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10-11 класс

Galicyna78 12 мая 2013 г., 20:38:15 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
12 мая 2013 г., 23:30:30 (11 лет назад)



Другие вопросы из категории

Раскройте скобки, употребляя нужную форму глагола (Simple)

1) Ann (not to water) tomatoes yesterday.
2) Usually he (to get up) early.
3) Last Friday she (to get) a good job.
4) She (not to know) about your birthday. Let's invite her.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя нужную форму глагола (Continuous)
1) Please, don't make so much noise. I (to stude) English.
2) The football match will begin at 7.30 and ends at 9.15. So, during this time Tom (to watch) the game.
3) This time last year she (to live) in Brazil.

як написати слово apple в множині

Читайте также

1.Вставьте глагол : I'm very tired because (run) for 2 hours. 2.Употребите предлог : In summer? when I don't go to ... school and live ... the co

untry? I like to go ... bed late.

3.Вставьте глагол в Past Perfect : The neighbours ...(got) home because the mother (cook) already a meal.

4.Вставьте глагол в Continuous : What he (do) at the moment ? He (fix) his bicycle. 5.Вставьте little, few : There is to ... soup in my plate. Give me some more, please. 6.Вставьте Third conditional : The government is expecting to win the next election, but if it (lose) , the Prime Minister (reseign) from politics.

7.Вставьте Second Conditional : She (eat) so much ice-cream. She (have) a sore throut.

8.Вставьте Present, Present Continuous : His father (not watch TV) at the moment. He (sleep) because he (to be tired).

9.Вставьте глагол : Your family (leave) Moscow in summer? - Yes, we always (go) to the seaside. We all (like) the sea. Mother (stay) with us to the end of August, but father (return) much earlier.

10.Вставьте предлог : He was taken to the hospital ... an ambulance.

Помогите,пожалуйста,расставить артикли.

1 What is the capital of Spain ? (правильно или нет?)
2 I have read book about Baikal. I like book.
3 Regent's Park is in north-west district of London.
4 Let's go to the Children's Theatre. (это известно).
5 Yesterday we visited the Tower, National Gallery and Westminster Abbey.
6 You can find many art galleries in London. National Gallery in Trafalgar Square is most famous of all.
7 That bridge is one of famous bridges across Thames.
8 There is island in river.
9 Tower of London has a long history. (верно или нет?)
10 Westminster Abbey is near Houses of Parliament. It is near Thames, too.
Помогите,пожалуйста,вставить глагол в правильной форме.
I (think/am thinking) you are the (good/ better/ best) football player (have ever met/ ever met/ ever meet) Мои формы - best, have ever met Я сомневаюсь насчет формы глагола think.

Здравствуйте.Помогите пожалуйста.

Вставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в форме Present Simple

1. We ___ prices in January every year. (increase)

2. Mr. Stevenson ___ abroad very often. (travel)

3. The company ___ furniture. (produce)

4. Who __ you ___ for? (work)

5. Some small businesses ___ to expand too quickly. (try)

6. He always ___ to work by train. (go)

7. How often ___ you ___ reports? (write)

8. What time ___ the train ___ ? (leave)

9. Jane and David ___ at weekends. (not / work)

10. He ___ English. (not/speak)

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