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Пожалуйста срочно надо перевести на русский

10-11 класс

Alievasabina2 13 марта 2017 г., 10:02:16 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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13 марта 2017 г., 10:40:36 (7 лет назад)

Скачай приложение на телефон переводчик сфоткай текст и он тебе переведёт
работает токо с инетом


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Определить в предложениях формы глаголов и указать их инфинитив.

1. The progress will bring a new approach to public education.
2. My mother likes to sing when she cooks in the kitchen.3. The grammar school was the only school which gave acces to higher education.
Помогите пожалуйста
Вот по такому образцу - Lomonosov founded in Moscow the first Russian University.
founded - Past Indefinite Active - от стандартного глагола - to found.

Нужно переделать текст в прошедшее время:

This is a story about a boy named Digory and a girl named Polly who are neighbors in London. Digory lives with his Uncle Andrew, a self-proclaimed magician, because his mother is very sick.
Uncle Andrew shows the children some rings that contain magical powers. After touching one of the rings, Polly suddenly disappears. Digory grabs a ring and goes after her.
Digory and Polly appear in a peaceful forest with several puddles. They discover that the puddles are doorways to other worlds and so they begin exploring.
The children then find themselves in a crumbling world called Charn. After ringing a magical bell, the Queen, Jadis, awakens. They learn that Jadis is an evil witch, but as they try to leave the world, Jadis grabs them, travelling with them.
Eventually, Jadis returns to London with the children and wants to rule the world. The children manage to transport Jadis back into another world, but bring along Uncle Andrew, a cabby, and a horse.
At first, this new world is dark, but the group hears a song and suddenly life begins to appear. The source of the singing is a lion and as he nears them, Jadis panics and throws a lamppost at the lion. Seeing that the lion is not hurt, Jadis runs.
The lion's name is Aslan and soon he creates other creatures in the world called Narnia. He designates some of the creatures as delegates, giving them the power of speech.
Aslan acknowledges the children and requests that Digory travel over the hills to retrieve a magical apple.
Digory travels with Polly and a flying horse. In the mountains, the apple trees are protected by a gate and Digory is the only one who ventures through. He picks an apple and is tempted to take a bite, but resists. There, Jadis, who has eaten an apple herself, continues to tempt him to eat it or at least give it to his dying mother. Confidently, Digory refuses.
The group returns to Aslan and Digory plants the apple in the ground. A tree soon emerges with apples and Aslan explains that the tree will protect Narnia from Jadis. Digory is allowed to pick one apple for his mother.
The cabby and his wife are made king and queen of Narnia and Digory, Polly, and Uncle Andrew return to London. Digory gives his mother the magic apple and she recovers. He buries the remains of the apple and the magic rings in a secret location.
In the end, Digory inherits a mansion in the countryside and builds a wardrobe out of the apple tree that he had planted.

Виправ помилки:

2) He usually walk the pet in the morning.
3) Mum tidying up theflat every Saturday.
4)Tina is do the washing up on.
5)Dad fix things in our family.
6) I never does the the ironing.

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possessive case(Напишите следующие комбинации слов во множественном

числе используя притяжательный падеж)
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Помогите пожалуйста, срочно надо. Благодарю) Вставьте модальные глаголы may или can. 1. Cheques … be accepted only with a bank card. 2. … I take

a seat here? Yes, you … 3. He … not join the party because he is busy. 4. … I bring my sister with me? 5. She … translate this article without a dictionary.

Перепишите следующие предложения в Past Simple. 1. She looks pale. She must spend more time out in the open air. 2. My parents are not at home and I must look after my little sister. 3. They must call the doctor because grandmother is ill. 4. Pete must stay at home because it is very cold. Вставьте модальные глаголы: can, may, could, should, need. 1. You … think about the future and not about the past. 2. We … not do the work so quickly, there's plenty of time left 3. Where she was a baby, she … only cry. 4. You … do it, I am sure! 5. … I try this coat on?

Переведите на русский язык предложения, обращая внимание на правильный перевод модальных глаголов. 1. You shouldn't walk alone around the town late at night. 2. Books must be returned to the library on time. 3. I cannot meet them at the station, I should be at work. 4. His car has broken down so he has to go to work by bus. 5. You needn't do it if you don't want to.

Образуйте разделительные вопросы. 1. It's happened before, … ? 2. Jack's on holiday, … ? 3. Let's go out tonight, … ? 4. Listen, … ? 5. She likes sweets, …? 6. Tom won't be late, … ? 7. He should pass the exam, … ?

помогите пожалуйста , срочно надо перевести текст. The American home.

American apartments are usually described as one-bedroom (studio apartments), two-bedroom or three-bedroom apartments.

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