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1)my brother ....computer in the evening.

10-11 класс

2)look .The boys ... to big rock.
3)When do you usually ... up.
4)Be quite! The baby ... .

a- plays b- is playsing
a- are swimming b- swims
a- get b- are getting
a- sleeps b- is sleeping

Prizrak11 27 авг. 2014 г., 3:59:56 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 авг. 2014 г., 5:53:51 (9 лет назад)

1- plays
2-are getting
3- get
4- is sleeping


Другие вопросы из категории

Раскройте скобки, употребив нужное по смыслу время. Переведите эти предложения.

It (to be) during the rush-hour. As usual, all the seats in the bus (to be) occupied. When a pretty lady (to get) in, an elderly man who (to sit) near the door (to want) to rise but the lady at once (to press) him to keep his seat. "Thank you" , she (to say), "I (not to mind) standing". -"But, madam, permit me... "-"I (to insist) upon your sitting down", she (to interrupt) him and putting her hands on his shoulders she almost (to force) him back into his seat.
The man (to try) again to stand up and (to say), "Madam, you kindly (to allow) me to...". But once more the lady (to cut) him short saying, "I (not to wish) to accept your seat, sir!" and (to force) him back with another push.
With the utmost effort the man finally (to manage) to push her aside. "Madam", he (to call) out, "I (not to care) whether you (to take) my seat or not. It (to be) your fault that the bus already (to take) me two stops beyond my destination, and now I wish to get out".

Перевести на русский язык. НЕ С ПОМОЩЬЮ ПЕРЕВОДЧИКА!!!!

1.Generally, the leaner the beef the higher the quality grade.
2.Concentrated milk products occupy less space than fresh milk.

Поставьте глагол to be в нужную форму

She ... is a doctor
I ... an artist
this ... a note
These rooms ... clean
I ... Moscow last year
We ... in the cinema yesterday

Читайте также

помогите пожалуйста! нужно раскрыть скобки и поставить глаголы в настоящем времени! I usually (to wash up) at three o'clock. My brother (to make) the

bed at a quarter past eight .His uncle usually ( to come) home at ten o'clock. We often ( to have) supper at eight o'clock. My grandfather always ( to write) letter to his friend in the evening.

1. I (to read) books in the evening.

2. I (read) a book now
3. I (to write) an exercise now
4. I (write) a letter to my friend every day
5. They (to play) in the yard now
6. He (to help) his mother every day
7. My friend (like) to play football
8. I (sleep) now
9. We (go) to the country in winter
10. My sister (to eat) sweets every day
11. She (eat) sweets now
12. They (to do) their homework in the afternoon
13. They (go) for a walk in the evening
14. My father (work) on sunday
15. He (to work) at the moment

СПРОСИТЕ ,КОГДА ПРОИСХОДИТ УКАЗАННОЕ ДЕЙСТВИЕ : 1- farmers begin to harvest crops in autumn. 2- my sister goes to the south in summer .


3- students go to the library in the evening.

4-we always have our english classes in the morning


1-my friend lives in the hostel .

2- my parents work on the farm .

3- we read newpapes in the reading room .

4- third-year students often work at a computer centre

Use the Correct Tense: 1. You usually (to speak) too quickly. 2. She always (to understand) new themes. 3. My brother (to sing) in Italian opera. 4.

When Mike (to come) at home, he (to call) her. 5. The largest map (to be buy) (by/with) him 2 weeks ago. The largest map was bought by him 2 weeks ago. 6. You (to visit) his friend 2 weeks ago? 7. Next week we (to meet) with our cousins. 8. The train (to arrive) at 8 PM tomorrow. 9. They (to leave) this town in 1996. 10. My father (to teach) me how to drive when I (to be) 17. 11. We (to begin) this experiment in 1999. 12. He (to be) the 3d in the list. 13. Yesterday I (to meet) my best friend in the street. 14. When the weather (to get) warmer, I (to start) practicing again. 15. When you (to buy) this flower-pot? 16. Helen (to live) on the 9th floor in 1874 flat. 17. Next year my father (to be) 45. 18. This article (to be write) (by/with) a journalist last week. 19. Mushrooms (to be gather) in fall. 20. These articles (to be publish) next week. 21. The card (to be make) (by/with) a creative boy 2 weeks ago. 22. The match (to be translate) on TV tomorrow. 23. The new flat (to be present) a young couple on their wedding. 24. Give him this message if you (to see) him. 25. She (to be) at 6?

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в будущее время Future Simple (Indefinite): They (to come) in a few days. I (to give) you a call in the evening. He (to

graduate) from the University next year. My mother (to help) us with the cooking. It (to get) dark in an hour.

Поставьте вопросы к предложениям: Model: She will go there with her boyfriend (who). – Who will she go with? My brother will buy a new car (what car). I will soon have my next holiday (when). This new flat will cost them a fortune (how much). My French friends will stay in Saint-Petersburg (where). I will bring you a disc (which one).

Ответьте на вопрос в отрицательной форме: Model: Will you be at home at 7 o’clock? – No, I won’t. I won’t be at home at 7 o’clock. I will come back at 8.30. Will you bring me this book tomorrow (in three days)? Will she stay in a hotel (rent a room)? Will you keep any pets (get a child)? Will they go to the cinema with us (be busy)? Will he change his job (study)?

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