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Упр. 310. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи. 1. "I shall buy some new stamps for you if you give me this one,"

10-11 класс

said Mike to Kate. 2. "Will you bring your sister to the party with you, Boris?" asked Mary. 3. "Please don't touch me," he said to me. 4. My father said: "I think I shall not go to the beach with you today because I am very busy." 5. "I am very thirsty. Please give me some lemonade, Ann," said Tom. 6. "Don't lie to me Tom," said Aunt Polly. "I am tired of your lies." 7. "Are you fond of going to the theatre?" asked my friend. "Have you seen any plays by Shakespeare?" 8. Nellie asked me: "Did you see 'Hamlet' last night?" 9. I asked Nellie: "Shall we go to the theatre together?" 10. "Does Mike like Shakespeare?" asked Nellie. "Will he go to the theatre with us?"

Gizleg 30 мая 2013 г., 20:37:26 (11 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
30 мая 2013 г., 21:23:45 (11 лет назад)

1. Mike said to Kate that he would buy some new stamps for her if she gives him that one.

2. Mary asked Boris if he would bring his sister to the party with him.
3.He asked me to not touch him
4.My father said that he thought  he wouldn't go to the beach with me today, because he was very busy
5. Tom told Ann that he is thirsty and asked her to give him some lemonade

6. Aunt Polly told Tom not to lie to her and added that she was tired of his lies

7. My friend asked if I was fond of going to theatre.He wanted to know if I have seen any plays by Shakespeare.

8. Nellie asked me if I had seen 'Hamlet' last night
9. I asked Nellie whether we should go to the theatre together

+ 0 -
30 мая 2013 г., 22:23:35 (11 лет назад)

1 Mike said to Kate that he shall buy some new stamps to her if she give him one.

2 Mary asked Boris if he will bring his sister to the party

3 He asked me not to touch him

4 He said that would not go to the beach with me today because he is busy

5 Tom said that he wants to drink and asked me to give him a lemonad

6 Aunt polly told me no lie to her

7 He asked me wouldi like go to the theater and what Shakespeare's plays i had seen

8 Nelly asked me  had ш seen Hamlet' last night


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Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.

1. He said, “Bernard Shaw was given the Noble Prize for Literature in 1925”.

1. Не brought a big watermelon from the shop (what). 2. They will come on Tuesday at half past four (who). 3. Yesterday I ate porridge with milk (when).

4. He can run very quickly (how). 5. His mother gave him an apple and a sandwich (whom). 6. Her blouse is blue (whose). 7. In autumn my brother usually puts on a warm red anorak (what, what co­lour). 8. They will go for a walk in an hour (when). 9. We have got five pears in the bag (how many). 10. You have got some money in the pocket (how much).

как переводиться слово came

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Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.

1. He said, “Bernard Shaw was given the Noble Prize for Literature in 1925”.

Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи: "Don't listen to this music", advised my dad. Fred told, "Help your sister

with the text."

Victor wanted to know,"Where will you go next Sunday?

"Who is the kindest person in your family?" asked teacher.

She asked her classmate, 'Did you win the game?"

"Will you bring your friend to the party with you?" asked her mother.

Перевести следующие предложения в косвенную речь

1. He asked his wife, ''When does the train arrive?"
2. Ms.Bennett said, ''All the documents were sent off two days ago
3. I said, ''I'll be in London next week''.
4. He said to me, "Don't leave your car here"
5. The manager asked, "Will John meet everybody?"
6. My neighbour said, "Somebody broke into my house"
7. The doctor said to him, "Eat more fruit and vegetables"
8. She asks me, "Have you heard the news?"

Переведите следующие предложения в косвенную речь.

They told us: “We are ready to discuss the
contract with you.”

Переделайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи :

Peter said to me: "I'll be waiting for you at the station"
Mary said: "I'll be back soon"
She said to me:"What are you going to do when you come home?"

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