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Помогите решить кроссворд! 1 слово 8 букв ... is the last month of the year 2 слово 7 букв ... is the time when children

1-4 класс

don't go to scool and do what they want 3 слово 10букв you can enjoy christmas ... everywhere in december 4 слово 7 букв ... is the language which people speak in great britain 5 слово 5 букв ... is an old man who brings children presents at christmas 6 слово 6 букв ... is one of the seasons 7 cлово 5 букв ... christmas ! we say to wish people pleasant christmas days 8 слово 6 букв ... is a traditional or religions song people sing at christmas 9 cлово 6 букв there is a big christmas tree in trafalgar ... in winter ( вместо ... поставить слово) !!!ЗАРАНЕЕ СПАСИБО!!!

H2SO4 02 окт. 2014 г., 2:11:03 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 окт. 2014 г., 3:51:40 (9 лет назад)

1 - декабрь
2 - каникулы


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Нужен перевод текста

My Uncle Harry`s forty years old.He`s tall with fair hair and blye eyes.Uncle Harry`s a vet. He 1) work/ works at the Animal Hospital in Stonebridge. Uncle Harry doesn`t 2) wear/wears a uniform, but he 3) wear/ wears a white coat. He 4) help/ helps sick animals. In his free time Uncle Harry likes 5) cook/cooking and 6) play/playing tennis. I 7)think/thinks my Uncle Harry is great.

Очень нужен текст на английском. Тема: "Новый год в Индии"

Ребят, действительно очень нужно! Если кто не спешит, картинки бы тоже не помешали!

Напишите краткий пересказ на русском

рассказа:,, Удивительные приключения принцессы Уонстанции"! Пожалуйста!!!!

как будет слово smile в past simple
Помогите прочитать текст и перевести!

Meet Tiny.He lives in the English forest.He is funny and kind. He is smart and merry.Tiny can speak and read English. He lives to write fairy tales and poems.
Here is one of his poems.
I can read I can sing
I can write my fairy tales
And what about you?
Tiny has got a lot of friends. they like Tiny"s poem and fairy tales. They often walk in the forest and play chess together.

Читайте также

Помогите пожалуйста очень срочнo

Answer the questions
What is the third month of the year?
What month is between march and may?
What season begins a year?
What month begins a year?
What is the ninth month of the year?
What is the first month of autumn?

Help! Please!!!

Дайте полные ответы на следующие вопросы.:
1. Who is the youngest in your family?
2. Who is the oldest in your family?
3. Is your father older than your mother?
4. Are you as young as your friend?
5. Which is the most difficult subject for you?
6. Which is the easiest subject for you.
7. Is mathematics more difficult for you than English?
8. Is English easier for you physics?
9. Is chemistry as difficult for you as physics?
10. Which is the most interesting subject for you?
11. Which is the longest day of the year?
12. Which is the shortest month of the year?
13. Is Washington bigger than New York?
14. Which is the largest city in the world?
15. Whis is highest mountain peak in the world?
16. Who is the most famous Russian singer now?
17. It is warmer today than it was yeasterday?
18. Do you have more or less free time now than you had last year?

Complete the sentences.

Example: January is the first month
of winter.

помогите пожалуйста!!! решить кроссворд!и если увидите 3 точки нужно поставить отгадку и так начнём: ...(4 буквы) off a coat a place where it is very

hot(6 букв) language(6 букв) Russian,English of french(8 букв) Сountry(6 букв) just a ...(6 букв). please. capital of australia(8 букв) big australian city(6 букв) on the 1st of april i made a ...(4 букв) capital of canada(6 букв) seven days(4 букв) a continent and country(9 букв) part of the world(6 букв) i dont speak French, but i ...(10 букв) australia, africa or antarctica(9 букв) ruble or dollar(5 букв) a lot of water(3 букв) part of the world(4 буквы) you go to school. and your parents go to ... (4 буквы)

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