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Pomogite s uprajneniem 4 otve4at na voprosi

10-11 класс

анжелика020304 07 июня 2013 г., 22:39:58 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
08 июня 2013 г., 1:00:31 (10 лет назад)

1. I like best of all tennis and it is more difficult to play tennis then basketball.
2. Some puples in my school go in for athletics and gymnastics, but no one won a medal in sports competitions.
3. I would like to go to water- polo as I like swiming, but there is no water-polo in our town.
4. For me is more interesting to watch figure skating then boxing, becouse it is my favourite sport.


Другие вопросы из категории

Срочно помогите!!!!!!!
The next day at a m Higgins
помогите,пожалуйста, правильно перевести)

1) Твоя одежда в ванной.Думаю,что она уже сухая.Можешь взять ее.
2) Все деньги мира не могут купить счастья.Во многих случаях они(деньги) бесполезны.
3) У меня есть две пижамы: одная голубая, а вторая розовая.Я больше люблю розовую.

1. Do you agree that a uniform suppresses students individaulity? 2. What do you think students should wear at school?Why? 3.Who should decide what to

wear /whether to wear uniform?Why do you think so? 4.Should a school uniform be fashionable? Помогите ответить на вопросы Отсебятина приветствуется

Заполните пропуски глаголами, данными в скобках, преобразовав их в форму Future Simple.

1) I ___________ chess tomorrow. (not/play)

2) Next week he __________ to the theatre. (go)

3) ______ you ________ London next year? (visit)

4) In some months William _________ in the USA. (live)

5) My cousin _________ tomorrow at school. (not/dance)

Читайте также

Ex.5. pojaluysta pomogite
Помогите с переводом, пожалуйста

In England about 93 per cent of children attend state schools. The other 7 per cent attend private schools. A minority of these private schools are boarding schools where children live as well as study. Private schools are very expensive.
In Britain it is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 16 years to receive some officially recognized form of schooling. For younger children, there are a few state kindergartens, some private kindergartens and a few „ nursery classes "in ordinary schools. They are optional. Primary school consists of a reception class, infant school and junior school. A reception class and infant school take a year. In junior school, pupils spend 5 years. At the age of five they go to infant schools where they learn first steps in reading, writing and using numbers.
When children leave infant school, at the age of seven, they go to junior schools until they are about eleven years of age. Their school subjects include English, arithmetic, history, geography, na-ture study, swimming, music, art and organized games.
At about 11 or 12 children move to a new school, ussualy a "comprehensive" that accepts all the children from theree or four neighbouring junior schools. Changigng to the "big" school is a great moment in life for them. At secondary school pupils study for 5 years. Comprehensive schools want to develop the talents of each individual child. So they offer a wide choice of subjects, from art and craft, woodwork and domestic science to modern languages, computer studies. There are no entrance examinations, all pupils move automatically to the next form at the end of the year.
There are some grammar schools in which children have to pass a selection test to get in. The grammar school is a secondary school taking about 3 per cent of children pffering a full theoretical secondary education and students can choose which subjects and languages they wish to study. Pupils leave school at 16 and there are several opportunities to continue their studies elsewhere.

Bonk)) pomogite pojalusta
прямая и косвенная речь, proshu pomogite ochen nado))))

He said that he didn't know where the boy was.
"If you aren't busy I shall invite you to the cinema," John said to me.
I asked Ann, "When will you wear your new dress?"
He said to me, "Don't let the children go out if it rains."
I asked my son why he had missed so many lessons.
Bill said to his brother, "Will you ring her up when you learn about it?"
Paul said,"She wants to do all the work herself but I don't think she can."
He said to her, "What are you going to do next weekend?"
Tom said, "You can use my papers if you need."
Helen wanted to know how many mistakes John had made in his test.

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