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помогите сделать )) очень буду благодарна 5:3 задание

10-11 класс

Rewadirawid 08 марта 2017 г., 15:55:17 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
08 марта 2017 г., 18:15:23 (7 лет назад)

1 a the
2 the  the
3the the
5the the
7--- the  a the the


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Задайте вопросы к предложениям начиная со слов. Стоящих в скобках.

1. The swimming bath opens at 9 o'clock. (What time...)
2. He decided to take book in the library. (Did...)
3. Many people will attend the concert of a famous singer next week. (When...)
4. We went to the reading room twice a week. ( How often...)
5. Father gave him very interesting book. (Who...)
6. my father smokies a lot. (How many cigarettes a day...)
7. You will use your computer tomorrow. (What...)

Исправте, пожалуйста, ошибки! I want to tell VAMO Sergei Rachmaninoff. He was born March 20, 1873 at the estate of his parents Oneg, near

Novgorod. RAKHMANIN is a continuation of operas. basic creative method was symbolism. Rachmaninoff creates numerous works of different genres, from small chamber pieces to monumental symphonic works. If you listen to his music for the first time,very interesnobudet hear: Gypsy Caprice, symphony 1 and romances! In recent years, Rachmaninoff was marred by a deadly disease - melanoma. He died on March 28, 1943 in Beverly Hills, State California United States

Помогите пожалуйста!

Читайте также

Помогите пожалуйста, очень срочно с утра зачет по Английскому.

"A young lady went to a clothes shop last week."

1. Перевести предложение
2.Подчеркнуть подлежащие и сказуемое
3.Определить в каком времени сказуемое
4.Сделать предложение в отрицательной форме
5.Составить 5 вопросов к предложению

Если можно как можно быстрее, очень буду благодарен!

Задание по англискому языку 5 класс...

Complete the sentences with the соrrect tag endings.
1)They were happy to get the invitation lttter,...?
2)Yesterday your friends went to the cinema ...?
3)The group of students won*t stay in the hotel ... ?
4)His collection of stamps was the best ... ?
5)The Head Teacher didn*t write the letter ...?
6)We can arrange a date and time right now ...?
Помогите очень прошу очень буду благодарна(

помогите перевести стихотворение пожалуйста. очень очень буду благодарна

On the banks of Allan Water. (a lyrical ballad)
On the banks of Allan Water,
When the sweet spring time did fall,
Was the miller's lovely daughter, Fairest of them all.
For the bride a soldier sought her, And a winning tongue had he,
On the banks of Allan Water,
None so gay as she.

On the banks of Allan water,
When brown autumn spread his store,
There I saw the miler's daughter, But she smiled no more.
For the summer grief had brought her
And the soldier, false was he;
On the banks of Allan Water, None so sad as she.

On the banks of Allan Water,
When the winter snow fell fast,
Still was seen the miller's daughter;
Chilling blue the blast.
But the miller's lovely daughter, Both from cold and care was free, On the banks of Allan Water,
There a corpse lay she.

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