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read the following "angry" letter to the editor. Write a letter in defense of technological progress. Use the arguments from the box and/ or

10-11 класс

your own ones.

Dear Editor,
I really don't think that readers need your journal any more. In your articles you write about new achievements of scientists and about all those "man made wonders". I'm strongly against the propaganda of technological progress. It has done people more harm than good. It has created the nuclear bomb, it has made lots of animal species extinct, and now it's destroying the ozone layer and causing global warming. It will bring us to collapse very soon.
I demand that scientific research of any kind should be prohibited, and journals like yours should be closed. People need fresh air and clean water and don't need any technological progress.
Sincerely your,
John Lester

Useful language
Achievements in medicine make it possible for people to live longer.
Different devices are able to sustain people's life during operations.
Household appliances have altered our lifestyle considerably.
Efficient means of transport and communication can bring together people who are separated by the ocean.
Computers and robots accelerate research in the ocean and the cosmos.

Dear Mr Lester
I've read your letter on the technological progress but cannot agree with you. Though technology affects nature and the environment, it would be unfair to say that they don't do people anything good.






However,you are right that we should do something to stop the negative effects of the technological progress. We all need to think about it and be reasonable and constructive.

Yakorhina 14 авг. 2013 г., 14:19:48 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 авг. 2013 г., 16:58:18 (10 лет назад)

Let's think about some achivements in medicine. People inented so many meds. They help people to get well much more faster that without them. think about the invention of antibiotics. Do you think it would be possible for people to stary alive after a surgery?


Let's now look around your house. Can you imagine your life without a microwave oven, a blender, a mixer, a washing mashine, a wacuum cleaner and many other household appliances?I'm sure you will agree that they  have altered our lifestyle considerably. And the most important that thay not just changed it but thay made it much more easy.


Imagine you are on a remote island having your holiday. Suddenly a storm has come. What would you do without all those efficient means of transport and communication that can help you to call and ask for help?


Другие вопросы из категории

2. Выберите правильную форму существительного и почему:

1) The … comes every morning.
a) postman
b) postmen

2) How many … high is this house?
a) feet
b) foot

8.Подберите слово, близкое по значению к подчеркнутому:

1) We do English at school.

a) work
b) learn
c) tach
d) know

2) She spoke to her English teacher after classes
a) talked
b) said
c) told
d) discussed

ПОМОГИТЕ! Надо закончить предложение в Past simple и в Past Continuous.

1)when I heard the good news
2)while I was waiting for the bus,
3)when I first came to this school
4)When I woke up this morning,
5)While everyone was having a good time at the party/
Надо каждое предложение закончить в паст симпл и в паст континиус)

Task 4

There are 10 phrases, taken from formal and informal letters. Find pairs of phrases

Читайте также

Deark Kids. Here is the story I promised to write to you.Imagine a lot of snow,ice,sun and cold all in one place.it s called Antarctita!And it is the

coldest part of the coldest part of the world.It is also the heghest and the windest.There are a lot of mountains and icebergs in Antarctita. Do you know what icerbergs are like?They are a lot of mountains and beautiful pieces of ice like mountains made from giass and snow.
Scientist from different countries stay here for short periods of time.Usually they live in special stations.
There are some unusual birds that live in Antarctica.They are called penguins.They are quite big birs but they can t fly at all. But they are excellent swimmers and divers. While the penguins mums spend the winter at sea,their dads take care of the eggse for nine weeks.During this time they don t eat or drink.For extra warmth children out of the cold air and wind.
The blue whale lives in Antarctinca too. It is the largest animal in the world. But I will write you about them in my next story.
Send your letters to our magazine.Ask me as many questions as you can ans I II try to answer

Помогите срочно!!!! Очень нужно .1.What you (to read) now?-I (to read) Tom`s book.I (to be) in a hurry.Tom soon (to come), and I (to want) to finish

reading the book before he (to come).2.As soon as you(to see)your friend,tell him that I(to want)to see him.3.When I (to ccome) home yesterday , my brother(to sleep).4.When you (to come) to see us?-I (to come) tomorrow if I (not to be) busy.5.I (not to like) apples.6.He (to come) home at 5 o`clock yesterday.7.I (to ring) you up as soon as I (to come) home tomorrow.8.I (to show) you my work if you (to like) .9.He (to come) home by 6 o`clock yesterday.10.Pete certainly (to help) you with your English if you ( to ask) him.11.This little boy never ( to see) a crocodile .12.Send me an e-mail as soon as you ( to arrive) .13. He (to know) the result before we ( to meet) .14.He (to hear) the latest news?15.Mike (to eat) ice cream every day.Look , he (to eat) ice cream now.When i ( to see) him in the morning,he (to eat) ice cream,too.He (to say) he ( to eat) one ice cream already by that time.I think he (to fall) ill if he ( to eat) so much ice cream.

A Make sentences as in the example. Example: not easy / write instructions in PASCAE It is not easy to

write instructions in PASCAL.

1 advisable / test the program under different conditions

2 expensive / set up a data-processing area

3 unusual for a program / work correctly the first time it is tested

4 difficult for students / learn FORTRAN

5 important / consider the capabilities of the programming language

6 quite easy / write instructions in BASIC

Поисправляйте ошибки. Hi Alexander Bell. I would like to thank you for your invention, which today is used by many people and I also. On your phone that

you invented founded today's communication. I use your invention every day, when I called mom, dad, brother and classmates. I can't imagine my life without the phone today. Although in the past, people lived without it, but today I can't imagine my life without a telephone and most people will agree with me. Thank you Alexander bell.

Read the situation and make notes which will help you to write the letter.

a local newspaper has recently published a series of articles about young people. in most of the articles, young people are described as irresponsible, rude and looking only for cheap entertainment. these opinions are mainly based on a few recent incidents in the local discotheque. you're going to write a letter to the editor expressing your disapproval not only with the editorial policy of treating the topic, but also whith the perception of young people.

make notes which will help you to write the letter :
-reason(s) for writing your opinion;
-your arguments + suggestions;
-opposing views & your counterarguments;
-closing remarks.

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