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Измените залоги ,там где возможно. 1. The muscles(strengthen) by exercise and the body then(keep) in good condition.

10-11 класс

2. Don't worry about her. She (meet) by her friends as soon as she arrives.

Максим112233 20 марта 2014 г., 12:52:11 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
20 марта 2014 г., 15:24:30 (10 лет назад)

1. The muscles are strengthened by an exercise and the body then is kept in good condition.
Мускулы укрепляются путём выполнения упражнений, и затем тело будет в хорошем состоянии.

2. Don't worry about her. She'll be met by her friends as soon as she arrives.
О ней не беспокойтесь. Как только она придёт, её встретят её друзья.


Другие вопросы из категории

Exercise 4
Восстановите правильный порядок в нижеприведенных диалогах. Dialogue 1: а) Pleased to meet you too.Do

call me Martin.

b)That's very kind of you.Do you know my colleague,Sarah Pascall?

c)Very well thank you,Mr Hyde ,and you?

d)No,I don't.How do you do?

е)Good morning,Mrs Bird , how are you?

f)And you must call me ,Sarah.Shall we get down to business?

g)I am fine,thank you.Would you like some coffee?

h)How do you do?I am pleased to meet you.

i)Yes,here is our latest catalogue...

Dialogue 2:
a)Enterprise Requirement Plannig.

b)Not too good.I am afraid.

c)I am sorry about that.Can I do anything to help?

d)Hi Jerry ,how are you?

e)Oh dear!What is the matter?

f)Hello Rachel!

g)What's ERP?

h)Well,the computer went down last night,and we have lost all our ERP data.

i)Fine ,thanks, and you?

1 Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями: 1 We are cadets of the Krasnodar University.This is ... University. 2 They read books

in ... library.

3 I study at the Krasnodar University and ... friend studies at the Medical Institute.

4 Pete, where is ... car now?

5 I know that ... name is Nick and what is the name of ... sister?

6 Tell me please, where is ... brother? He is in ... room.

Читайте также

Преобразуйте предложения в страдательный залог там, где возможно:

1. The inflation rate went down by 0.5% last month.
2. Something very interesting happened to me last week.
3. Our R & D department have discovered a promising new drug.

William Shakespeare is the greatest of all playwrights and poets of all times. Not much is known of his life. He was probably the son of a businessman and

was born in 1564 in Stradford-upon-Avon. He probably attended the local grammar school and got a classical education. In 1582 he married Anne Hathaway and had 3 children. Little is known of his life before 1592, when he appeared as a playwright in London. Soon he became an actor playing supporting roles like the ghost in "Hamlet". In 1599 Shakespeare became a part owner of the Globe Theatre in London.
Shakespeare's work as a playwright is subdivided into 3 periods. Written in the first period, Shakespeare's plays are mostly history plays like "Henry VI", and comedies with strong elements of farce. His masterpiece of this period is "Romeo and Juliet". In the second period Shakespeare wrote a number of comedies where he moved away from farce towards romance. In the third period, after 1600, appeared his major tragedies - "Hamlet", "Othello". They presented a clear opposition of order to chaos, good to evil. Shakespeare was a great poet and would be well known for his poetry alone. His major achievement as a poet is his sonnets, first published in 1609. A sonnet is a poem consisting of 14 lines, with a moral at the end. The sonnets are addressed to some "W.H.", and to mysterious "Dark Lady of Sonnets". The sonnets deal with the great themes of love, friendship, death, change and immortality. Shakespeare looks at his own poetry as a means of immortality. Shakespeare's sonnets are excellent. They are full of harmony and music; they praise love, friendship and beauty, though there is no sentimentality in them. Shakespeare's poetry is at the summit of human achievement. Many centuries have passed since his death in 1616, but Shakespeare is still considered to be the greatest of all playwrights and poets.
Перевод:Уильям Шекспир является величайшим драматургом из всех драматургов. Не так много известно о его жизни. Вероятно, он был сыном бизнесмена и родился в 1564 году в Страдфорд-на-Эйвоне. Онучился в местной гимназии и получил классическое образование. В 1582 году он женился на Энн Хэтэуэй и имел троих детей. Мало что известно о его жизни до 1592, он появился в качестве драматурга в Лондоне. Вскоре он стал актером, играющий роли второго плана, как призрак в "Гамлете". В 1599 Шекспир стал совладельцем Globe Theatre в Лондоне. Работа Шекспира как драматурга подразделяется на три периода. Написано в первом периоде, пьесы Шекспира в основном история пьесы, как "Генриха VI" и комедии с сильными элементами фарса ("Комедия ошибок"). Его шедевр этого периода является "Ромео и Джульетта". Во втором периоде Шекспир написал ряд комедий, где он отошел от фарса к романтике ("Как вам это понравится"). В третьем периоде, после 1600, появились его основные трагедии - "Гамлет", "Отелло". Они представили четкую оппозицию порядка к хаосу, хорошее ко злу. Шекспир был великим поэтом и будут известными только его поэзии. Его главным достижением как поэт является его сонеты, впервые опубликованный в 1609 году. Сонет это стихотворение, состоящее из 14 строк, с моралям в конце. Сонеты адресованы некоторых "В. Н." и к таинственному "Dark леди сонетов". Сонеты имели дело с великими темами любви, дружбы, смерти, изменения и бессмертия. Шекспир смотрит на свой страх и поэзии как средство бессмертия. Сонеты Шекспира превосходны. Они полны гармонии и музыки; они хвалят любовь, дружбу и красоту, хотя в них нет сентиментальности. Поэзия Шекспира на саммите человеческих достижений. Много веков прошло со дня его смерти в 1616 году, но Шекспир до сих пор считается величайшим из всех драматургов и поэтов.

Помогите ответить на вопросы : 1) what is Shakespeare famous for?
2) what is Shakespeare's major achievement as a poet?
3)how can you define a sonnet?
4) what themes do Shakespeare's sonnets deal with?

1)No man can make speeches in the House of Commons unless the Speaker calls on him, and no member

may deliver more than one major speech in a debate. The name of the sovereign must not be introduced and the
House of Lords is always referred to as «another place». Members do not address each other by name, but
always as «the honourable member for so-and-so».
2)There is an expression used in the House of Commons to show the end of the day's business. Somebody
calls out: «Who goes home?» and the session ends up and the members hurry home. This custom remains from
the time when there was a lot of robbers in London. In the dark night the members went in groups through the
narrow streets of the old city


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Помогите пожалуйста перевести))) At the Meetings

We are in New York now. Together with Jane Snow and thousands of young men and women we are taking part in a meeting of protest against unemployment. Students and professors, workers and employees are protesting against the threat of being fired. You can see slogans and placards everywhere. They say: «We want job! Unemployment — no!»
Look! Jane is making a speech. Listen: «Why can't the government provide job for us? Mr. President must think of the development of national economy and not of supporting political regimes in other countries. He may spend this money on food for poor Americans, but he mustn't use it for military purposes». Everybody is shouting in support of Jane.
Nell Pavlova is also at the meeting but in Rostov. This meeting is taking form of the tribunal. The represent atives of many countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America are taking part in the work of this tribunal. They accuse racism and nazism. Everything looks like the real sitting of the court. You can see the prosecutor and the chairman of the tribunal. The prosecutor is speaking about the crimes committed by neonazists and racists in different countries of the world. Then the first witness of the prosecution is taking place at the witness-stand.1 He is giving evidence of financing criminals by some powerful groups. You may also hear the other witnesses giving the true facts of assassinating the progressive leaders in different countries. You can't see the defence counsel here. Nobody wants to defend racists and nazists. The hearing is over and the chairman is reading the sentence. The tribunal finds the neonazism and racism guilty in numerous crimes against humanity and calls on the progressive youth of the world to strengthen the unity in fighting against this dangerous ideology.

Переведите 1, 3, 4 абзацы. The Tower of London 1. The Tower of London was begun by William the Conqueror as a fortress and palace. Later k

ings made it larger and stronger and kept soldiers, armour, weapons, treasure,and sometimes important prisoners there. For five hundred years coins of realm were minted at the Tower and official documents stored in some of the castle buildings. There was ever a zoo there, which began as the king's private collection of animals.

2. Nowadays it is busy with thousands of visitors. In fact the Tower today is like a traditional English village. The ravens are certainly among the the most important residents in Tower, for — so the story goes — if they every leave, the Tower will fall and England with it.

З. These days there are usually about six ravens hopping and necking around the Tower lawns in the daytime. One of the Yeoman Warders cares for,them. He feeds them on raw meat, biscuits soaked in blood, rabbits' heads, fruit and eggs. He talks them back into their cage every night, and from time to time clips their wings — just to take sure that they never do leave.

4. The Yeoman Warders have guarded the Tower since reign of Henry VIII. Every day at the Tower ends with the Ceremony of the Keys. The soldiers of the Tower Guard escort the Chief Yeoman Warder as he looks the outer gates. When this is done the guard salute "the Queen's keys" and the Chief Warder calls out "God preserves Queen Elizabeth". Then he takes the keys to the Governor in Queen's House. The Tower of London is safe and secure for the night. It is a very old ceremony —700 years old.

VII. Прочитайте 2 абзац и вопрос к нему. Из приведенных вариантов ответа укажите номер предложения, содержащего правильный ответ на поставленный вопрос.

Why are the ravens cared to carefully in the Tower?

1. These days there are usually about six ravens hopping and necking around the Tower lawns in the daytime.

2. Nowadays it is busy with thousands of visitors.

З. The ravens are certainly among the most important residents in the Tower, for — so the story goes — if they every leave, the Tower will fall and England with it.

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