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Выберите правильный вариант (other, another, the other)

10-11 класс

1. Our office does business with France, Germany, and
many … countries.

2. I don’t like this magazine. Will you bring me … .

3. I have two brothers. My elder brother is an
engineer, … one is a student.

4. I brought five books from the library. There are
only three on my desk now. I wonder where … are.

1nax 18 февр. 2015 г., 12:20:58 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 февр. 2015 г., 13:41:48 (9 лет назад)

 1. Our office does business with France, Germany, and


Другие вопросы из категории

Найдите выделяемый член предложения. Переведите предложения, подбирая наиболее подходящие усилительные слова.

1. Of the countries of Western Europe, it is France that has the greatest number of human fossils.
2. It is no doubt to this quality that the great popularity of this collection is due.
3. It was only through treachery that the Turks had taken Antioch in 1085.
4. It was during the reign of the same Emperor that the Bulgars, who in
later days played so important a part in Byzantine history, first
established themselves in the Balkans.
5. Schools flourished in
monasteries connected with York, Yarrow and Whitby, and it is to these
that the literature about to be described owes its origin.
6. But,
after all, it is not by means of any tricks or devices that, the
remarkable effect of Milton's verse is produced: that surely is due to
the genius of the author whose mind and soul were full of music and
7. All the extensions of human control over external
nature have been due to improvement in tools. For it is mainly with the
aid of tools that men can act upon and alter the material world around
8. In 1681 John Dryden wrote his four celebrated Satyres,
which brought him into still greater prominence in society and at Court.
It is largely on these that his fame as a poet now rests.
9. It
was only with the beginning of that literary movement which we call
Romanticism that men of letters, artists and scholars began to turn
their attention seriously to the investigation of regional dialects.
10. However it is with Leonardo the painter and sculptor that this book
is concerned, and though from his paintings one can guess at a massive
intellect one could hardly deduce the empirical scientist and inventor.

Читайте также

5) Найдите правильный вариант вопроса к выделенному члену предложения.

1. Pam's sister a secretaty.
Who is Pam's sister?
What is Pam's sister?

2. Your friend speaks English well.
How does your friend speak English?
What does your friend speak English?

3. We will arrive un Tokio at 3 o'clock in the morning tomorrow.
Will we arrive in Tokio?
When will we arrive in Tokio?

5.1) Выберите правильный вариант.
1. You like black coffee ......?
a) aren't you? b) don't you? c) do you?
2) John isn't ill .......?
a) is he? b) does he ? is Johv?
3) There isn't a cloud is the sky ........?
a) does there? b) is there? c) is it?

Нужен просто спец в английском языке,который сможет сделать все задания правильно. Это очень важно. Помогите это тестирование решит мою жизнь! Тест


I. Откройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной временной форме.

1. This morning at 10 o'clock I went to see Mr. Amis on business. We

(to arrange)____________this meeting beforehand. When I (to

come) ._________ into the office the secretary (to tell) _______

me that Mr. Amis (to return)____________from the conference

somewhat later. I (to ask)____________to sit down and (to offer)

____________a cup of coffee. While I (to have)____________

my coffee Mr. Amis (to come in)__________«(to wait) _______

_______you long?» he asked most politely.

2. Close the window. It (to rain)_____________ The weather (to

change) ____________ greatly since yesterday. If it (not to

brighten up) ______________________we'll have a snowfall


II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

Captain Smith was ... captain of «The Titanic». He hoped to prove that «The Titanic» was ... fastest ship in ... world. Although it was early spring he led ... ship to ... north. He knew that there were ... icebergs, but «The Titanic» was considered to be ... unsinkable ship.

When he understood his mistake he helped to evacuate ... passengers and died ... hero. He was one of ... 1490 people who drowned on that terrible night.

III. Вставьте правильный предлог или послелог, где необ¬ходимо.

1. I am not satisfied ... my progress ... maths.

2. He was ... such a hurry, so he left ... the party ... saying good-buy to the host.

3. Luckily we arrived ... the station ... fifteen minutes after we had left home.

IV. Составьте предложения, расположив слова в нужном порядке.

1. excuse/no/for/coming/time/exam/in/to/there/is/not/the/his.

2. ours/house/next/be/to/fmished/the/year/this/will?

3. television/very/sports/on/relaxing/watching/is.

V. Закончите диалог вопросами, подходящими по смыслу.

Nick and Eric are talking about the summer holiday.


E: I took a trip around Europe.


E: By train.


E: No, it was quite cheap. I bought a railcard.


E: A couple of friends came with me.


E: We have been to six or seven countries.

VI. Переведите на английский язык слова, данные в скоб¬ках.

1. Very (мало)_________customers were satisfied with the service.

2. This way is (намного)_________safer than the other one.

3. At that time it began raining (сильно)_______ .

4. I am afraid Jane doesn't (делает)_______any housework at all.

5. (Никто)_________of his parents realised what was happening.

6. He said he would like to (лежать)_________in the sun for an


7. Some people keep dogs as pets, (другие)_________have cats.

8. Sometimes the girl felt (взволнованной)__________without any


VII. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. a) They reached to the lake at night.

b) They reached the lake at night

c) They reached at the lake at night.

2. a) Dick worked hard last term and was a success.

b) Dick worked hard last term, and had a success.

c) Dick has worked hard last term and was a success.

VIII. Соедините по смыслу фразы из левой и правой коло¬нок.

1. What's Betty like? a. She is fine.

2. What is Betty? b. She is diligent.

3. How is Betty? c. She is a secretary.

Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

b)will be
The weather is rice today, but it ... bad yesterday
Everybodi in our family ... Mummy about the house. Dat ... the dog, I... the flowers, and my brothers ... the rooms.
a)help, walks, water, clean
b)help, walks, water, cleans
c)helps, walks, water, clean
d)help, walk, waters, cleans
Отметьте , какие из перечисленных английских предложений верны/неверны (true/false):
1. English is the most popular foreign language in aur country.
2. After Friday comes Monday.
Соотнесите английские выражения с русскими:
1 stuffed with ewents а) загадочный сюжет
2 life of famous people в)драки различного вида
3 adventures in the space с)жизнь знаменитых людей
4 be kind and patient d)быть добрым и терпеливым
5 keep you in suspense e)наполненный событиями
6 fights of different types f)приключения в космосе
7 full of special effects g)наполнен спецэффектами
8 a mysterious plot h)держать в напряжение
Соотнесите английские предлоги с русскими:
1 in the middle of а) между
2 under б) в середине
3 in the corner с) ниже под
4 between д) спереди
5 next to е) в углу
6 in front of ф) рядом с
Отметьте существительные а единственном числе:
a) foot
b) children
c) roofs
d) news
e) boxes
f) trousens
g) postmen
h) businesswoman
i) money
j) mouse
Поставьте следующие слова в правильном порядке так , чтобы получилось предложение:
a) peace
b) there
c) like
d) is po
e) home
Расставьте слова и выражения в нужные колонки.
My working day My flat
1 TV set
2 free-time
3 different subjects
4 chest of drawers
5 to pass exams
6 to have some rest
7 cosy kitehen
8 heautifue wallpaper
9 a first - year student
10 armchair
11 many - stored building
12 to he busy
13 modern conveniemes
14 to take a coal showerr

выберите правильный вариант:1. The left theвыберите правильный вариант:

1. The left the room without ... good-bye to anybody.
a) said b) saying
2. You must have your clothes ...
a) cleaning b) cleaned
3. ... the subject weel he didn't worry on the уму ща the exam.
a) known b) knowing c) knew
4. He watched the children ... football in the yard.
a) playing b) having played
5. The man ... next to you yesterday is my father.
a) sitting b) who sat c) having sat

Выберите правильный вариант. Объясните свой выбор на русском языке. 1. I hope they______this road by the time we come back next summer.

a) will have repaired c) will repair
b) would repair d) would have repaired
2. The essay is good______for the spelling mistakes.
a) apart c) unless
b) besides d) except
3. Jim suggested that I______a car.
a) should buy c) would buy
b) buying d) have bought
4. Will he arrive______time for dinner?
a) at c) to
b) with d) in
5. When oil and water mix, oil______to the top.
a) rise c) rises
b) rose d) is risen
6.______him all novelists are insignificant.
a) besides c) beside
b) near d) after
7. This blouse does not go______a pink skirt.
a) with c) up
b) to d) for
8. Are these lettuces home______or did you buy them in the market?
a) growing c) grow
b) grown d) grew
о. l don't suppose I could leave now,______?
a) do I c) could I
b) can I d) couldn't I
10. Persons swimming beyond this point do so______their own risk.
a) under c) on
b) in d) at
11. The cyclist was run _____ by a motorist.
a) off c) away
b) through d) down
12. After missing a term through illness he had to work very hard to______.
a) catch up c) catch on
b) catch after d) catch in
13. There has been a sharp rise______the cost of living in the past few years.
a) at c) on
b) of d) in
14.1 will not come to London until the bus strike_______over.
a) will be c) is
b) would be d) would have been
15. I don't want anyone to overhear us, but I______you what happened when we______alone.
a) will tell, will be c) tell, will be
b) will tell, are d) would tell, are
16. If I had a typewriter I______it myself.
a) would type c) will have typed
b) would have typed d) will type
17. The old dog just______on the grass, watching the child dren at play.
a) is lying C) lied
b) laid d) lie
18. There has not been a great response to the sale,______?
a) does there c) hasn't it
b) hasn't there d) has there
19. If I______rich, I______travel around the world.
a) were, would c) am, would
b) have been, would have d) were, would have
20. That was the time______I left him.
a) when c) —
b) where d) after which

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