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when it comes to fashion, i like to take my inspiration from many different places. Britain is a very multi-cultural place, so you see lots of

10-11 класс

different styles and trends all the time. i like picking up bargains at the streer markets and second-hand-shops. then, i put these clothes together with things i have found on the high street/ that way, i always stand out in a crowd! young people today are so creative when it comes to fashion that pop starts are influenced by their style and not the other way round только не с переводчика, пожалуйста

Wanoblin 21 апр. 2013 г., 4:18:33 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
21 апр. 2013 г., 6:42:25 (11 лет назад)

Когда дело доходит до моды, я черпаю своё вдохновение из множества разных мест. Великобритание очень мульти-культорное место, так что здесь вы можете увидеть много разных стилей и трендов всего времени. Мне нравиться подбирать наряды в маркетах и в секонхендах. Потом я складываю эту одежду вместе с вещами, которые я нашла на главной улице города. Таким образом я всегда выделяюсь из толпы. Молодые люди сегодня настолько творческие, что когда дело доходит до моды, поп формируется под влиянием их стиля, а не наоборот


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Переделайте предложения по образцу. Образец: There are three rooms in his flat.-How many rooms are there in his flat? 1) There are five fl

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How many .........

2) There are a lot of postcards in his hands.-

Why ..............

3) There is a new computer in our room.-

What ...........

4) There are ten cartridges on the shelf.-

How many ........

5) There are a lot of men in the room.-

Where ......

переведите на английский, пожалуйста.

Я пишу.
Я не улыбаюсь.
Мы играем в футбол зимой.
Я не бегу.
Я пою.
Он не летит.

Читайте также

помогите пожалуйстаПоставьте глаголы в скобках в одно из прошедших времен 1 When I ( come) the lecture already (cstort) 2 They ( go) to Moscow some

days ago 3 When I come he ( leave) so we only had time for a few words 4 When we ( come) to the airport, the plane already ( land) 5 He suddenly ( understand) that he ( travel) in the wrong direction 6 Our teacher ( speak) many foreign languages 7 Who ( speak) with you? 8 He (play) tennis 9 I ( go) home when we met 10 My son ( play) the piano 11 They already (translate) this text last lesson 12 You (do) this exer cise last week 13 We ( discuss) your plan yesterday at 10 o'clock 14 It (pain) when I went for a walk 15 What you ( do) there? 16 I ( not, write) at the lesson 17 Students ( Trarslate) this text the whole lesson yesterday 18 He already ( come)? 19 she said that she ( not like) this book and ( try) to find a more interesting one 20 They train ( leave) at 10 21 When I (sce) him he ( cross) the street 22 While he ( water) the garden it ( begin) to rain 23 When Ann ( finish) her homework she ( turn) on TV

Ann When I go to school I usually put on a school uniform. it`s a dark jacket a green skirt and a white blouse. I don`t wear a tie. In we wear shoes of

different colors. In the evenings I usually wear jeans and a top or a sweater. My clothes are usually very comfortable. When I go to a party I often wear a smart dress or a skirt and a blouse. And I`ve got a pair of nice shoes I love them. Alekx . I study in Art School. We haven`t got a uniform but we can`t wear jeans to school. I usually wear a pair of dark trousers a shirt and a jumper. I don`t wear jackets. They are not comfortable. I always wear trainers. I don`t like boots. When I go to the gym I take a tracksuit and a T-shirt with me. Dan. When I go to school I put on a blue jacket blue trousers and a white shirt. I sometimes wear a tie .I like my school uniform. My favorite clothes are my new sweatshirt a pair of blue jeans and white trainers.I always wear T-shirts and shorts at home.

Money (part 1)

Before money, people could not buy and sell. There was trade; but it had to be two-way trade: people exchanged goods. For example, they exchanged food for clothes. With money, buying and selling became two things that could happen at different times and with different people. A person could sell food to somebody on one day and get money for it; a week later, he or she could use the money to buy clothes from a third person.
There have been metal coins for thousands of years. Some of the earlier coins were used in Turkey, and they were made of gold and silver. But this caused problems. People used to take very small bits of metal from each coin. Each coin was then a bit smaller, so people wanted more coins for their goods, and prices went up.
Metal coins were used by the Greeks thousands of years ago. The Greek drachma was made of silver. For hundreds of years, it was the most common kind of money for trade in Europe and parts of Asia. The Greeks even put drachma into the mouths of dead people: they believed the money would pay for their journey to the next world.
The Romans also used silver and gold coins. But the emperor Nero decided to put less gold and silver into the coins in order to make money for himself. After that, nobody wanted to use the coins, and this had a very bad effect on the Roman economy. The world had learned a lesson: money only works if people believe in its value.
Coins can be heavy. (For example, the people of Yap, an island in the Pacific, use stone coins; the biggest were about four meters across!) In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, people did not want to carry large bags of coins with them, so they left the coins with traders. The traders gave them “notes”: theses were just pieces of paper with a promise in writing to pay back the gold and silver coins. Soon, people started to use the notes themselves as money. Later, governments began to control money. They made their own notes for people to use.
Text 2.
Money (part 2)
In 1950, the first credit card was made. It was the Diners Club card, and it could only be used in 200 restaurants in New York. Today, almost all shops, hotels and restaurants in the world take credit cards, so people do not have to carry a lot of coins and notes with them when they travel.
As with anything there are advantages and disadvantages to using credit cards. Advantages:
Immediate Access: Need a new set of tires? Credit can help with an expensive, unexpected emergency and give you the flexibility to pay it over time.
Security: Lose cash, and it's gone. Lose a credit card, and it can be cancelled. Also, if you report a lost or stolen card promptly, you're protected against its unauthorized use.
Record Keeping: Your credit card statement is an itemized list of your monthly expenditures, which can be helpful when it comes to budgeting.
Convenience: Credit cards are accepted at more places than checks, and they're generally faster to use.
Rewards: Using a credit card with a rewards program may earn you benefits like free travel.
The main disadvantage to credit card usage is its cost to you in interest and fees. Wise use of credit means understanding those costs and acting accordingly. Keep track of your spending to ensure that you can repay your credit card bill in full when it comes due each month.

помогите прочитать английский текст, русскими буквами. When we go for an interview, most of us think carefully about what to wear and what to say but

hardly ever about how to act – in other words, what our body language is telling the interviewer. So can we appear cool when we are feeling so nervous? Employers nowadays are cautious about the fast talking interviewee who has learned certain words and phrases but who may be hiding a basic lack of knowledge or simply lying. So they look increasingly for other signs, which will show a person’s character and ability – such as body language. You will be more impressive at an interview if you have prepared by doing a “dress rehearsal” of your facial expressions and hand movements in front of a mirror. It sounds ridiculous but it works. When it comes to facial signals, you should always smile when you enter the interview room and when the interview has finished, because first and last impressions count. Try to smile from eyes first – if models can do this, so can we. There is no worse than a painted – on smile and terrified eyes. You should also try to maintain eye - contact with the interviewer, but not too long. If you are in front of a panel of interviews, look first at the person who asked you a question, and then at each of the other panel members in turn. Looking just at the questioner is a common mistake.

Помогите, пожалуйста, раскрыть скобки!(словообразование) Healthy eating is(1 doubt) the key to general well-being.Our bodies are made up of what we

eat, so our (2 fit) and (3 vital) cannot (4 possible) escape the effects of bad diet.Sweets, chocolate and cake are fine in (5 moderation) amounts, but trouble arises when people can't leave them alone and are( 6 greed) eating them all the time.(7 treat) is necessary for serious problems but (8 prevent) is ( 9 norm) better than cure.Make a careful (10 choose) when it comes to desserts and avoid cafes that offer a good (11 select) of cakes to round off a meal.A (12 reduce) in your sugar intake may well hurt at first but you'll feel (13 good) without it.

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