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помогите написать мини сочинение по англискому про известную звезду 5 класс

1-4 класс

слу 15 февр. 2015 г., 8:16:00 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
15 февр. 2015 г., 9:44:33 (9 лет назад)

My Favourite Film Stars

Gerard Depardieu is one of the most popular filmactors.

He was born in 1948 in a poor family of a shoe-maker in a little town.

There are many legends about his childhood. Somebody even says that he was known to the police as a car thief. But when he was 16 he came to Paris without any education and certainly without any money. Together with his friend he began to attend the actor courses. He got acquainted with a girl of a wealthy family and soon they got married.

She had a great influence upon him. He finished the actor courses. When he was only 20 he played big roles in the theatres. His great success in films is a consequence of his good theatrical school.

But the success of Gerard Depardieu in the USA was not long. In 1991 during his interview to the magazine "Time" he told that he was a hooligan when he was a teenager. The American audience doesn't excuse such scandalized facts in the biography to its favourites.

The works of Depardieu in cinema are marked by many cinema rewards in France and in Italy.

Everybody notes that glory and money don't spoil him. They only made him independent.

He likes his family. He has a'son and a daughter.

He played in about 80 films.


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