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Надо поставить в правильную форму

5-9 класс

1.My friend Alice is a (FRIEND) and honest.
2.Marco (OWNER) a new cafe in the centre of town.
3.He wants some (INFORM) about the London Eye.
4.The weather is (WIND) and cloudy.
5.We have got three (EXAMINE) tomorrow.
6.Her boyfriend is very (ROMANCE).
7.It often (RAIN) in Scotland in the winter.
8.The Globe theatre is an amazing (BUILD)

Ясик16 31 июля 2013 г., 8:16:27 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
31 июля 2013 г., 10:46:57 (10 лет назад)

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перекласти!будь ласка))
Tick the sentences that contain gerund forms. 1.i was watching a new film yesterday. 2. watching films is my hobby. 3. I was reading his letter

when somebody phoned. 4.Reading his letter made me cry. 5. Being the centre of attention is always pleasant. 6. Emily was the centre of attention that afternoon.

Читайте также

поставьте в правильную форму слова. помогите очень надо..The Internet is important for people because it extends their (communicate) possibilities. We can

speak via the Internet, watch films, send ( inform) and shop. No wonder that people are becoming (addict) to the Internet.They often spend more time communicating online than talking to their real friends and families. At first glance, the virtual world seems to be a very safe place but it's not like that-it can be as ( danger) as a real world because it's created by people. In the virtual reality you can meet nice and honest people as well as evil and (deceit) ones. That's why we should be careful and (select) while searching for information and meeting new people on the Internet. поставьте в правильную форму слова. помогите очень надо..

надо вставить в правильную форму 1.This student is ... (bright) in the school 2.This year i have ... (easy) subjects in my timetable than i had last year

3.This student has ... (funny) nickname in the class 4.Our English lauguage teacher is ... (good) teacher in the world 5.For me Literature is ... (interesting) than maths ответы на вопросы пишите так например 1-bright но правильною форму

помогите поставить слова в форме past simple,past continuos

эти слова, надо поставить в эти формы

Помогите) Надо поставить в правильную форму. Alexander Graham Bell probably 0) didn't know at the

time that he 1) ........ (invent) one
of the most popular devices in modem history. In fact, he
2)........ (work) on a hearing
device when he 3)........ (stumble)
on the invention of the telephone.
Bell 4) ........ (try) desperately to find
some way to help deaf people hear and
communicate with others because he 5) ........ (live)
with his deaf mother and wife and 6) ........
(experience) deaf people's problems first hand. Bell went on to invent numerous other things, but we
7)........ (always/remember) him for bringing us the

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