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Помогите, пожалуйста... 1. Everyday millions of people visit video-hosting sites such as YouTube. • Why have these sites become so

10-11 класс

popular? Do you or someone you know what these clips? What kind of clips do you watch and why?

• What makes such sites different than television?

How do these clips influence society? Give examples.

2. Throughout most of the 20th century, music and art were considered equally important
as math and science. Some people are concerned that schools are placing less and less
emphasis on studying art and music.

• Do you think that students should be required to learn music and art in school? Why?

• How do you think our society will change if we stop learning about music and art?

• Who is your favorite composer or artist? Did you learn about them at school or an­
other way?

Alinasoon1 23 авг. 2013 г., 22:07:56 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 авг. 2013 г., 23:22:21 (10 лет назад)

>Because of their availability. Yes, I know and my friends, as well. I prerer watching some music videos because I enjoy watching the people dance with these visual effects and some plot containing a little story
>There is no timetable. You can't just choose what you want to see while using the tv set. These sites can give you any video you like.
>Society becomes more informative. On YouTube there are some information channels like Discovery. Moreover, YouTube team always makes some online streams of great concerts(ie Bring Me The Horizon) or other programmes like the descend of this guy from outer space. It keeps people being up-to-date.
>Yea, I think so. These art sciences help children and adolescents express theirselves. Moreover, they can get the job easier because they become creative, they can sing beautifully or draw like Picasso.
>We will be just empty, non-souled, tiny boxes of meat and blood with a sing of brain.
>My favourite artist is Roy Lichtenstein. I learnt about him myself because I adore pop-art


Другие вопросы из категории

Упражнения «Simple Tenses» - Present Simple

I. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в вопросительные и отри¬ цательные:
1. Не knows the answer to this question. 2. He leaves home at eight o'clock. 3. The last train arrives at midnight. 4. It is important to choose a good job. 5. They refuse to help us. 6. This job suits his abilities well enough.
II. Употребите глагол в третьем лице единственного числа, пользуясь образцом: I think I 'm right. - Не thinks he is right.
1. I always keep my problems to myself. 2. What do they do for a living? They work in an office. 3. I don't think I'm right. 4. We always examine facts carefully. 5. They refuse to do what is called low work. 6. Teachers are well aware that their work is necessary to society. 7. You often speak too fast. 8. Don't you see that your work is very important to us?
III. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в the Simple Present Tense:
1. I generally (to get up) at 8 o'clock. 2. Our lecturer (to speak) very good English. 3. He (to be) always in a hurry. 4. In Britain today, all children (to start) their education at the age of five. 5. She (to plan) to go to Britain next month. 6. Uranus (to revolve) around the Sun once in 84 years. 7. Students' delegation (to arrive) tomorrow. 8. The Prime Minister of Britain always (to live) in 10 Downing Street. I always get up at 7 a.m.. I do not always get up at 7 a.m.. Do you always get up at 7 a.m.? She usually quarrels on trifles. She does not usually quarrel on trifles. Does she usually quarrel on trifles?9. Children whose parents (to read) a great deal usually (to become) good readers themselves. 10.Some readers (to avoid) books on the best-seller list

Write Possessives.

1) the name of my brother_________________________________________________
2) the toys of his friends___________________________________________________
3)the kittensof her cat_____________________________________________________
4)the books of my teacher__________________________________________________
5)the friends of the boys____________________________________________________
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Помогите пожалуйста нужно написать эссе на английском. на тему:

There are a lot of zoos in the world and millions of people visit them every year.
But are zoos harmful or helpful to animals which are caged there?
Животные в зоопарке. Как вы к этому относитесь? Справедливо ли это?

помогите пожалуйста очень очень срочно нужно((((

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Mass media (that is the press, the radio and television)
plays an important role in the life of society. They inform,
educate and entertain people. They also influence the
way people look at the events and sometimes make them
change their views.
Millions of people watch TV and read newspapers in
their spare time. People listen to the radio while driving а саг. On the radio one can hear music, plays, news and
various discussions of current events. Lots of radio or
TV games and films attract large audience.
Newspapers give more detailed reviews of political
life, culture and sports. Basically they are read by the
people who are subscribers and those who are interested
in politics.
There is a lot of advertising in mass media. Many TV
channels, radio stations and newspapers are owned by
different corporations. The owners can advertise what­
ever they choose.
But we cannot say that mass media do not try to raise
the cultural level of people or to develop their tastes. Mass
media bring to millions of homes not only entertaiment
and news but also cultural and educational programs.
There is a great number of TV, cable TV and satellite
TV channels and lots of radio stations and newspapers now.


1. What is mass media?
2. How does mass media influence people?
3. What is the difference between radio and TV
4. Does the audience of TV and radio differ?
5. Do you think that advertising is useful?

Помогите ,пожалуйста, составить пересказ текста, буду очень благодарна, если поможете.

English is a world language.
It’s the language of progressive science and technology, trade and cultural relation, commerce and business. It’s the universal language of international aviation, shipping and sports. It is also the major language of diplomacy.
Hundreds and hundreds of books, magazines and newspapers are printed in English and real all over the world. 75% of the world’s mail and 60% of the world’s telephone calls are in English. Half of the world’s scientific literature is written in English.
English is spoken by more than 350 million people . Geographically , is the most widespread language on Earth, second only to Chinese in the number of people who speak it.
It is the official language of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland of the United States of America, of Australia and New Zealand. English is used as one of the official languages in Canada, the Republic of South Africa and the Irish Republic. It’s also spoken as a second language speakers in many parts of Asia and Africa. The number of second language speakers may soon exceed the number of native speakers.
Besides, millions of people study and use English as a foreign language. In our country English is very popular: it is studied at schools, colleges and universities.
Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. But to know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist.
I want to know foreign languages because I have always been interested in foreign countries, their cultures and peoples.

Помогите, пожалуйста, нужен пересказ текста, на английском языке.Вот текст, примерно 9 предложений должно получиться в пересказе, заранее благодарю:

In the room where Mr Small. Dr Foam and Mrs Bulmer were talking to the children, there were some really old people. Mr Small went up to one of them. "I see that you're a very old man." he said.
"Yes. I am. I'm 90." the old man replied.
"Could you give the children here some advice about a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle?" Mr Small asked.
"Sure. Follow my example. Don't smoke, don't drink, don't eat too much sugar or fat and drink lots of water."
At that moment Dr Foam found another old man. who looked older than the first one. He was sitting in a wheelchair, but his eyes were merry and bright.
"How old are you, sir?" Dr Foam asked.
"I'm ninety-five." the man replied.
"Can you tell us why you have lived so long?" Doctor Foam asked.
"It's easy. I always do exercise, and I don't smoke or drink. I spend a lot of time in the open air and I'm a vegetarian." Just then Mrs Bulmer decided to join in the conversation. She saw a very, very old man in the corner of the room. He had no teeth or hair and he couldn't see or hear very well, so she had to come very close to him. The children followed her.
"May 1 ask you a couple of questions, sir," she shouted.
"Yes." the old man whispered.
"Why have you lived so long, sir?" Mrs Bulmer asked.
"I don't know." the man replied.
"Tell us about your lifestyle," Mrs Bulmer continued.
"OK, then. I smoke thirty cigarettes a day and drink a bottle of whisky every day. Sometimes I also have two bottles of beer. I never eat vegetables or fruit and I live on chocolate and cakes."
"How old are you, sir?" Mr Bulmer exclaimed.
"I'm forty." the "old" man replied.
На голосовании 3 года назадВот перевод этого текста, правда не идеальный:

В комнате, где г-н Малый. Д-р Пена и миссис Балмер разговаривали с детьми, было несколько очень старых людей. Г-н Малый подошел к одному из них. "Я вижу, что вы очень старый человек. " сказал он.
"Да. Я. Я 90." Старик ответил.

помогите пожалуйста с переводом!

NVENTORS AND INVENTIONS (A DIALOGUE)Pete: For thousands of years people led a primitive way of life and then incomparatively short period of time a gigantic leap has been made in the scientific andtechnical progress.Ann: I also thought of how much it had been done by the people to reach thepresent state of the development of the human society.Pete: Yes, Ann. And it is necessary to say that great contribution of thedevelopment of world science had also been made by the Russian scientists andinventors before the Revolution.Ann: Right you are, Pete. She does not know the names of the great Russianscientists and inventors such as Lomonosov, Mendeleyev, Sechenov, Pavlov,Michurin and many others?Pete: I think that it's hardly possible to name a branch of science in thedevelopment of which the Russian scientists have not played the greatest role. Whatdo you think of it, Ann?Ann: I am of your opinion. Lomonosov was an outstanding innovator both inthe humanities and in exact sciences. He founded the first Russian University.Mendeleyev’s greatest discovery was his Periodic 'System of Elements. Popovinvented radio. Sechenov and Pavlov «ere the world's greatest physiologists.Tsiolkovsky is the father of rocket flying. He had decided the principles of jet propelled flying machines for interplanetary communication.Pete: Michurin was the greatest Russian scientist and selectionist. His maindoctrine of the development of biology has been expressed in his conclusion: “Wecannot wait for favours from nature”CRAVITATIONAL WAVESIn 1916 Albert Einstein published his theory of general relativity. In one of its major aspectsthis is a theory of the nature and operation of gravitational forces with which Einstein intended toreplace the classical theory devised by Isaac Newton in the 17th century.Einstein’s theory makes a number of predictions that are radically different from those ofNewton. One of the most striking of these is that gravitational forces should be propagated in wavesin a manner similar to the way electric and magnetic forces are. These gravitational waves shouldconsist of cyclically fluctuating gravitational forces; they should carry energy from place to placeand they should cause minute fluctuations of the surfaces of objects they encounter.Any accelerated body could be a source of gravitational waves, but in practice physicistslook to large astronomical bodies such as oblate stars or binary stars.The prediction was that gravitational waves would be extremely weak: for a cylinder ametre long the amount of surface disturbance would be a fraction of the diameter of an atomicnucleus.For 40 years no one seriously looked for gravitational waves, but in the late 1950’s Dr.Weber began to develop equipment he thought would do the job. As receivers he used aluminiumcylinders of about a ton’s weight, and developed piezoelectric sensors that can record fluctuationsin the surface of these cylinders amounting to fractions of a nuclear diameter.In 1969 Dr.Weber announced that his equipment had recorded gravitational waves. Sincethen he has been subjected to criticism, based mainly on his statistical analysis of the data. In spiteof the waves, experiments are now in progress both in this country and the United States.Most of these try to make the detectors more sensitive or to design new kinds of detectorsthat will record frequency ranges other then the one – 1.660 cycles per second (Hertz– thatDr.Weber has pioneered)

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