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10-11 класс

Нужно написать сочинение по английскому на тему : "The dangers and hardship of the youth" (Опасности и трудности которые стоят перед молодежью)

Tata280 24 янв. 2015 г., 21:53:12 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 янв. 2015 г., 22:41:24 (9 лет назад)

The modern science of international relations is facing the need for further search of the answer to the question, what will be the relationship in the XXI century. Researchers give them controversial. Some see in the modern world, the triumph of the liberal-democratic model, believing in the future of the global world order, the other - a sign of an imminent threat to this order, the planetary sociological disaster and the potential for "clash of civilizations." But everyone pays attention to the geopolitical aspects of international relations.

Changing the configuration of the regions and inter-regional spaces. Disappear from the map of the world the whole states, new national and regional centers. The controversy about the "what is geopolitics" due, in our opinion, the fact that a number of Western scholars, primarily North American, do not call themselves the task of identifying the methodological framework, but simply apply existing knowledge to determine the alignment of political forces in the world. Zbigniew Brzezinski, a professor of international relations at the University D. Hopkins, wrote: "No existing system and no possible alliance of countries will not take on the role currently played by the United States". [1] The point, apparently, is that geopolitics, being mainly applied science, requires reference to issues related to the different spheres of human activity, from history and economics and finishing law, sociology, etc.

The collapse of the USSR as a geopolitical catastrophe of Kosovo as a base of military control, two of Russia's war in Chechnya in order to preserve the integrity and control of oil in the Caspian Sea, the growing presence of Germany in Eastern Europe, finally took NATO's eastward expansion - just a small list of geopolitical problems. For example, a Hungarian political scientist G. Molnar notes that, from a geopolitical point of view, the expansion of NATO is not a march folly, and the definition of the new Eastern borders of the West and is aimed at preventing the unification of Eastern and Western Europe into a unified geopolitical structure. [2]

Unfortunately, these critical processes and problems are not adequately reflected in the development of the concept of national security of our allies - Russia, a concept which, according to Russian political scientist Arbatov could organically combining some traditional interests in our geopolitical, geostrategic position with new nature of the Russian economy, ideology, political system, the new nature of her relationship with the near and far abroad. [3]


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Помогите пожалуйста исправить ошибки в английском

тексте. Я написала сочинение, но я плохо знаю английский, поэтому в моём
тексте могут быть ошибки, помогите пожалуйста проверить это!!! Заранее
My best and memorable day in my life is
considered the new year! On the eve of my always covers the strange
feeling that something needs to happen and joyful magical. Throughout
the festive atmosphere , all selected beautiful Christmas tree, buy
different fruits , sweets, prepare gifts for loved ones.

We begin
preparing for the holiday in advance. Clean the house , decorate the
Christmas tree ,Decorate the room with balls, garlands, beautiful toys.
Mom always cooks for the holiday table something unusual and very tasty.
I try not to sleep time of arrival of the new year under the chiming
clock . After the final blow on the street fireworks begins, which can
last for an hour! We usually have fun, hold various contests , dance,
sing . It's really fun!

Especially good when New Year's Eve worth
frosty snowy weather. In windows of all the houses flashing colored
lights . Celebrating and having fun .Apparently, due to the fact that
the New Year a general holiday , celebrate it so fun!


ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СДЕЛАТЬ НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ЗАДАНИЕOpen the brackets.Put the verbs into the Future Indefinite.
1.I (not to go) to the Hermitage tomorrow.
2. Kate (to give) it to you this afternoon.
3.We (to have) orange juice.
4.He (not to phone) her tonight.
5. I (to help) you with it.
6. They (not to have) coffee.
7. It is hot here, I (to open) the window.
8. I (to get) a taxi.
9. It is cold here, I ( to close) the window.
10. I (not to tell ) anyone what happened.

Помогите, пожалуйста, восстановить идиому: "Неоперделенный артикль + синоним прилагательных "beautiful, cute" + кухонная утварь для чая +

предлог, означающий принадлежность + водное животное.
Получается, или a или an + wonderful, pretty + teapot + of + какое-то водное животное. Помогите пожалуйста!

Помогите пожалуйста перевести текст и как произносить его на русском языке.

Dear friends,
Welcome to Green School!
Let's read and write in English.

Let's run and jump in the forest!

go to school together!
Mr Greenwood and his pupils

Помогите пожалуйста дописать предложения в рассказе и перевести его.
1) He is an elephant.
2) His _____________ is Thomas.
3) He isn't angry.
4) He is _________________________.
5) He can _______________________________.
6) He can't ________________________________________.
7) We _____ to school together.

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