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Люди добрые, помогите написать эссе о том что "некоторые люди считают что новые гаджеты заменили нам книги , а другие так не считают."Можете написать и на

10-11 класс

русском, лишь бы эссе было Ваше.

Dadb2014 04 мая 2014 г., 19:55:15 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 мая 2014 г., 22:54:47 (10 лет назад)

Whether you like reading or not you are definetely deal with reading news, diferent articles and etc. Technology is developing fast and we have lots of opportunities to read information using different gadgets. Will books be replaced by these gadgets?
Well, some people are sure in the fact that books will disappear. These people are keen on modern technology and use electronic books, laptops for reading with great pleasure. We can often meet people with such gadgets in the bus, at school and everywhere. They find this way of reading practical.
On the other hand, there are plenty of people who aren't addicted to use gadgets. They are sure that books will exsist forever because reading them is more pleasant and comfortable.
Tastes differ. As for me, it's hard to say if we will use only gadgets instead of books or not. My parents gave me a pocket electronic book on my previous birthday. Needless to say, it's handy and useful but I still often buy books and magazines and visit libraries... So, I think there are always be a part of people who will read books and in my opinion, books won't totally replaced by gadgets. Anyway, Time will show.


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите пжл 7 класс,нигде нет ответов

2. Vocabulary. The schoolchildren decided to organise a charity2. Vocabulary. The schoolchildren decided to organise a charity fair.
For questions 1-6, write what the schoolchildren want each other to do using the verbs in brackets. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
0)organise a sweet and cake sale( the classmates / Mandy and Tracy) (want)
The classmates want Mandy and Tracy to organise a sweet and cake sale.
1)bake cakes for a sweet and cake sale (the teacher / Allison) (`d like)
2)make a poster about different charities (the classmates / Alex) (need)
3) organise a charity concert (Linda / Denis) (want)
4) have a non-Uniform day (the teachers / the schoolchildren) (let)
5) donate money (the school / the sponsors) (ask)
6) think about those in need (the charity fair / the schoolchildren ) (make)

напишите транцкрипцыю слов по английскому


Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения,обращая внимание на перевод неопределенных местоимений и наречий:

1.Everywhere in Moskow you will see cranes or construction sues.
2.The lectures will tell us something about the history of Moskow University
3.Tell is something interesting about your work
4.Anystation of our Metro is very clean and beautiful.
5.Some new districs appeared in Moskow during the last two years.
6.We could not find this hook anywhere
7.Anyone who comes to Moskow tries to buy tickets to the Bolshoi theatre.
8.No engineer can solve this problem without the help of computers.

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I look forward to hearing from you.

Your faithfully

Можно его не придерживатся )

Люди добрые помогите пожалуйста написать самари по произведению The moon and sixpence с 50-58 главы?? Очень срочно, нужно сдавать завтра

Можно даже на русском написать,переведу сама
http://www.e-reading.ws/book.php?book=40038 на русском

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