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As a food label is often nothing more than an advert to tempt you to buy the product, you should pay particular attention to the choice of words used.

10-11 класс

Always contains synthetic ingredients. Many manufacturers also use a range of meaningless descriptions. Feel - good words like wholesome, farmhouse, original and traditional do not mean anything. Other words, such as farm fresh and country fresh, also intentionally blur the true nature of a product's source. Words that you can trust are organic, whole meal, natural mineral water, Fair Trade, free-range and the V, vegetarian symbol. Consumer pressure over GM foods has led to better labeling but loopholes still exist. GM product derivatives, such as starches, sugars, fats and oils where no genetically modified protein or DNA material still remains, go unlabeled in many products such as cereal bars, fish fingers, jellies and vegetable burgers. примерный перевод пжл))

Andrianka16 30 окт. 2014 г., 3:50:09 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
30 окт. 2014 г., 6:24:41 (9 лет назад)

Этикетка на еде часто не более чем объявление, которое соблазнит вас купить продукт. Вы должны уделить особое внимание на выбор слов. Всегда содержат синтетические ингредиенты. Любые производители также используют ряд бессмысленных описаний. Почувствуйте - хорошие слова как здоровый, домашний, оригинальный, традиционный не значат ничего. Другие слова, как чистая ферма, чистая страна также намеренно размывают истинную природу продукта. Слова, которым вы можете доверять - органические, вся еда, натуральная минеральная вода, Fair Trade (справедливая торговля), свободная продажа и V, вегетарианский символ. Давление потребителей на геномодифицированную еду привело к улучшению классификации, но лазейки еще существуют. Геномодифицированный продукт производится, как крахмал, сахар, жир и масло, где нет генетически модифицированного белка и  остающихся ДНК материалов, которые не отмечены в многих продуктах, как зерновые батончики, рыбные палочки, желе и вегетарианские гамбургеры.


Другие вопросы из категории

Поставить глаголы в правильной форме

last the librarian (to give) me the book which
I (to wait) for during two months. I was very glad. I (to go) home and (to begin) reading it
at once. 2. Don’t speak to him: he
(to be) very busy, he (to do) some very urgent work. 3.I did not want him to go there: I (to be) afraid that something
(to happen). 4.I did not notice that
my watch (to stop), and when I (to
arrive) at the station, my train (to leave) and I (to have) to ask when the
next train (to come). 5.He (to wait)
for fifteen minutes when at last he (to see) her at the end of the platform. 6.By the end of the year he (to read)
about two hundred pages. 7.We were
happy when the sun (to rise),for the night (to be) very cold. 8.Where you (to put) my dictionary? I
cannot find it anywhere. 9.I (not
yet to fall) asleep when the telephone (to ring). 10.What you (to do) from six till nine yesterday?

Помогите решить,пожалуйста
Перевести на английский: 5.Они заставляют меня помогать по дому. 6. Они позволяют решить, что делать после окончания


7. они разрешают выбирать себе друзей.

8.мои родители запрещают устраивать вечеринки дома.

9. Они заставляют меня показывать школьный дневник каждый день.

10. Они разрешают мне тратить мои карманные деньги как я захочу.

Что это за знак???????? £

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Помогите перевести текст пожалуйста US department stores launch counter-attack As consumers demand better value and a more interesting and stimulating

experience while shopping, department stores face a clear choice: adapt or die. 'My concern is that they will become retail museums' says Britt Breemer, chairman of America's research group 'The bottom line is that they have to admit they are in trouble and figure out some way to reinvent themselves. This may help to explain why four times as many households visit discount stores as department stores. Department stores face mounting competition from specialty retailers and discounters, such as wall mart and target. Their steady loss of market share may be partly because the concept was born in a different era, a time when, for families, a trip to stores combined shopping with entertainment. What is needed, say retail experts, is a new approach. A typical example of this approach working is seen at Selfridges. This UK group has recast itself from a sleepy 1970s style department store into a retailing experience fit for the 21st century, says Wendy Liebmann, president of WSL strategic retail. One of the main changes is that more floor space is rented to vendors, in what is sometimes referred to as the showcase business model: vendors design their own booths and are encouraged to be creative. The Selfridges model, says Peter Williams, CEO of Selfridges, is about creating an experience that is new, interesting and different where it is not just the product that is different. He says the problem with US department stores is that they all look the same. Arnold Anderson, management consultant believes Selfridges could be a prototype for failing US department stores 'It has brought back excitement and novelty and it is really seducing customers by developing the right merchandise, in the right quantities at the right time. Federated, which owns Macy's and Bloomingdale's appears to be moving in the right direction. Forty two stores are being upgraded with the latest components of its reinvent strategy, including enhanced fitting rooms, convenient price-check devices, comfortable lounge areas, computer kiosks and shopping carts. The challenge department stores face is how to develop in a sector that is, essentially, not growing. But if they adapt, many industry observers believe they will survive. 'The department store is not dead it will live on' said Robert Tamilia, professor of marketing at the ubivercity of Quebec. But it will not be the same animal it was before.

Вместо многоточия необходимо вставить слово: 1) Believed to be an ancestor of domestic dog, the wolf is generated (1)... a highly intelligent

animal. Wolves travel in packs and their territory can be anywhere (2)... 40 to 400 square miles. As well as marking the borders of their territory with scent, they (3)... other wolves know they are around by barking and howling.

2) A pack might (4)... of up to 30 wolves, although where (5)... food supply is limited there might only be six or seven animals in the pack. When hunting, they work together to chase an animal, block (6) ... escape, and finally catch it. In (7) ... way, they are (8) ... to trap large animals, such as deer or moose.

3) If farm animals are available, they (9) ... the wolves with an easy source of food. This, of course, brings then (10) ... contact with humans. Poisoning and shooting have contributed (11)... the decline in wolf populations around the world. The red wolf is now almost extinct (12) ... the wild, while the grey wolf has (13) ... its habitat reduced to a few areas in Europe, North America and Asia. (14) ... mani other large mammals, the wolf is increasingly (15) ... threat from human activity.

Помогите, пожалуйста. Срочно английский )) Underline the correct word or phrase in the following. 1 He denied

telling/to tell lies. 2 He denied/refused that he had told lies. 3 They suggested to postpone /postponing the match to the following week. 4 The weather delayed that they arrived/their arrival. 5 I can't bear to see/see children suffer. 6 We really can't afford buying/to buy a new washing machine. 7 I look for-ward to seeing/to see you at the party. 8 Before going/to go to the interview, I bought a new tie. 9 I'd rather stay / to stay at home tonight, if that's all right. 10 saw someone to climb/climbing through the window.

Write the correct form of the verbs given in brackets. Sometimes more than one answer may be possible.

Einstein: an ordinary child Einstein was not a remarkable child. He began (1 take) piano lessons at the age of six. He didn't seem (2 be) particularly talented. He liked (3 day-dream) and (4 play) …..He didn't enjoy (5 talk) : very much; in fact, he waited till he was three before (6 start) : to talk. In spite of not (7 have) a very exciting childhood, Einstein later appeared (8 have) a vivid memory of it. He remembered (9 be) impressed by how a compass works and by the mysterious force which made the compass needle (10 point) in a given direction.

Complete the second sentence so that it is as similar in meaning as possible to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change this word.

1 I'm sorry but we have decided not to accept your application. regret I __________________________________ we have decided to reject your application. 2 Funnily enough I'd prefer a pizza for a change. rather Funnily enough_______________________________________ 3 We were not allowed to drink too much coke when we were children. let Our parents____________________________________________ 4 I think it would be a good idea to take the suggest train. suggest I ___________________________________ 5 She succeeded in persuading her parents to let her go. managed She _____________________________ 6 It looks as if this door’s locked after all. appears This __________________________________________ 7 One of the things I hate is people eating popcorn in the cinema. stand One of the things I __________________________________ 8 The singer arrived two hours late but I'm glad I waited for him. worth The singer ________________________________________ 9 Jack said he had to catch the early flight. insisted Jack __________________________________ 10 I can’t wait to get your next letter. Forward I __________________________________

Помогите, кто хорошо разбирается в английском, пожалуйста. Задали текст про айфон.

В переводчике непонятно переводит, а мне нужно сказать из этого текста главную мысль. Я не понимаю.
How to grab a better iPhone deal
Apple's new iPhone 5 handset may be in the spotlight, but older smartphones and special tariffs can signal great value
If you don't want to pay the price demanded for the new iPhone 5, but still want to get your hands on an all-singing, all-dancing smartphone, you may be wondering how long it will take for the price of existing models to start coming down.

With Apple reporting more than 2m first-day pre-orders for the latest version of the handset, which went on sale in stores on Friday, savvy shoppers are already looking forward to snapping up a bargain older model at a discounted price. The good news is that the big phone networks have already started cutting the upfront cost of the usurped iPhone 4S as attention shifts to the new handset.

Seasoned industry analysts are predicting that the iPhone 4S will be available "free" to those signing two-year contracts at around £25 a month "within the next three to six months". Hold your nerve for at least six weeks and you should be rewarded with a much better deal: £25 a month is considered by some as the price at which many consumers who want a high-end big-name phone, but won't pay sky-high launch prices, can be lured back into the market.

"Prices for the older models are already coming down as retailers make room for the new Apple device, and if you are prepared to wait a bit, you will be rewarded with some great handsets at significantly lower prices," said uSwitch's technology analyst Ernest Doku.

Kate Murphy, mobile spokeswoman at MoneySupermarket, agrees that buyers who are happy to take an iPhone 4S will be in luck. "Orange, T-Mobile and Vodafone have already slashed the prices, with O2 and Three likely to follow suit. Two weeks ago someone looking for a £31 a month tariff with Orange for the 4S (16GB) would have needed to make an upfront payment of £169.99. Now it would cost just £49.99 on a 24-month contract."

Murphy warns that those hoping to resell a 4S to help with the cost of upgrading can expect less than they would have received before Apple launched the iPhone 5: "Just two weeks ago, recycling a 16GB 4S with Mazuma would have earned you £275. Now you will be offered more like £230. Owners of the 32GB model were getting £300 two weeks ago compared with £255 now."

To get an indication of how prices tumble, you only have to look at previous models. Apple has been remarkably successful at keeping the price of outgoing models high, but even the US giant is not immune to market economics. The iPhone 3GS, the hottest thing going in the summer of 2009, cost £96 to buy back then for someone taking on a mid-sized tariff costing £35 a month over 18 months. Until a few months ago that same smartphone could be had with an all-you-can-eat data package with no upfront fee on a £15 a month contact. Now it has all but been withdrawn.

6. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках в Present Indefinite.

1) Andrea (to live) in San Francisco.
2) She (to get up) at six o'clock and (to take) а shower.
3) She doesn't normally (to have) breakfast.
4) At half past eight she (to catch) а bus to her college.
5) Нег first class (to start) at а quarter past eight.
6) She always (to have) lunch at twelve o'clock in the cafeteria.
7) The cafeteria (to be) ОК and it (to be) cheap too.
8) Once а week she (to go) swimming.
9) Sometimes one of her friends (to pick) them up and then (to drive) them home.
10) She (°to invite) friends to her house rather often, they (to listen) to music and (to talk) .

7. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках в Present Indefinite.

1) Linda and I (work) for а company, which (produce) automobiles.
2) I (start) work at ten o'clock and Linda (come) to the office at nine.
3) She (be) good at typing, she (write) letters and reports every day.
4) She (not know) French very well, so she often (go) to the sixth floor where I
5) I sometimes help her translate letters, as I (know) French rather well.
6) Linda also (answer) telephone calls, sometimes she (show) visitors around the factory.
7) She (dо) common paperwork: (write) memos, (file) reports, (answer) letters.
8) She often (arrange) meetings for her boss.
9) You (understand) what her job (be) ? Yes, she (be) а secretary.
10) But she (not like) her job and (want) to be а manager.

8. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах.

Образец: It smells awful.
Does it smell awful? It doesn't smell awful.

l. We work at the translation. 2. You make а lot of noise. 3. Не always goes for а walk in the evening. . 4. In the morning I have little time. 5. Her brother works in Canada. 6. She does nothing to realize her dreams. 7. David believes in God. 8. She always comes to work in time. 9. The book belongs to Ann. 10. Не prepares his lessons in the evening.9. Заполните пропуски глаголом to be в Past Indefinite и переведите предложения.

1. It ... bitterly cold yesterday. 2. Му uncle ... very busy all last week. 3. She called on Sunday because it ... cheaper then. 4. When I came to visit her she ... absent, she ... at her friend's 5. We . .. tired of his stupid questions 6. Last winter the weather ... rather warm. 7. Yesterday he ... in Geneva. 8. When mу grandmother ... young, she ... an actress9. Where .. . your books? - They ... in mу bag10. Не ... not ill yesterday, he ... at work.

10. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках в Past Indefinite. Напишите
предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах.

Образец She (to prepare) lessons well.
She prepared lessons well.
Did she prepare lessons well?
She didn't prepare lessons well.

1) I (to buy) а magazine last week.
2) The postman (to bring) the morning mail only at 10 o'clock. 3) I (to see) you in the library the other day.
4) They (to have) а picnic yesterday.
5) The rain (to spoil) the whole pleasure.
6) Every winter Nick (to go) to the Swiss Alps to ski.
7) My sister (to get) married at 24.
8) She (to pass) all her exams successfully.
9) Their family (to live) in France for many years.
10) Mary (to buy) а very beautiful dress for the party yesterday.

11. Заполните пропуски глаголом to be в Future Indefinite.

1. Tomorrow it ... cold and wet. 2. Не ... fifty in June. 3. It's too late to go. I. .. here till tomorrow. 4. Computers . .. our teachers. 5. People .. . on the moon. 6. Don't worry, I… not ... too late. 7. I suppose, you . .. pretty busy tomorrow. 8. I am afraid, it . .. difficult for you to stay there so long. 9. Larry . .. happy to visit them again. 10. I suppose Mr. Black .. . our teacher next term.

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