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Define the tense forms of the underlined verbs. Translate the sentences into Russian. Make the sentences negative. Ask 8 questions of different types.

10-11 класс

1. The manager has been showing the visitors around the factory for 3 hours.
2. Is Mr. Brown finishing (PRESENT CONTINUOUS) his report at the moment?
3. The software engineers will be testing the new system at this time tomorrow.
4. In 2011 the price per liter was $2.50. In 2012 it was $ 3.50. The price has gone up.
5. If there is a discount on large orders we'll buy more of that product.
6. When I woke up the sun was shining brightly.
7. If Brian drives the car so carelessly he will get into a traffic accident.

Давид19987876512624 23 нояб. 2013 г., 22:36:40 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 нояб. 2013 г., 23:28:03 (10 лет назад)

Определите временных форм подчеркнутого глаголов. Перевести приговоры на русский язык. Сделайте предложения отрицательным. Спросите 8 вопросов различного типа.1. Менеджер демонстрирует посетителям вокруг завода в течение 3 часов.2. Является ли г-н Браун отделка (настоящее продолженное) свой доклад на данный момент?3. инженеры-программисты будут испытывать новую систему в это время завтра.4. В 2011 цена за литр составляет $ 2,50. В 2012 она составляла $ 3,50.Цена выросла.5. Если есть скидка на большие заказы мы купим больше этого продукта.6. Когда я проснулся, солнце светило ярко.7. Если Брайан управляет автомобилем так небрежно он попадет в ДТП.


Другие вопросы из категории

Переведите, пожалуйста, на английский язык. В комнату вошёл красивый, высокий, элегантный мужчина. Глаза у него голубые, волосы тёмные,

нос прямой. Он выглядел лет на 30. На его лице была добрая улыбка. Он был в приподнятом настроении.

Перевести на русский язык текст

Hello! I'm Anna Whete.I'm pleased to welcome you to the English lesson.I'm one of the Engkish tutors of the Embassy School of English in Hastings.I come from Hastings in the United Kingdom.Hastings is a beautiful seaside town in the south of England.Now I work in Almaty at your school.Omar,Dmitry,Chan,Carol and Victor are my pupils.I have taught them English for two years.
I have been a teacher for 6 years,I've met school children from different countries.I enjoy working with young people.I've visited the USA,Canada,Italy and France.Now I'm in Kazakhstan.I have visited Astana twice.I love Astana.I love listening to music but I don't play any instrument.I'm married and have two children.Now you tell me about yourself.


Напишите эссе(не менее 200 слов)на тему:Virtual internet communication results in losing real-life social skills/
там должно быть
1 тема
2ваше мнение
3 противоположное мнение\почему вы не согласны
4 заключение и вывод

28 пунктов)))you have moved to another city. Send an email to your friend. In your email write- what the new place is like, how you like it, invite her

to your house- нужен не перевод задания а само задание -выполненное. минимум 40 слов

Читайте также

Ex.2 Give the correct form of the verb in brackets.

I (to be tired) already. I feel I’ll die!

A) Am tired

B) Will

C) Has tired

D) Will be

E) Was
Ex.3. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Open the brackets, using the correct form of a verb. 1) By the end of this month I ___(to finish) reading "Robinson Crusoe" , then you ___(to

read) it, and I ___(to begin) "David Copperfield"

2) If you do not make a note of it, you __ (to forget) it by tomorrow.

3) By this time next year I ____ (to graduate) from Moscow state University and ___ (to be) in Saint Petersburg.

4) I ___ (to get) through the greater part of the work when y come.

Fill in each space using thi correct form of the verb in brackets. Translate the sentences. Define the tense form.

1) Computers ... in all our offices next month. (install)
2) His bonds ... before she savrd some money to buy them herself. (sell)
3) I ... an interesting job. (offer)
4) This is a mistake: the document ... by our manager. (bring)
5) The report ... by Monday. (prepare)
6) Each week the prices ... by 5 per cent. (reduce)
7) All the documents must always ... the same place where you take them. (put)
8) The development of this industry ... by the high demand for the products. (stimulate)
9) The reports ... last week. (check)
10) Julian is going ... a new interesting job. (offer)

Put the verbs in brackets inti the correct form of Future Simple Future Perfect Passive form Tenses.

1. The letter ____ (to post) by Olga.
2. The fax ____ (to send) today.
3. The names of the Nobel Prize winners ____ (to announce) by the committee.
4. My flat ____ (to repair) next month.
5. The tourist group _____ (to meet) at the airport.
6. These files _____ (to return) tomorrow.
7. The awards ____ (present) by Tom Hanks.
8. Hopefully, all forms of discrimination _____ (to wipe out) by the end of this century.
9. All books ____ (to register) by the end of the week.
10. By the end of the term many new words and expressins ____ (to learn).

A) Put the verbs in breackets into the correct tense forms.

Today ____ (be) Sunday. My sister ______ (paint) a picture at the moment. My brothers ______(ride) their bicycles in the garden now. They ______ (wear) their new jackets. I often ______(read) a book on Sundays, but today I ____ (write) a letter to my cousin, Anne. She often ____(send) me letters. Anne ____ (want) to be a doctor. Sometimes my mother ______ (ask) me whatI ____ (want) to be, but I ____ (not / know)

b) Write the 3 forms of the verbs in breackets.

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