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5 предложений о моей комнате на англ.языке.3 класс

1-4 класс

К0тёNо4еk 13 сент. 2013 г., 9:33:56 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 сент. 2013 г., 11:11:54 (10 лет назад)

Это моя комната. Это небольшая, но светлая комната.Есть стол слева. Есть уютный диван справа .Вы можете увидеть шкаф напротив стола.Есть красивые шторы на окна.Кроме того, вы можете увидеть некоторые зеленые цветы на подоконнике.Есть толстый ковер на полу.Мой номер хороший, на мой взгляд.

+ 0 -
13 сент. 2013 г., 13:38:15 (10 лет назад)

This is my bedroom.It is light and big.I sleep on the bed that in front of the table. I do my homework on the table. I often listen musicin my room in my spare time.

+ 0 -
13 сент. 2013 г., 14:21:07 (10 лет назад)

2-е и 5-е предложение неверные, во втором добавь глагол She is, в пятом I often listen


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Where did Dima spend his summer holidays? Why did Dima like his

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По тексту:
Moscow russia 15th September
Dear Julia,

Thank you for your message. I think it' s a great idea to visit in
London. All of us will be happy to get the invitstion letter very
What can i tell you about my holidays in
Boldino. My granny has a country house there. Boldino is near Nizhniy
Novgorod, one of the oldest Rassian cities. Many years ago Alexander
Pushkin, the greatest Russian poet, lived in Boldino. He created about 60 tales? poems and novels there. Now there is a tradition to celebrate " Boldino autumn" when many poems.
The weather was fine every day. My friends and i spent a lot of time outdoors. We swam, played and rode our bikes. We also pickred berries and gathered mushrooms in the nearby forest.
In the evening we usuall made a fire, played the gutar and sang songs. I took a lot of photos of my friends and me. This one is for you. I hope you"ll recognise me.
You know i have a sweet tooth? so i asked my granny to make some cherry jam. I helped her a little to make it.I"ll take some of it to London with me and you"ll get a chance to taste it.
Sending you best weshes from Jim and all of my classmftes, Dmitriy.
Пожалуйста помогите!!!!!!

A) Put the verb in brackets into Past Indefinite (with “-ed”).

b) Translate the sentences into Russian.

She (answer) this question easily. 2. They (study) German when they
were children. 3. My sister (live) in Moscow, but two years ago she
(move) to Sochi. 4. We (help) him to buy a new car last year. 5.
Yesterday I (pass) my exam in English. 6. In 1980 his parents (stay) in

два номера .Пожалуйста

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