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Пожалуйста помогите как читается слова по русскому: Appearance,obsession,order,neat,psychology,investigations,at first

10-11 класс

glance,inspired,brilliant,solve,mysterious cases,cape,magnifying glass,imagination,several,underwater ....пожалуйста прошу ,мне надо завтра сдать

Anaaaaaaaaa 01 дек. 2014 г., 1:07:31 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
01 дек. 2014 г., 2:32:47 (9 лет назад)

ударение ставлю переж ударным слогом
э*ппиранс, об*сэшн, *оде, нит, пси*холоджи, инвести*гейшн, эт фёст глэнс, инс*пааид, *брилиант, солв, мис*териос *кейсес, кейп, *мэгнифай глас, имаджи*нэйшн, *сэвэрл, андэ*вотэ....

+ 0 -
01 дек. 2014 г., 4:14:08 (9 лет назад)

просто русскими буквами написать транскрипцию? или перевод слов?

+ 0 -
01 дек. 2014 г., 7:09:21 (9 лет назад)

русскими буквами плизз

+ 0 -
01 дек. 2014 г., 7:54:41 (9 лет назад)

нужно перевести или что? если читается как, то апперенс, обсешен,ордер,нит. а вообще есть переводчики ,в которых можно озвучивать написанные слова

+ 0 -
01 дек. 2014 г., 9:08:19 (9 лет назад)

перевести ,на русский


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Выберите и обведите правильный вариант.

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a)mustnt b)dont have to
2.There were very...people in the street
a)little b)few c)much
3.That shop doesnt sell fruit.-...
a) Yes,it doesnt b)No,it doesnt c)No,it isnt
4. ...lesson 10 is very easy.
a) a b)the c)-
5. Mr Brown hasnt met his aunt since he was...child
a)a b)the c)-
6.Why did they want to buy such toys?
a)a b)the c)0
7. Granny hasnt cooked dinner ... .
a)already b)yet
8.They had to go there, ...?
a)had they b)hadnt they c) didnt they
9.Nobody ... to speak to him.
a)want b)doesnt want c)wants
10.Once I met a boy ... could speak five languages
a) who b) which c)what

Нужна проверка!

Буду благодарна =)
Nowadays many people think that a work is the most important thing in everybody’s life. Is it really the most important thing?
I agree with this statement. First of all, the work - the main component of our lives. It helps people realize themselves.Some people work hard to improve their self-esteem. Secondly, human life would be meaningless, passive without work. Finally,

переведите пожалуйста!!!The technology, means they never have to worry, if they have left the oven on. They just get the house to check. // Bar codes

of empty food packets are read in the bin and put on the shopping list which is forwarded to the nearest supermarket.A few hours later, a courier arrives with the food, and it nobody is at home, the products are left in the "Skybox"- a largescale post box with special compartments for food products that need to be kept cool or frozen. The family receives a text on the mobile phone or an e-mail informing them that the shopping has been delivered."Lots of things are mush simpler in this house than in my old home," says Ursi," and I got used to it all really quickly, without reading instruction booklets.\\ And because of the Skybox, I don`t need to rush home to pick up the shopping."For her 12-eyear-old daughter Grace, the home is "simply cool", especially the television, which is watched cinema-style with Dolby sound via a projector in the ceiling that puts the images on the walls. The device can also play videos and can bring the newspaper into the living room over the Internet.Security is another advantage. The front door, for example, is opened by a fingerprint system, and the entire house can be monitored, even from a distance, by mobile phone.Ursi adds^ "" All the devices in the house, such as the washing machine in the celar, let me know when they are finished if I want them to, whether I`m in the kitchen or upstairs in the office. I get the devices, computer."The Futurelife house is owned and operated by Otto Beisheim Holding, in co-operation with and another 60 partner firms that supply the devices, computers and software.Despite all the ultra-modern appliances, Ursi admits she misses one thing about her old home- the open fire.

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помогите как читаются слова напишите транскрипцию на русском языке

runs,into,sea,cail ,Father,wego , ship,pass,under,Bridge,Tower,others,These,saith,pole,1901,1904,down,pass,port,get,wich,town,where,passes

Английский чтение! Просьба помочь!

Кому не сложно помогите как читается текс, прям русскими буквами. Огромная просьба помогите!

I'm not a sports fan, I do not like to run, jump, throw something there, I like to watch. And I look most often out of the sport is football, I like it, I'm not a fan of a particular command, I just like the entertainment happening on the field.

Как читается помогите! ПОЖАЛУЙСТА! One, two, three, four, five, Last month l caught a whale alive. Six,seven, eight, ten,

Then l let it go again!

Как читается помогите! ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!

помогите пожалуйста как читаются слова:

bliss wealth keep enjoy promise fulfill sorrow song sing struggle accept tragedy confront adventure dare precious destroy life figiit

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