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S: Слово, где сочетание сh читается как [K]…

10-11 класс

-: chest
-: chalk
-: children
-: chemistry
S: Буква p не читается в слове
-: process
-: psychology
-: plenty
-: predictable
S: Слово, которое читается не по правилу
-: cut
-: must
-: put
-: but
S: Слово. в котором буква k читается
-: know
-: kettle
-: knee
-: knight
S: Слово, которое читается по правилу
-: bitter
-: mind
-: sight
-: kind
S: Слово. в котором буква a читается как [ei]
-: rabbit
-: table
-: sandwich
-: battle
S: Слово, в котором сочетание th читается как [D]
-: father
-: think
-: thanks
-: thought

Dirtycheese 24 янв. 2015 г., 18:21:46 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 янв. 2015 г., 19:02:18 (9 лет назад)

1. Chemistry
2. Psychology
3. Put
4. Kettle
6. Table
7. Thought


Другие вопросы из категории

Render the sentences into the Passive Voice wherever possible: 1.She will introduce me to her friends

2. Hasthe headmistres sent for the pupil's parents?
3. Has your dress been ironed yet
4. They often speak of him

10. We shall be good specialists in some years. 11. My father went to Moscow yesterday. 12. Who knows him? 13. At last she opened the window. 14. You'll

take this book in the library. 15. Do you often visit your parents? 16. He knew these words well. 17. Shall I read this text? 18. His children like music. 19. Did they go to the vil lage? 20. Tomorrow we'll go to the cinema

Помогите пожалуйста,составить 7 вопросов.грамотно. у меня с грамматикой проблема (( How We Kept Mother’s Birthday

I think celebrating “Mother’s Day” once a year is a very good idea.

So we decided to have a special celebration of Mother’s Day.
We thought it a fine idea. We knew how much Mother did for
us and so we decided that we should do everything we could
to make Mother happy.
We decided to decorate the house
with flowers. We asked Mother to arrange the decoration
because she always does it on holidays. My sisters got new
hats for such an important day. We wanted to buy a new hat
for Mother too, but she said that she liked her old hat
better and didn’t want a new one.
Well, after breakfast we
decided to take Mother for a beautiful drive away into the
country. Mother is never able to go to the country because
she is busy in the house nearly all the time.
But then we changed the plan a little.
Father decided to take Mother fishing.
When everything was ready for the trip we asked Mother to prepare some sandwiches.

Well, when the car came to the door, we saw that there was
not enough room in it for us all. Father said that he could
stay at home and work in the garden. Then the two girls,
Anne and Mary, said that they could stay at home, but as
they had new hats, it would be a pity if no one looked at
In the end it was decided that Mother could stay at home and make dinner. Mother doesn’t like fishing.
So we all drove away, and Mother stood and watched us from the verandah as long as she could see us.

Well, we had a very nice day in the country. Father caught
a lot of big fish and the girls met some friends and they
talked about hats. It was quite late when we got back.
last everything was ready and we sat down to a wonderful
dinner. Mother got up and down many times during dinner; she
brought things from the kitchen and carried the dishes away.

When the dinner was over all of us wanted to help Mother
to wash the dishes. But Mother said that she could do it
herself, and so we let her because we wanted to make her
It was quite late when it was all over, and we
all kissed Mother before going to bed. She said it had been
the most wonderful day in her life.

Читайте также

S: Слово, в котором буква e читается как [q]

-: pie
-: diet
-: quite
-: lie
S: Слово, в котором буква e читается как [q]
-: die
-: quiet
-: time
-: death
S: Слово, где буква g дает звук [G]
-: get
-: give
-: great
-: gentle
S: Слово, где сочетание ea читается иначе, чем в других словах
-: heard
-: learn
-: heart
-: early
S: Слово, где буква a читается как [qe]
-: small
-: alcohol
-: always
-: wall
S: Слово, в котором сочетание ch дает звук [k]
-: charm
-: chose
-: change
-: school
S: Слово, в котором буква a читается как [qe]
-: age
-: any
-: able
-: case

S: Слово, в котором есть звук [w]

-: who
-: allow
-: write
-: one
S: Слово, в котором есть звук [w]
-: whose
-: slow
-: wrong
-: quite
S: Слово, которое читается по правилу
-: stand
-: last
-: after
-: past
S: Слово, где буква y читается как гласная
-: young
-: year
-: myth
-: your
S: Слово, в котором нет звука [ei]
-: brain
-: health
-: great
-: weight
S: Слово, в котором ea читается как [e]
-: treat
-: sea
-: breath
-: each
S: Слово, в котором есть звук [O]
-: some
-: small
-: love
-: become
S: Слово, в котором есть звук [t]
-: action
-: kitchen
-: another
-: after
S: Слово, в котором есть звук [tS]
-: future
-: shape
-: health
-: patient
S: Слово, в котором есть звук [S]
-: patient
-: nature
-: bench
-: path
S: Слово, в котором есть звук [h]
-: photo
-: while
-: hour
-: behavior

4 Выберите слово,где окончание читается как {s}

c)balls d) flats
5 Выберите правильную форму подчеркнутого существительного
One child-two....
a)childs b) childrens e)children
7 Найдите безличное предложение
a) I like sport
b)It is snowing
c) I get up at seven o'clock

Добрый день!! Помогите пожалуйста решить задание! II. Перепишите следующие предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью

речи являются слова, оформленные окончанием –s, и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т.е. служит ли оно:

a) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в Present Simple (Indefinite);

б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного;

в) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного (см. образец выполнения 1).

Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Digital cameras store photos in the camera’s memory chip as digital data (binary codes made up of 1s and 0s).

2. In many ways, the changes make Microsoft's new software more like Apple's.

3. Vista requires so much computing power that most people will probably be able to run it only when they buy a new machine.

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