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Make up sentences используя эти слова: a match, boxing, waterpolo, gymnastics, to go in for sports, a stadium, different

10-11 класс

Azas 08 марта 2015 г., 21:25:15 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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08 марта 2015 г., 22:31:03 (9 лет назад)

Did you see the match last Friday?
My favourite sports are boxing and waterpolo.
A stadium and a pool are very different.


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Напишите слова в сравнительной степени:


Помогите перевести: Заголовок: Neftehimproekt JSK History И перевести 3 предложения: 1) By

the end of 1953 the Branch employed 29 specialist mostly responsible for construction and electrical engineering issues.

2) In 1954 the Branch provided designs for the chemical feed plant of the Omsk Oil Refinery, it also provided the design of hydrogen reforming units.

3) For the next few years the company's scope of design work for Omsk Oil Refinery increased significantly.

преобразовать предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму

1.The hotel is located in the city centre.
2.english is spoken in many countries.
3.I was asked to come in time.
4.his roof was damaged in the yesterday storm.
5.The money was stolen in the robbery.
6.we are fully equipped for the test.

ПОМОГИТЕ ПЕРЕВЕСТИ НА АНГЛИЙСКИЙ!!!!!Подростковый возраст - это период жизни детей от 11-12 до 15 лет. В этот период времени подросток проходит огромный

путь в своем развитии: через внутренние конфликты с самим собой и другими, через внешние срывы он может обрести чувство личности.
Одна из основных проблем подросткового возраста - проблема общения со сверстниками. Именно взаимоотношения с товарищами находятся в центре внимания подростка, именно они во многом определяют поведение, деятельность, а в дальнейшем влияют на развитие личностных качеств.
Благодаря бурному росту и перестройке организма, в подростковом возрасте резко повышается интерес к своей внешности. Формируется новый образ физического «Я» . Ребенком остро переживаются все изъяны внешности, действительные и мнимые. Непропорциональность частей тела, неловкость движений, неправильность черт лица, кожа, теряющая детскую чистоту, излишний вес или худоба — все расстраивает, а иногда приводит к чувству неполноценности, замкнутости, даже неврозу.
Шко¬ла и учение занимают большое место в жизни подростков, но не одинаковое у разных детей, несмотря на осознание всеми важности и необходимости учения. Для многих привлекатель¬ность школы возрастает из-за возможности широкого общения со сверстниками, но само учение от этого нередко страдает. Для подростка урок — это 45 минут не только учебной работы, но и ситуация общения с одноклассниками и учителем, насы¬щенная множеством значимых поступков, оценок, переживаний.

Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму и залог. Переведите предложения

на русский язык. В разделе б) обратите внимание на перевод пассивных конструкций.
1. When Shakespeare became successful in London he bought the biggest house in Stratford.
2. Most London buses have a conductor, who will come round (зд. обойдет всех пассажиров) and collect fares.
б) 1. The main places the bus goes to are shown on the front of the bus.
2. Birmingham is surrounded by typically English countrysidequiet meadows and woodland, sleepy old-world villages, impressive castles and ancient churches.

Читайте также

1 Визначити часову форму та стан дієслова

1. He was listened to with great attention.2. The doctor is feeling her pulse. 3. Tom has come back from school by 3 o`clock. 4. We shall make the room comfortable for you. 5. Did he finis his home work? 6. The railway time-tabl is changer rwice a year. 7. They will do this work tomorrow
2 перекласти речення
1.у багатьох театрах є оркестри з популярними диригентами. 2. вчора ми запізнились на поїзд. 3. я купив ліки в аптеці. 4. спорт допомагає мені бути здоровим.5. звичайно я снідаю о 7 годині ранку
3Відповісти на запитання.
1.Why do many people go in for sports? 2. What kinds of trains do you know? 3. What do you prefer: a ballet, an opera or a commedy? 4. How many times a day do you have meal? 5. What is the fare in the bus in your town?
4 поставити присудок у Passive Voice
1. Mother waters the flowers in the evening. 2. A boy showed her the way

раскройте скобки,употребляя глаголы в Past Simple,Past Continuous u Past Perfect. 1) Last night we(to go) to a football match. 2) we (to take) a bus. 3)

The bus (to be) full of people as many people(to want) to see the match. 4)We (to get) off the bus and (to go) in the direction of the stadium.

Помогите, пожалуйста.

Use Present or Past Indefinite.
Dickens (to begin) to write when he (to be) very young. "The Pickwick Papers" (to be) his first novel. The history of the novel (to be) very interesting. One day they (to ask) him to write a text to some funny pictures. The pictures (to show) some Englishmen who (to belong) to a sports club. They (to like) to travel and (to go) in for different kinds of sports. Dickens (to begin) to write. In the beginning it (to be) Just a funny story, but very soon the readers (to see) how it (to grow) into a fine novel. When the first part of the novel (to be) ready, the artist suddenly (to die). The man who (to finish) the pictures (to be) H. Brown. "The Pickwick Papers" (to make) Dickens famous. People (to praise) both the author and the artist, the book (to be) a great success. Readers (to find) the book very interesting and always (to laugh) when they (to think) of Mr. Pickwick's adventures. "The Pickwick Papers" (to be) one of the best works in the history of English literature. Everybody who (to be) older than six (to enjoy) Mr. Pickwick's story.

7. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужной форме.

1. Comrade N. (to work) at the plant last year. 2. My friend always (to get up) early, so I think he (to get up) early tomorrow.3. I (to get up) early yesterday as I (to have) much to do. 4. He (to graduate) from the university two years ago. 5. She (to work) at our institute next year. 6. We (to like) to watch the TV programmes on Saturdays and Sundays. 7. We (to go) to the country last summer and (to stay) there for a month. 8. We (to go) in for swimming, diving and track-and-field athletics there. 9. I (to go) there again next year. 11. I (to have) my training in two hours. 11. I (to train) in basketball with my team yesterday. 12. I not (to want0 to be late for my lectures so I (to have) to run as it (to be) 8 o’clock. 13. I (to leave) home earlier tomorrow. 14. You (to know) Jack? Yes, I (to do). I (to know) him when he (to be) a schoolboy. 15. When you (to finish) training yesterday? I (to come) to your place, but you not (to be) there. Next time I (to wait) for you in the sports hall. You (to be) in time?

№1. Ответьте утвердительно.

1. Would you like to see this new film?
2. Is your brother twenty?
3. Are you English?
4. Does your mother cook well?
5. Have yu got any nieces?
6. Do your friends like playing tennis?
7. Is your granfather a pensioner?
8. Does he have a room of this own?
9. Would you like to go the park with me?
10. Are his books popular?

№2. Ответьте отрицательно.
1. Are you a first-year student?
2. Does she have any lessons on Saturday?
3. Is he at school?
4. Would you like to be younger?
5. Do your parents go in for sport?
6. Have you got any idea what to do?
7. Is this coat expensive?
8. Does your sister live with you?
9. Am I taller than her?
10. Would they like to stay there?

№3. Поставьте глагол в 3-е лицо единственного числа.
1. I want to study German (Nick)
2. They refuse to help us (Mary)
3. My children study hard
4. These students speak English fluently
5. We know the right answer (she)
6. They always tell the truth. (my friend)
7. These planes fly from London to Madrid.
8. They make a lot of money (His father)
9. These books give a lot of information.
10. They teach History (Mr. Brown)

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