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Задание 10.11. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова. 1..... I go to the college by bus. 2. I do my morning exercises... 3. We shall have invited you... 4.

10-11 класс

Who has seen him...? 5. He was working here... 6. We have... done our work. 7. What are you doing...? 8. He was going home... 9. Will you have read the book.... ? 10. We translated this text.... 12. Did you... see them?
1) before the college 2) by Tuesday 3) often 4) during October 5) every day 6) just 7) last week 8) now 9) recently 10) usually 11) when we met 12) when he comes home 13) already

Задание 10.12. Приведены способы образования ут­вердительных и отрицательных форм кратких от­ветов типа «Я тоже». Переведите предложения. 1. Не doesn't understand anything. — Neither do I. 2. She can swim well. — So, can I. 3. I didn't see this film. — Neither did he. 4. You like to read. — So do I. 5. They haven't had breakfast. — Neither have I. 6. He is lucky. — So am I. 6. I don't work at the office. — Neither does he.

Stason93 14 мая 2013 г., 21:43:55 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 мая 2013 г., 23:24:34 (11 лет назад)

1 Sometimes I go to the college by bus. 2. I do my morning exercises every day 3. We shall have invited you before your leaving. 4. Who has seen him recently? 5. He was working here yesterday at 3 o'clock. 6. We have  just done our work. 7. What are you doing now? 8. He was going home when we met  9. Will you have read the book by Tuesday ? 10. We translated this text last week 12. Did you often  see them?
 в некоторых предложениях я придумала свои "вставки" - не сразу увидела заговки. I'm so sorry!
Задание 10.12. Приведены способы образования ут­вердительных и отрицательных форм кратких от­ветов типа «Я тоже». Переведите предложения. 1. Не doesn't understand anything. — Neither do I. Ничего не понимаю - и я тоже2. She can swim well. — So, can I. она хорошо плавает - и я тоже3. I didn't see this film. — Neither did he.Я не видела этого фильма еще - он тоже (не видел) 4. You like to read. — So do I. вы любите читать. и я тоже! 5. They haven't had breakfast. — Neither have I. Они еще не завтракали - я тоже 6. He is lucky. — So am I. он - везунчик! - так седь и я 6. I don't work at the office. — Neither does he. Я в этом офисе я не работаю - и он тоже


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Запишите предложения, переведя глагол из активного залога в пасивный. Полученые предложения переведите: 1. The Police office is investigating

the latest robbery. The latest robbery..........

2. The police established his quilt beyond doubt. His quilt.........

3. The Government had already taken a number of measures to srtengthen the criminal justice system by the beginning of the year. A number of measures..........

4. I don't sign anything until l have consulted a lawyer. Anything............

Form as many words sa you can using the suffixes -less, -able, -ly,

Form as many words sa you can using the suffixes -less, -able, -ly, -ion -ness, -ful and prefixes re- and un-Success, to connect, to understand, to construct, help, active, to break, to read, beauty.

Помогите прошу срочно!!! Демонстрационное задание по ЕГЭ

Hard to believe it, but there is such a country! Libya __4________________ in North Africa and borders on the

Читайте также

а) Вставьте в предложения нужные по смыслу слова: somebody, something, anybody, anything:

1. Give me ... to read please.
2. There is not ... in the room.
3. ... is standing at the door.
4. There is not ... in the box.
б) Вставьте в предложения нужные по смыслу слова: nobody, nothing, everybody, everything:
1. I know ...about medicine.
2. ... read this book.
3. We read ... about it.
4. He understand ... in this article.
5. ...can speak French.
в) Подставьте подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол:
1. Mike ... speak English and French.
2. ... I ask you a question?
3. I ... not drink my tea it's too hot.
4. ... not be true.
5.You ... tell me the truth.
6. ... I use your telephone?
Помогите, пожалуйста,очень нужно((

вставь в текст подходящие по смыслу предложения:текст про тюленей

1.makes the same journey twice a year
2.december-march;goes to California to have its babies
3.travels to Alaska to find food
4.April-August:goes back to California to lose its old coat and grow a new one

Elephant seals sometimes called sea elephants make the same journey not once but......................!
From...............,the seals go to the warm waters of California to have.................. .
Then they travel to the cold waters of......................... to find....................... .
From.............. , the seals go back to............... to lose their old....................... and.................... .
Elephant seals travel a long way- and get a lovely new coat too!

Надо выбрать правильное по смыслу слово из скобок 1.He gave me (so/such/such a) god advice that it really

helped me solve my proЫem. 2. Dylan (didn't check/hasn't checked/hadn't checked) yet; you cap still call him there. 3. If 1 had known your car had broken down, 1 (would have given/would be giving/will have given) you a lift to work. 4. It wasn't fa+r of JefF to talk to Helen like that; he really (harmed/hurt/damaged) her feelings. 5. Harry told us he (has never gone/had never been/did never go) to the opera before. 6. You (mustn't/shouldn't/can't) have seen Will at the Metallica concert! He can't stand heavy metal music. 7. When Sean lost his parents during a tragic accident, he was placed with a(n) (foster/nuclear/extended) family. 8. The weather forecast says we'll have very (strong/furious/thick) winds this weekend, so 1 doubt we'll be a e to go sailing. 9. The doctor has advised Jim to rest and (keep/take/do) it easy for a few days. 10. Can you believe how (aggressive/pessimistic/arrogant) Gabriel is? He's constantly showing off! 11. Physics (wasn't/ weren't/wouldn't be) my favourite subject when 1 was at school. 12. There's no point (to buy/of buying/ in buying) a car when you don't even have a driving licence! 13. Some ancient societies (worshipped/ consulted/preserved) various animals as gods. 14. Jessica interviewed several people for the post, but (no one/none/neither) of them made a good impression on her. 15. After years of hard work, Andrew finally succeeded (i /to/at) getting a promotion. 16. That's the park in (where/that/which) they're planning to fold the town festival. 17. Cason had a (hacking/blocked/dry) nose and couldn't breathe very easily. 18. It is typical (for/of/with) Tyler to lose his temper when someone disagrees with him! 19. Peter couldn't find his reading glasses, so he asked me where (they were/were they/are they). 20. You went to Coburg High School? Well, (so went 1/so did 1/so 1 did). 21. Look where you're going! You (are to fall/are going to fall/ are falling) into that hole in the ground! 22. Emily would like to study at a private college, but she can't afford the high tuition (fees/values/prices). 23. 1 usually like going to an Indian restaurant for dinner, but tonight I'd prefer (to try/trying/try) the new Thai restaurant.

Вставить подходящие по смыслу слова Florence Nightingale is seen ... many people as the founder of the nursing profession. Known ... The Lady

with the Lamp, she helped save lives of thousands of sick and wounded soldiers. She was also a role model for women ... wanted careers. Florence was ... in 1820 into a wealthy British family. As she grew ... she had a special calling to help others. ... of 33 she organized a hospital for women in London.

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