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Плызз зделайте 43 номер

1-4 класс

Pavlinchik77 11 февр. 2014 г., 14:32:17 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 февр. 2014 г., 15:45:57 (10 лет назад)

1) WiLL it be rainy next week?
yes it will.
2)Will it be sunny nt[t Sanday?
Yes it will.
Дальше так же по схеме.


Другие вопросы из категории

Сравните. My dog is cleverer than my cat. (clever). 1. The elephants cage ____________________the bears cage. (big) 2. The cows tail

__________________________the sheeps tail. (long) 3. The elephant _________________________the giraffee. (short) 4. This parrot ___________________________that parrot. (beatiful) 5. The tortoise __________________________the hare. (slow) 6. The dog ___________________________ the wolf(clever) 7. The hourse _________________________the hare. (quick) 8. This food__________________________that food (good) 9. This shop______________________that shop (bad) 10. This grass______________________ that grass. (nice) ,,ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!,,

! 1. This is the...........?...........(difficult/more difficult/most difficult) test i have ever......?....(do/did/done)!

2. This is the.....?......(good/better/best) house i have ever........?......(see/saw/seen).
3. -She...........?........(didn't see/hasn't seen) the film.
-Bat she has. It's..........(a/нечего/the) film she.....?....(sees/saw/has seen) when she.......?......(was/has been) in London.
4.I.....................?................(did not sleep/have not slept) well last night.
5.................?..............(Did you hear/ Have you heard) the news yet?
6.We........?..........(saw/have seen) our friends on Saturday. It...........?...........(took/has taken) us............................(a/an/the) hour to get to....................(there/their) place.
7.i lake............(cook/to cook). I can................(cook/to cook well.
8.A..................(Fisherman/fishermen) is a person................(who/which)............(Catches/is catching) fish.
9.-What...............(a/an/ничего) expensive hotel!
-Yes I.............(Didn't/have never)...................(stay/stayed) in such..............(a/an/ничего) expensive hotel.
10.Don't go out! ...............................(It rains/It is raining)......................(Hard/hardly)

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