Did they recommend you any good hotels?

4. The librarian showed the students how to find necessary books.

5. They allowed the children to go to the zoo.

6. They gave us a lot of money.

7. Her parents gave her a computer for her birthday.

8. They lent us some money.

9. My friend offered me a challenging job.

10. They pay him twice a month.

11. My mother teaches them English at school.

12. He promised me this book.

13. Did they show you that new Oxford Dictionary?

14. They sent presents to their relatives and friends.

15. The secretary gave the letter to her boss.

Read the text below about Elizabeth II. According to the text, mark the statements 1-11 true(T), false(F), or unstated(U).

Queen Elizabeth is the queen of England, Wales and Northern Ireland and the Head of the Commonwealth. Elizabeth II is a modern, constitutional monarch. T his means she isn’t the head of Britain’s government, but she is the Head of State. Elizabeth II became the queen in 1952. Her coronation took place in 1953. It was the first coronation to be shown on television.

Queen Elizabeth II has a wide range of duties to perform. Here are some of them. The Queen takes part in many important government processes, for example, the State Opening of Parliament. Among her many royal duties are regular visits abroad, which help to keep friendly links with foreign countries, and especially those of Commonwealth, and to encourage trade. The Queen also supports many charities, using her name and influence to help them to raise money. In January and June the Queen presents medals or “honours” at Buckingham Palace. She gives them to people who have done something special. “The honours list” includes famous people such as top actors, musicians, politicians, scientists as well as ordinary people whose actions have benefited their local community.

When foreign kings, queens and presidents visit Britain, they often stay at either Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle. But the Queen doesn’t just entertain Heads of State. Four times a year there are also “Royal Garden Parties”. The Queen invites all kinds of people. Some are famous, but other people have just worked hard for charities for a long time. Nine thousand people are invited to the parties which take place in the grounds of Buckingham Palace..Prince Philip and other “royal’s” often come too, so the royal family can talk to as many people as possible.

In 1969, the Queen wanted to “ open a window” on to the royal family. That year television cameras came into the royal home and filmed the family in private for the first time. Forty million people watched the programme. They saw a different side of the royal family. The programme brought the royal family closer to people, but it also helped to make problems for the future. Now the public wanted to see more and more of royal private life. It was harder to keep the reporters out. In the last thirty years there have been a lot of documentaries, series and interviews about the royal family. Before the days of television they seemed formal. Today they seem informal and friendly. As well as TV programmes, there are also newspaper stories, books and magazines about the Queen and her family. Hundreds appear every year. Some are good- many are bad, but almost all of them are popular.

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