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Помогите пожалуйста правильно вставить слова, которые в скобках на те же места

10-11 класс

We get on quite well but sometimes they think that I(be) boring and annoying. It happens when Mum tells(they) to look after me instead of hanging out with their friends. Sometimes they say that they are busy. Just like now - my sister is pretending that she(do) her lessons, but I know that it's not true. She (do) them already. She wants to go out but she (not know) how to escape the house. I'm going to offer her a deal: if she allows me to play on her computer, I(tell) Mum that I want to go to bed earlier, so she'll be able to go wherever she wants. Whatever they say, i'm sure that my brother and sister love me. It was me birthday last week and they(take) me to the circus. They also gave me a large teddy bear. They put the bear at the foot of me bed when I(sleep)/ It was the first thing I saw when I woke up in the morning!

Man4Ik 10 февр. 2015 г., 12:15:08 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 февр. 2015 г., 13:44:54 (9 лет назад)

We get on quite well but sometimes they think that I am boring and annoying. It happens when Mum tells them to look after me instead of hanging out with their friends. Sometimes they say that they are busy. Just like now - my sister is pretending that she is doing her lessons, but I know that it's not true. She has done them already. She wants to go out but she does not know how to escape the house. I'm going to offer her a deal: if she allows me to play on her computer, I’ll tell Mum that I want to go to bed earlier, so she'll be able to go wherever she wants. Whatever they say, I'm sure that my brother and sister love me. It was my birthday last week and they took me to the circus. They also gave me a large teddy bear. They put the bear at the foot of me bed when I was sleeping. It was the first thing I saw when I woke up in the morning!


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Переведите на англ. В гостинной находится сервант, угловой диван, цветной телевизор, два кресла и журнальный столик. 6 На с толе стоит ваза с цветами. 7.

Наша кухня - довольно большая. Там есть плита, холодильник, посудный шкаф, стол и несколько стульев. 8. В ванной хранятся различные предметы туалета. 9. На стене в коридоре находится вешалка и зеркало. 10. Мы поддерживаем порядок в комнате.

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Здравствуйте! НУЖНО ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО!!!!Помогите, пожалуйста, правильно вставить слова: 1. Target marketing ____(1)____ attempting to relate the

____(2)____ of products to the requirements of ____(3)____ customers. Firms ____(4)____ target specific groups of customers, with particular ____(5)____ which the

firm can meet.


seek to




2.Before using the ____(1)____ analysis to ‘position’ the product it is vital to discover ____(2)____ what key competitors are doing, both in ____(3)____, product development and price. This may be undertaken by ____(4)____ and by ____(5)____ studies.

in some detail


marketing strategy

desk research


3. Standards of ____(1)____ in the task must be set out ____(2)____ in order that the ____(3)____ may be held accountable to the ____(4)____ for their efforts. The managers are also accountable to their ____(5)____ for the actions of their subordinates.






ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО!!Нужно вставить слова за место цифр.

Steven Sonnenberg (1) in Germany,but he (2) to Boston,USA with his parents when he (3) six years old.He (4) there languages-German,English, and Russian.I (6) law at Harvard from 2000-2004.Now i (7) a course in international studies at the Sorbonne in Paris.After the course,i (8) on holiday to Russia.I can't wait to see the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg.
Слова которые нужно вставить:has, studied, speaks, emigrated, was born, 'm going, was, 'm doing.

помогите пожалуйста правильно произнеси слова

man pen meat lid been hope near hall they war; и правильно прочитать текст хотя бы самые сложные слова

Помогите пожалуйста правильно вставить предложенные слова в текст

concern, base, discuss, be, show, take up, hope for, say, offer, wish, live, suggest, provide, govern

Students __ economics for different reasons. Some __ a career in business, some __ for a deeper understanding of government policy, and some ___ about the poor or the unemployed. This book __ an introduction, which__ that economics__ a live subject. It__ real insights into the world in which we __. The material that we__ in this book __ by two ideas. The first __ that there __ a body of economics, which has to be learned in any introductory course. The second __ on the belief that modem economics is more readily applicable to the real world than traditional approaches __.

Помогите пожалуйста ,нужно вставить слова в пропусках

1.Excuse me,do you speak English? I ... for a hotel
1.look 2.am looking 3. Was looking 4. Have been looking

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