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Сочинение "The role of books, TV and computers in our society"

10-11 класс

Kristina252 14 сент. 2013 г., 18:31:04 (10 лет назад)
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14 сент. 2013 г., 20:55:45 (10 лет назад)

Sure,books play an important role in peoples life.We learned a lot of interesting things,facts from books.Each family has a home library.But,no one can have all books at home.So,we have to borrow books from libraries.Books contain the usefull information,which can help us.But,sorry to say,not all of us are found of reading.For example,my younger sister prefer to watch TV and my parents often make her read.Of course,nowdays television is the main branch of mass media.Last news are reported over the television.So,people turn on different channeles to be informed about the latest World News.But some people like to use computers.Computers are used more and more often in the world today.Computers can do many things better,than person.Its main reason why people use computer.It make life simply.
I think that all play big role in our life,then we should use all


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Say that you (your groupmates) didn't do it.

- My younger brother went to school last year.

- My brother didn't go to school last year. He was only 5.

1. She came home late yesterday.

2. Father helped me with my English.

3. I liked this concert very much.

4. My little brother played in the yard.

5. I saw Mary in the yard yesterday.

6. I watched TV in the evening.

7. We watched a football match on TV in the evening.

8. They read English texts at the lesson yesterday.

9. Helen listened to the music in the evening.

10. Nick and his friends played basketball after classes.


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William Shakespeare is the greatest of all playwrights and poets of all times. Not much is known of his life. He was probably the son of a businessman and

was born in 1564 in Stradford-upon-Avon. He probably attended the local grammar school and got a classical education. In 1582 he married Anne Hathaway and had 3 children. Little is known of his life before 1592, when he appeared as a playwright in London. Soon he became an actor playing supporting roles like the ghost in "Hamlet". In 1599 Shakespeare became a part owner of the Globe Theatre in London.
Shakespeare's work as a playwright is subdivided into 3 periods. Written in the first period, Shakespeare's plays are mostly history plays like "Henry VI", and comedies with strong elements of farce. His masterpiece of this period is "Romeo and Juliet". In the second period Shakespeare wrote a number of comedies where he moved away from farce towards romance. In the third period, after 1600, appeared his major tragedies - "Hamlet", "Othello". They presented a clear opposition of order to chaos, good to evil. Shakespeare was a great poet and would be well known for his poetry alone. His major achievement as a poet is his sonnets, first published in 1609. A sonnet is a poem consisting of 14 lines, with a moral at the end. The sonnets are addressed to some "W.H.", and to mysterious "Dark Lady of Sonnets". The sonnets deal with the great themes of love, friendship, death, change and immortality. Shakespeare looks at his own poetry as a means of immortality. Shakespeare's sonnets are excellent. They are full of harmony and music; they praise love, friendship and beauty, though there is no sentimentality in them. Shakespeare's poetry is at the summit of human achievement. Many centuries have passed since his death in 1616, but Shakespeare is still considered to be the greatest of all playwrights and poets.
Перевод:Уильям Шекспир является величайшим драматургом из всех драматургов. Не так много известно о его жизни. Вероятно, он был сыном бизнесмена и родился в 1564 году в Страдфорд-на-Эйвоне. Онучился в местной гимназии и получил классическое образование. В 1582 году он женился на Энн Хэтэуэй и имел троих детей. Мало что известно о его жизни до 1592, он появился в качестве драматурга в Лондоне. Вскоре он стал актером, играющий роли второго плана, как призрак в "Гамлете". В 1599 Шекспир стал совладельцем Globe Theatre в Лондоне. Работа Шекспира как драматурга подразделяется на три периода. Написано в первом периоде, пьесы Шекспира в основном история пьесы, как "Генриха VI" и комедии с сильными элементами фарса ("Комедия ошибок"). Его шедевр этого периода является "Ромео и Джульетта". Во втором периоде Шекспир написал ряд комедий, где он отошел от фарса к романтике ("Как вам это понравится"). В третьем периоде, после 1600, появились его основные трагедии - "Гамлет", "Отелло". Они представили четкую оппозицию порядка к хаосу, хорошее ко злу. Шекспир был великим поэтом и будут известными только его поэзии. Его главным достижением как поэт является его сонеты, впервые опубликованный в 1609 году. Сонет это стихотворение, состоящее из 14 строк, с моралям в конце. Сонеты адресованы некоторых "В. Н." и к таинственному "Dark леди сонетов". Сонеты имели дело с великими темами любви, дружбы, смерти, изменения и бессмертия. Шекспир смотрит на свой страх и поэзии как средство бессмертия. Сонеты Шекспира превосходны. Они полны гармонии и музыки; они хвалят любовь, дружбу и красоту, хотя в них нет сентиментальности. Поэзия Шекспира на саммите человеческих достижений. Много веков прошло со дня его смерти в 1616 году, но Шекспир до сих пор считается величайшим из всех драматургов и поэтов.

Помогите ответить на вопросы : 1) what is Shakespeare famous for?
2) what is Shakespeare's major achievement as a poet?
3)how can you define a sonnet?
4) what themes do Shakespeare's sonnets deal with?

I. Translate the sentences into Russian: 1. It is the language of science, trade and cultural

relations, commerce, business, diplomacy and sports. 2. English is used as one of the official languages in Canada, the Republic of South Africa and the Irish Republic. 3. People study English as a foreign language in 56 countries. People need English to socialize with foreigners, to use the Internet, to know foreign countries, their cultures and peoples. The 10 most studied foreign languages are: English, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Arabic, German, Chinese, Japanese and Turkish. 6. English is a first language in 12 countries.

Задать 5 вопросов по тексту. In this essay, I would like to discuss the problems of crime and the criminal deeds. This question is important today as

never before. Furthermore, this is the most vital problem and therefore it is worth discussing.In our country the crime usually pays. What crime is ever done it pays greatly, because there is not enough power of the government and the police to stop the development of criminal deeds. That is why you are "allowed" to do everything you like and more besides. Vladislav Listiev, Dmitry Holodov, Galina Starovoitova and many other famous politicians and businessmen were insolently assassinated and the customers of these criminal affairs are somewhere now enjoying their freedom and sure in the idea that the crime pays. I believe that for honest, religious and law respecting people, it is out of the question that crime does not pay, because they all know that if you commit a criminal deed you will be punished by the God, or by your own conscience. Nevertheless, in our society some people have forgotten about justice and law. They hardly understand their role in the life, and think that all the life is based around them and the others can be ignored or terminated. Such ideas are like parasites distributing among others and infecting them. Crime pays if it is well thought and prepared. For example lets take the robbery of the bank. Some people think that the robbery of the bank is connected with guns, a group of well-prepared terrorists, plans. I can only say that these people watch TV and do nothing else, because what you need for today's robbery of the bank is a computer, a modem, and some easy skills. Moreover, you may be confident that no one will ever catch you if you steal little sums of money. Finally, I suppose I have concluded that there are two main points of view on this question. Crime does not pay or it pays. I tend to think that crime does not pay, because if I commit a crime (I wish I never did) I will suffer for all my life, go to police, and tell everything.

помогите сократить текст пожалуйста Bill Gates. The Richest Man in the World. Everyone has heard of Bill Gates, the icon of American business and the riche

st man in the world. Microsoft, the business he started with a friend in 1975, has become the world's largest computer software company. Although the company is in big trouble today — the US government has broken it up — experts say it will remain successful. Bill Gates was born the 28th at October, 1955, in Seattle. USA. Seattle was once famous for producing Boeing aircraft, but is now better known as the home of Microsoft. From his parents Bill got a good business sense and a quick mind. His father is a lawyer and his late mother was a teacher and then a company director. At school Bill soon showed that he was very intelligent. His favourite subjects were Maths and Science. At 13 he got interested in computers. Bill Gates and his friend Paul Alien were soon spending all their time writing programmes and learning about computers instead of doing their homework. After finishing school in 1973, Bill went to Harvard, America's most famous university. Most of the lime he worked on the computers in the university laboratory. The next year, he and Paul Alien wrote an operating programme lor the Altair. one of the world's first microcomputers. Bill knew, even then, that lie would revolutionize the world of computing and he left Harvard before finishing his studies. The two friends started Microsoft in 1975. and very soon it became a business success. In 1980, Gates bought a small company which produced an operating system called DOS. He made some changes to it and renamed it MS-DOS. He sold the rights to use this system to IBM. Since 1980 MS-DOS has been the standard operating system for all PCs. Microsoft has also developed such well-known programmes as Windows, Excel and Internet Explorer. Bill's dream is to computerize everything — TVs, telephones, lights, even the way you cook dinner... One reason for his success is that Bill has always been very ambitious and hard-working. This hasn't left him much time for a normal personal life. but in 1994 he married Melinda French, a Microsoft employee. The couple has two children: a daughter, born in 1996, and a son, born in 1999. Bill Gates has written two books. The Road Ahead (1995) and Business and the Speed of Thought (1999). Both books are best-sellers. Bill hasn't got much tree time, but when he has a chance he likes playing golf and bridge. He is also fond of reading about science." For such a rich person, his life is simple, and he spends very little on himself. When it comes to helping others, though. Gates is very generous. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has already given $300 million to charity, and he says he plans to give away almost all of his wealth when he retires.

Primary Objectives of the Manager Health and safety of the workforce. Carrying out and attaining the mission and the goals of the business

unit managed. Development of a superior workforce. Development of the department. Development of an employee-oriented company culture that emphasizes quality, continuous improvement, key employee retention and development, and high performance. Personal ongoing development. Primary Responsibilities of a Manager

Department Management

- Manage the overall operational, budgetary, and financial responsibilities and activities of the department.

- Plan and implement systems that perform the work and fulfill the mission and the goals of the department efficiently and effectively.

- Plan and allocate resources to effectively staff and accomplish the work to meet departmental productivity and quality goals.

- Plan, evaluate, and improve the efficiency of business processes and procedures to enhance speed, quality, efficiency, and output.

- Make business decisions that are financially responsible, accountable, justifiable, and defensible in accordance with organization policies and procedures.

- Establish and maintain relevant controls and feedback systems to monitor the operation of the department.

- Review performance data that includes financial, sales, and activity reports and spreadsheets, to monitor and measure departmental productivity, goal achievement, and overall effectiveness.

- Manage the preparation and maintenance of reports necessary to carry out the functions of the department. Prepares periodic reports for management, as necessary or requested, to track strategic goal accomplishment.

- Communicate regularly with other managers, the director, vice president, president, and other designated contacts within the organization.

- Perform other duties and responsibilities, as assigned.

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