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ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СРОЧНО! !! Сочинение по английскому языку про спортивные соревнования... (например-паралимпийские игры....)не менее 120 слов

10-11 класс

Dinarita96 06 авг. 2014 г., 22:24:38 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 авг. 2014 г., 23:51:56 (9 лет назад)

Olympic Games. Sochi 2014. Pros and Cons.The Olympic and Paralympic Games are the most important sport event in the world. The modern Olympic Games are no longer just a major athletic forum, but also a great chance for the Olympic Games’ country to improve its economic and social circumstances. In addition to the long-term positive social and economic changes Olympic Games make it possible to obtain some intangible benefits. All these advantages explain the fact why many nations compete for the right to be the Olympic Game’s country. On the other hand there are a lot of reasons why Olympic Games may have negative impact on the country hosting them.The XXII Olympic Winter Games (from 7 to 23 February 2014) and the XI Paralympic Winter Games (from March 7 to March 16  2014) will be celebrated in Sochi, Russia. As for me, I think the Olympic Games are a project of a national value. First of all,  the Olympic and Paralympic Games will transform the image and economic specialization of a city and even the region of its location. Sochi city’s improvements will  include new transport infrastructure, urban environment, the updating of telecommunications, engineering and energy infrastructure .In other words, the 2014 Games will help transform Sochi from a summer resort, into a year-round resort of the highest international level and also will significantly improve the investment climate in the region. Secondly, the Olympic Games are the event of a national scale and consequently it can induce different positive effects such as popularization of sport values among citizens through the bright Olympic sports shows, development of a feeling of patriotism and national pride and improvement country’s image in the eyes of the international community. Thirdly,the Sochi Paralympic Games will pay international attention to the problems of millions people with a disabilities living in Russia today. Fourthly, the Games will become a stimulus for the development of the volunteer movement.  Special Volunteer Centers were founded on the basis of the 26 Russian educational institutions.


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