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Помогите написать ЭССЕ. some people think that the internet can be very dangerous for children and teenagers because they can get addicted to it.

10-11 класс

This sort ofaddiction can affect their life in a very negative way, that is why the internet should be used for educational purposes only.

200-250 words

Валерая 13 марта 2015 г., 19:10:04 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 марта 2015 г., 20:22:18 (9 лет назад)


Millions of people around the world use the Internet every day.


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Перевести с русск. на англ.: 1.Вам не следует возражать советам ваших родителей 2.Я возражаю против

невыносонамых для жизни условий

3.Вс следовало подождать ,а вы не подождали

4.Вам следовало бы настоять на правоте своих решений

5.В три часа дня вчера она лежалав кровати,читая книгу,вдруг услышала громкий шум и встала.Она выглянула из окна и увидела как грузовик только что въехал в ее новую машину

раскройте скобки в нужной форме.1)he was sure that she(to invite)him to her birthday party which(to take)place a week.2)when i(to look)at my

friend,i(to see)that he (to smile)from ear to ear.He (to read)an interesting story.

вставьте модальные глаголы can,may,must,или need.1).....i take this book for a little while?-i am.sorry,but i........return it to the library at once.2)alec......practice this sound specially,but the other pupils.....not:they all pronounce it properly.3)they.....come at any time they like between ten and twelve in the morning,but they......not come if they don*t want to.4)......i go there right now?-yes,you.......5)......we hand in our compositions tomorrow?-no,you........not,you........hand them in after sunday/6)john really do this today?-no,he......not,he......do it tomorrow if the likes

Помогите !!!срочно надо !Указать модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты (залог,время)

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Ребята,проверьте моё эссе на наличие ошибок.пожалуйста. Тема : Many people think that the best way to travel is by car. ----- In

our worls there are a lot of means of transport.One of them is by car.

In this essay I will name some of the advantages and disadvantages of travel by car.

The most common argument for is speed,which depend on type of car.I think that is very big advanture.When you travel by car you can look through the window.It's very pleasant prosecc if you like it.
In favour of disadvantages I can say that some ptople may have a sick.Travel by car is not really my kind of thing,because I have a sick,but it depend on beauty in the car.It sounds stupid but it is true.I can't put up with(терпеть) father's car,when we travel somewhere.I feel headache and sickness.But for my relatives all is good in father's car.
Evidently(очевидно) that this mean of transport not for all people,but if you like travel by car you have a good impressions from your trip.


Some people think that the best way to keep up with current events is by reading newspapers and watching news programs. Others believe that only the Internet can provide people with impartial assessment of news.

Задать 5 вопросов по тексту. In this essay, I would like to discuss the problems of crime and the criminal deeds. This question is important today as

never before. Furthermore, this is the most vital problem and therefore it is worth discussing.In our country the crime usually pays. What crime is ever done it pays greatly, because there is not enough power of the government and the police to stop the development of criminal deeds. That is why you are "allowed" to do everything you like and more besides. Vladislav Listiev, Dmitry Holodov, Galina Starovoitova and many other famous politicians and businessmen were insolently assassinated and the customers of these criminal affairs are somewhere now enjoying their freedom and sure in the idea that the crime pays. I believe that for honest, religious and law respecting people, it is out of the question that crime does not pay, because they all know that if you commit a criminal deed you will be punished by the God, or by your own conscience. Nevertheless, in our society some people have forgotten about justice and law. They hardly understand their role in the life, and think that all the life is based around them and the others can be ignored or terminated. Such ideas are like parasites distributing among others and infecting them. Crime pays if it is well thought and prepared. For example lets take the robbery of the bank. Some people think that the robbery of the bank is connected with guns, a group of well-prepared terrorists, plans. I can only say that these people watch TV and do nothing else, because what you need for today's robbery of the bank is a computer, a modem, and some easy skills. Moreover, you may be confident that no one will ever catch you if you steal little sums of money. Finally, I suppose I have concluded that there are two main points of view on this question. Crime does not pay or it pays. I tend to think that crime does not pay, because if I commit a crime (I wish I never did) I will suffer for all my life, go to police, and tell everything.

Помогите написать эссе.... Work in group.Write dawn a list of changes you expect to happen in the world in a hundred

years' time.Follow these steps.

Нужно написать про Education...

Dialogue vocabulary :

In a hundred years' time there will ...

The most dramatic change will take place in..

First of all, it's necessary to mention ..



We are convinced that..will..

We think... might become..

...is / are likely to become...

To sum it up , I'd like to say that..


advanced technologies .....computer classes...


(do) recearch.. alter.. become crucial..maintain....run out..

in response to..

нужно написать эссе 100 слов.помогите пожалуйста..

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