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When most of the parents (to talk) about the play and how well the dances(to perform),the Mayor (to approach) the parents with the words:"i wonder if

10-11 класс

Prince Charming (to marry ) Liz,who (to play) the part of Cinderella,when they (to grow) up.

Косячина 31 дек. 2013 г., 1:11:19 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
31 дек. 2013 г., 2:45:27 (10 лет назад)

When most of the parents were talking about the play and how well the dances had been  perfomed, the Mayor approached the parents with the words: "I  wonder if Prince Charming will marry Liz, who has played the part of Cinderella, when they grow up".


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There is no way
that economics can be used to show that one of these normative judgements is
correct and the other is wrong. It all depends on the preferences or priorities
of the individual or the society that has to make this choice. But that does
not mean that economics can throw no light on normative issues. Macroeconomics.
The overall picture Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole.
Macroeconomics is concerned not with the details - the price of cigarettes
relative to the price of bread, or the output of cars relative to the output of
steel - but with the overall picture. We shall study issues such as the
determination of total output of the economy, the aggregate level of
unemployment, and the rate of inflation or growth of prices of goods and
services as a whole. The distinction between microeconomics and macroeconomics
is more than difference between economics in the small and economics in the
large, which the Greek prefixes micro- and macro- suggest. The purpose of the
analysis is also different. A model is a deliberate simplification to enable us
to pick out the key elements of a problem and think about them clearly.
Although we could study the whole economy by piecing together our microeconomic
analysis of each and every market, the resulting model would be so cumbersome
that it would be hard to keep track of all the economic forces at work.
Microeconomics and macroeconomics take different approaches to keep the
analysis manageable. Microeconomics places the emphasis on a detailed
understanding of particular markets. To achieve this amount of detail or
magnification, many of the interactions with other markets are suppressed. In
saying that a tax on cars reduces the equilibrium quantity of cars we ignore
the question of what the government does with the tax revenue. If the
government has to borrow less money, it is possible that interest rates and
exchange rate will fall and that improved international competitiveness of UK
car producers will actually increase the equilibrium output of cars in the UK.

is a bit like looking at a horse race through a pair of binoculars. It is great
for details, but sometimes we get a clearer picture of the whole race by using
the naked eye. Because macroeconomics is concerned primarily with the
interaction of different parts of the economy, it relies on a different
simplification to keep the analysis manageable. Macroeconomics simplifies the
building blocks in order to focus on how they fit together and influence one

Составлять повествовательные предложения на английском и "+" и "-", вот примеры :

Ira says "I don't like soup"( Ира говорит "я не люблю суп" )
Ira says doesn't like soup (Ира говорит что не любить суп)
Ira says "I like cakes" (Ира говорит "я люблю торт")
Ira says she likes cakes ( Ира говорит, что любит торт.)

20. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Развитые страны достигают экономического успеха через специализацию.
2. В годы войны в стране всегда имеет место регулирование экономики правительством.
3. В экономиках смешанного типа имеются правительственные ограничения того, что производить и как производить.
4. Каждый менеджер принимает решения, как распределить ограниченные ресурсы наилучшим образом.
5. Мы не можем положиться на эти данные при планировании производства на следующий год.
6. При рыночной экономике регулирование производства и потребления осуществляется через цены.

Читайте также

When most of the parents (to talk) about the play and how well the dances(to perform),the Mayor (to approach) the parents with the words:"i wonder if

Prince Charming (to marry ) Liz,who (to play) the part of Cinderella,when they (to grow) up. помогите пожалуйста,срочно надо

The Geographers' A-Z Street Atlas is one of the icons of London, as famous as red buses and ...fog. It is the book people reach for when they want to know

exactly where to find thousands of streets in London. You could find it on the bookshelves of the most London homes and in just every travel agency in the city. It lists every street in London and its carefully drawn maps show parks, gardens, railway lines, canals and just about anything else that can be put onto a piece of paper. So where did it come from? Phyllis Pearsall was a remarkable woman. She was born in Britain in 1906. She stayed there until she left school, and then travelled around France. She earned money by painting people's pictures and writing for a newspaper in Paris.
In the 1930s she returned to London, where she worked for her father's company, making maps of the world. She thought that there was a need for new street maps of London, after in 1935 she got lost while using a 20-year-old street map. So she started working on a book of maps. She walked along every street in the capital and wrote down the name, the important buildings and even the house numbers. Working eighteen-hour days she walked a total of 3,000 miles, while compiling her book. She kept the information about the streets on cards in small boxes.
One day a box with cards of all the streets beginning with "T" fell out of her window. She found most of the cards, but some cards landed on top of a bus and she never saw them again. When she sent the cards to the printer, someone asked her, "Why isn't Trafalgar Square in your book?" It was because she had lost the card. Phyllis Pearsall called her book A to Z. The first A to Z was in the shops in 1936 and sold very well. Now it is the most popular book of London street maps. It shows every street in London, important buildings, museums, theatres, schools, parks, train and underground stations. Later Phyllis Pearsall painted pictures of many of the city's famous buildings. In the same year, she formed the Geographers' Map Company which began publishing street maps and atlases of towns and cities and road maps of the whole country.
Today there are more than 130 people working for the Company. It publishes 359 titles including maps and atlases in both black and white and full colour. Computers were introduced into the drawing process in 1991. In 1996 the Company produced its first electronic street map of London on CD which contained over 90,000 streets, stations and different places of interest. 2005 saw the start of the next generation of A-Z maps, this time for mobile phones.
Phyllis Pearsall wrote about the history of the company in her book From Bedsitter to Household Name. She died in August 1996 at the age of 89.
Дайте пожалуйста перевод, но только не с переводчиков разных. заранее спасибо)

Переведите пожалуйста At the beginning of the term after a child is fifth birthday, his parent is complicated by law to see that he receives

full - time education. In practice means that the children are compelled to go to school. There are many parents who think 5 is too young to start school, but there are many more who want their children to go to school before 5. The most obvious reasons for wanting this are physical ones. A child who lives in a town flat or a city street needs somewhere to spend the day or part of it, where he can run about and play it safety with someone keeping an eye on him. British education helps us to develop all abilities of the individuals, for their own benefit and of society as a whole.Compulsory schooling takes place between the ages of 5 and 16. but some pupils remain at school for 2 years more, to prepare for further higher education. Post school education is organized fiexibly, providing wide range of opportunities foe academic and vacation education and to continue studying through out life.

ПОСМОТРИТЕ ЕСТЬ ЛИ ОШИБКИ В ЭТИХ ТЕКСТАХ: Хиппи In The 1960s and 1970s a hippy was a person who opposed the normal standards of society. Hippies wore

unusual clothes. Girls, for example, often wore Indian-style silk dresses and men and women usually had long hair. Hippies believed in peace, and one of their favorite sayings was «Make love, not war». When the hippy movement started in the US ,especially in California, young people showed their peaceful feelings by wearing flowers in their hair. For this reason, they were also called flower people Панки In 1970 times were difficult. While the hippies were talking about love and peace, punks were full of hate. They thought that normal pop music was boring and listened to aggressive music. Punks chose clothes that their parents hated. They wore ripped T-shirts, Doc Marten boots and leather jackets ,and often had brightly coloured hair. Рейверы In the late 1980s, large parties called raves started up. They usually took place in empty buildings, and could dance all night long under techno or acid music. Enthusiasts wore the daily clothes convenient to dance: free T-shirts and jeans. The rave became connected with drugs, and the police often tried to stop them.

. Перепишите, раскрывая скобки, определите время глагола. Переведите. 1. He (to be) twenty-two next year. 2. The science of the study

of the Earth (to make) particular progress in recent years.

3. The boys broke a window when they (to play) Football.

4. How much it (to cost) to send a letter toCanada?

5 .Let’s go for a walk. It (not to rain) now.

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