Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

1. Would you like to … a chat with me? A) have got B) has C) having D) have E) were having 2. The phone rang w

10-11 класс

hile we …. supper.

A) have had

B) was having

C) had got

D) have got

E) were having

3. What time … Ann … breakfast?

A) has got

B) does have

C) has had

D) have had

E) did have

4. He … a bicycle ten years ago.

A) didn’t have

B) hadn’t got

C) hadn’t had

D) has had

E) didn’t has

5. I couldn’t read the notice. I … my glasses.

A) hadn’t got

B) don’t have

C) didn’t had

D) didn’t have

E) haven’t got

6. Will you … a look at this paper?

A) have

B) have got

C) has

D) had got

E) got

7. Last night I … a dream. Somebody kissed me.

A) have got

B) had

C) had got

D) got

E) have gotten

8.Sue … curly hair when she was a child, … she?

A) had got, hadn’t

B) has, doesn’t

C) had, didn’t

D) have got, haven’t

E) has got, hasn’t

9. We … a party last weekend, We invited a lot of friends.

A) had

B) had had

C) had got

D) have

E) has

10. We … in a small village but now we … in London.

A) had lived, used to live

B) have lived, use to live

C) has lived, used to live

D) used to live, lived

E) used to live, live

Leradruzhinina 10 авг. 2013 г., 2:42:52 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 авг. 2013 г., 4:47:06 (10 лет назад)











+ 0 -
10 авг. 2013 г., 6:53:38 (10 лет назад)



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статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один
из 4-х вариантов является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.

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Помогите пожалуйста ответить на вопросы) 1. How fast is the world's population growing? 2. What per cent of the world's population lives in cities? 3. How

many people travel by aeroplane? 4. Is China's booming economy leading to new trends in global tourism? 5. Are some parts of the world cut off from the internet? 6. Does Hollywood really win against Bollywood?(CG) 7. What has been the impact of the population boom in developing countries? 8. Which country leads the way in allowing young people to vote? 9. What is one of the most significant problems in education today? 10. And finally, who could be hit worst by one of the biggest problems of today's information society, that is, junk e-mail?

Проверьте: I was glad that I would go to the theater with his mother. We were offered to go to that view last month. The play was called "The Adv

entures of Julia and Natasha." This performance was in the Chamber Hall. It is really exciting when the players are two meters from you. I do not remember the names of the directors and actors. The play was intended for young people, so my mom did not like it. Main characters of the play were young girls. Their lives were not very good. They decided to sell his soul to the devil in order to fulfill their desires. I liked this show. I was so emotional after watching this performance. I am very glad to visit the theater.

Переведите пожалуйста на английский язык,используя Complex Subject/Complex Object. 1 Известно,что ученые работают над этим проектом уже несколько лет 2

Мама ожидает,что ее сын расскажет всю правду 3 Сообщают,что некоторые студенты уже сдали свои экзамены 4 Считается,что многие родители не знают ответов на эти вопросы 5 Маловероятно,что поезд прибудет вовремя 6 Думают,что он был шпионом во время войны 7 Кажется,он читает ее несколько дней

Читайте также

1.Have you ever done any psychological vocational test? What did they reveal? 2. Would you like to go into the same career as your parents? Why

or why not?

3.How have your parent's jobs influenced your career choice? In what way?

4. Do you often discuss your future career with your friends?

5.Would you like to choose the same professions as any of your friends? Why?

6.Whose opinion is important to you in choosing a career? Why?

please continue the following situations a) If I were a bird, I would be a ...{what kind of bird, and why do you like to be the one?} b)

If I were an animal, I would be a...{what kind of animal and why do you like to be the one}

c) If I were a flower, I would be a ...{what kind of flower and why would you like to be the one?}

discuss the following questions with your classmates. What do you know about your family's history? What else would you like to learn

about your family?Why?

How can you get the information you'd like to know?

Придумайте что нить плиз!!!

1.Would you like some more dessert? a.Enjoy your meal! b.No thanks,I`m full. c.It`s delicious! 2.What time does it finish? a.I`m not sure. b.On Thusday

c.It takes 15minutes. 3.How often do you go hiking? a.I go with tree friends b.Most weekends. c.We stay for a weekend. 4.Would you like a cup of tea? a.Yes,I like tea b.I`d love one c.Sorry,I`m not 5.Are you looking forward to your holiday? a.We`re going to China b.Yes.I`m really excited about it. c.Not to worry

Исправьте ошибки: 1. I have not seen Moskva river yet 2.Would you like to go to the South Africa in May? 3.London is a very large c

ity. It is one of the largest citys in the world.

4. It usually take me ten minutes to get to school.

5. It will takes you an hour to get to the museum.

6. It takes us two hous to decorate the room last year.

7. I am sure it will take you a hour to write this exercise.

8. It does not takes him long to learn new words.

9. It did not took them much time to open the door.

10.He is ready. It has took him five minutes to wash up.

11. St Petersburg is one of the most beautiful city in the world.

12. There are a lot of beautiful old churchs in Suzdal.

13. Mary likes to do the shopping in the OxfordStreet.

14.I never was in India.

15. Nick already saw the film

16. Tom has not already seen the film.

17. Did you ever buy clothes?

18.My aunt has never work in a hospital.

19. They have visited Mrs Spencer two days ago.

20. They just saw their teacher.

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