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Корректно переведите фразу "bush hook dude" Для облегчения перевода представляю вам текст:

10-11 класс

The term was also used as a job description, such as "bush hook dude" as a position on a railroad in the 1880s. :

Переводить корректно - означает переводить вдуманно, подгоняя несколько подходящих по смыслу вариантов, без использования онлайн-переводчика.

За некорректный, бессмысленный, или по-просту говоря, тупой перевод последует соответсвующее наказание.

Переводит всё предложение не нужно.

B1552243 22 апр. 2015 г., 12:14:13 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 апр. 2015 г., 13:26:33 (9 лет назад)

Этот термин также используется в качестве описания должностных обязанностей, таких как ......

busch- это втулка ( туда закрепляется крюк от следующего вагона)

hook - крюк.

dude- дословно чувак ( человек которыц закрепляет)

... ... человек закрепляющий вагоны, занимавший положение на железной дороге 1880 годов. 

Я бы перевёл так. 


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you?)…………….? I live inMoscow. (where/ you?)………………? I watch TV every day. (how often/ you?)…………….? I go to work by bus. (how/ you?)……………? I go to the country in summer. (where/ you?)…………..?

I go to bed at 11.30. (what time/ you?)…………..?

60.We’ve been learning Chinese …. A) since a long time B) during a long time C) for a long time D) at a long time E)

for long time

61.We have been waiting for the bus … 30 minutes.

A) -

B) since

C) at

D) for

E) during

62.Where have you been? … you … tennis?

A) were playing

B) have been playing

C) has played

D) had been playing

E) had played

63.My friend is saving money to go on holiday. – How much money … he …?

A) has been saving

B) did save

C) has saved

D) had been saving

E) had saved

64.They … ten minutes ago.

A) arrived

B) arrive

C) are arriving

D) have arrived

E) have been arriving

65.When … this book …?

A) has published

B) has been published

C) had been published

D) was published

E) published

66. Look! Somebody … coffee on the carpet.

A) has spilt

B) has been spilling

C) spilt

D) had been spilling

E) spill

67. Jack … a beard but now he … it off.

A) has grown, has shaved

B) grew, has been shaving

C) grow, shave

D) grew, has shaved

E) grew, had been shaving

68. Is your mom at home? – I am afraid, she … out.

A) went

B) has gone

C) has been going

D) go

E) has been going

E) do, see

69. … you … the news on TV last night?

A) have, seen

B) have, been seeing

C) did, see

D) had been seeing

E) do, see

11. He gave / was given a present to her. 12. She gave / was given this present for her wedding anniversary. 13. My bike runs / is run very fast. 14. He

knocked down / was knocked down by a bike yesterday. 15. Her house ruined / was ruined in the fire. 16. I don't know anything about building. I will have built my house / will have my house built. 17. Although she is a professional cook, she has all her cakes made / makes all the cakes. 18. She is a hair-dresser, so she has had her new hair-style done / has done her new hair-style. 19. I didn't go to the post office. I had all the letters sent by my secretary / had sent all the letters. 20. Our son had his bike repaired / repaired his bike. We are so proud of him.

Do we need exams?Give reasons for and against. What should exams test? Why do a lot of clever people fail their exams? In what from would you prefer to

take your exams? Write an essay (8-12 sentenses).(Почему Мы нуждаемся в экзаменах? Приведите причины за и против. Что должны проверить экзамены? Почему многих умных людей подводят экзамены?(т.е они его проваливают)? Какие бы ты экзамены предрочел сдать?Напишите эссе (8-12 предложений).)ПОМОГИТЕ!!!

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