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Ad adjective suffixes to the verbs given below.

10-11 класс

make use of -ent, or -ant, -able or -ible, -ive,-ed, -ing, -some, -ile,

1.it soon
became (appar) that she was telling a

сочдлсодчлос 23 апр. 2013 г., 22:25:02 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 апр. 2013 г., 1:10:27 (11 лет назад)

1. Apparent
2. Amazing
3. Obedient
4. Persuadable
5. Quarrelsome
6. Advised
7. Trustworthy
8. Preparative
9. Distinguishable
10. Annoying 

+ 0 -
24 апр. 2013 г., 3:30:48 (11 лет назад)



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Transform the sentences so as to use a complex object after the verbs given in brackets

1. You may be sure she won't let you down (to rely on).
2. At the thought of it I felt sad (to cause).
3. It is very pleasant when everybody likes you (to have).
4. He shall return. They will take care of it (to get).
5. It seemed to me that he knew more than he had said (to suspect).
6. Smth hard struck my leg (to feel).
7. He was taken in without being aware of it (to allow).
8. I hope that some steps will be taken in this direction (to expect).
9. His knowledge of English improved thanks to the work with the computer programmes (to enable).

REVIEW 1  Present simple, present continuous, stative verbs  Past simple, past continuous, used to A. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each

line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line Collecting records These days, most of us have a CD (1) .................. .... Before the CD, (2) ............................ m ade LPs, or „long - playing‟ records. Although many (3) ....................... have never seen an LP, they were once very popular. To play these records, you needed a record (4) ........................ with a needle that ran along the r ecord and produced the sound. Some (5) ........................... say the sound of LPs was better than CDs - and many (6) .............................. agree! LPs are no longer very popular as a form of (7) ............................ , but many people buy and sell them. Some of them remember the LP from thei r (8) ........................... and listening to records reminds them of the past COLLECT SING CHILD PLAY MUSIC COLLECT ENTERTAIN CHILD B. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in the box. You have to use one word twice. c arry eat give jo in send take turn 9. Now, everyone knows this song, so I want you all to ............................. it with me! 10. It‟s noisy in this restaurant . Could you ask them to ............... ......... the music down? 11. There was a fight during the match and the refree ............................. two play ers off. 12. We .................. ... ..... out about once a week and we cook at home the rest of the time. 13. I love this song! ................................. it up! 14. I used to play the trumpet, but I ..................................... up last year because I didn‟t have time. 15. We stopped playing because of the rain , but when it stopped we ............... ......... on. 16. A good way of getting more exercise is to ............................... up a sport, like basketball. C. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five wo rds. 17. Jack really likes football and never misses a match. crazy Jack .......................................................football and never misses a match.

2 18. My uncle worked on a sailing boat until he was thirty. was My uncle .....................................until he was thirty. 19. Do you want to watch TV? feel Do you ..............................................TV? 20. John participated in a swimming competition last week. part John .............................................in a swimming competition last week. 21. June and I had a game of tennis. against I had ......................................... June. 22. I played chest almost every day when I was young. used I ................................................chess almost every day when I was young. 23. Volleyball doesn‟t really interest me. in I‟m not......................................volleyball. 24. I enjoyed myself at your birthday party. fun I.................................................at your birthday party. 25. Young children like Disney land. popular Disneyland .....................................young children. 26. Karen doesn‟t like watching sport on TV. keen Karen ..............................................watching sport on TV. D. Choose the correct answer. 27. When you rang, I ........................my bike. A.cleaned C. used to clean B.was cleaning D. clean 28. At my last basketball club, we ...................every Saturday for three hours. A.were training C. train B.training D. used to train 29. I really ........................the meal we had at your house last Tuesday. A.was liking C. like B.liked D. am liking 30. We ........................to the beach every day when we were on holiday. A.went C. go B. were going D. used to going 31. I borke my leg when Tony and I .....................for the school sports day. A.practised C. were practising B.used to practise D. are practising 32.Leon never .........................about it, but he was once a world champion skier. A.talks C. was talking B.is talking D. talk 33. I ........................like golf, but now I really like it. A.don‟t use to C. didn‟t used to B.don‟t used to D. didn‟t use to 34. Denise ........................at the stadium until she finds a better job. A.works C. used to work B. is working D. was working E. Match the two halves of the sen tences 35. I waited outside the tennis club for 36. When you rang, I was in 37. We finally got to the stadium just in 38. I just play football for 39. I loved that film and when it comes out 40. It‟s great to appear on .............. .............. .............. .............. ..... ......... .............. A. fun, and I don‟t want to do it as a job. B. stage, with all the audience clapping. C. time to see the match start. D. a long time, but George didn‟t appear. E. on DVD, I‟ll definitely get it. F. the middle of cleaning my football boots.

ПОМОГИТЕ !!! СРОЧНО!!! write a letter of complaint to the local police authorities. explain your problem then ask for an apology. use

the prompts below.

Dear Sirs,
I am writing to complain about...
At the very least, I deserve an apology in writing as ... I can be reached at the address given above, or by phone at...
Yours faithfully, ...

Liberty Street, as he raced along it, was sleeping below its towers. It was McGurk's order that the elevator to the Institute should run all night,

and indeed three or four of the twenty staff-members did sometimes use it after respectable hours.

That morning Martin had isolated a new strain of staphylococcus bacteria from the carbuncle of a patient in the Lower Manhattan hospital, a carbuncle which was healing with unusual rapidity. He had placed a bit of the pus in broth and incubated it. In eight hours a good growth of bacteria had appeared. Before going wearily home he had returned the flask to the incubator.

He was not particularly interested in it, and now, in his laboratory, he removed his military blouse, looked down to the lights on the blue-black river, smoked a little, thought that he was a dog not to be gentler to Leora, and damned Bert Tozer and Pickerbaugh and Tubbs and anybody else who was handy to his memory before he absent-mindedly wavered to the incubator, and found that the flask, in which there should have been a perceptible cloudy growth, had no longer any signs of bacteria — of staphylococci.

"Now what the hell!" he cried. "Why, the broth's as clear as when I seeded it! Now what the — Think of this fool accident coming up just when I was going to start something new!"

He hastened from the incubator, in a closet off the corridor, to his laboratory and, holding the flask under a strong light, made certain that he had seen aright. He fretfully prepared a scope. He discovered nothing but shadows of what had been bacteria: thin outlines, the form still there but the cell substance gone; minute skeletons on an infinitesimal battlefield.

He raised his head from the microscope, rubbed his tired eyes, reflectively rubbed his neck — his blouse was off, his collar on the floor, his shirt open at the throat. He considered:

"Something funny there. This culture was growing all right, and now it's committed suicide. Never heard of bugs doing that before. I've hit something! What caused it? Some chemical change? Something organic?"

...A detective, hunting the murderer of bacteria... he rushed upstairs to the library, consulted the American and English authorities and, laboriously, the French and German. He found nothing.

He worried lest there might, somehow, have been no living staphylococci in the pus which he had used for seeding the broth — none there to die. At a hectic run, not stopping for lights, bumping corners and sliding on the too perfect tile floor, he skidded down the stairs and galloped through the corridors to his room. He found the remains of the original pus, made a smear on a glass slide, and stained it with gentian-violet, nervously dribbling out one drop of the gorgeous dye. He sprang to the microscope. As he bent over the brass tube and focused the objective, into the gray-lavender circular field of vision rose to existence the grape-like clusters of staphylococcus germs, purple dots against the blank plane.

"Staph in it all right!" he shouted.

Then he forgot Leora, war, night, weariness, success, everything as he charged into preparations for an experiment, his first great experiment. He paced furiously, rather dizzy. He shook himself into calmness and settled down at a table, among rings and spirals of cigarette smoke, to list on small sheets of paper all the possible causes of suicide in the bacteria — all the questions he had to answer and the experiments which should answer them. [...]

By this time it was six o'clock of a fine wide August morning, and as he ceased his swift work, as taunted nerves slackened, he looked out of his lofty window and was conscious of the world below: bright roofs, jubilant towers, and a high- decked Sound steamer swaggering up the glossy river.

нужен нормальный перевод текста.сами знайте,что переводчики плохо переводят.помогите пожалуйста!это контр. работа

Checks and Balances The Constitution provides for three main branches of government which are separate and distinct from one another. The powers given to

each are carefully balanced by the powers of the other two. Each branch serves as a check on the others. This is to keep any branch from gaining too much power or from misusing its powers. The chart 20 below illustrates how the equal branches of government are connected and how each is dependent on the other two. Congress has the power to make laws, but the President may veto any act of Congress. Congress, in its turn, can override a veto by a two-thirds vote in each house. Congress can also refuse to provide funds requested by the President. The President can appoint important officials of his administration, but they must be approved by the Senate. The President also has the power to name all federal judges; they, too, must be approved by the Senate. The courts have the power to determine the constitutionality of all acts of Congress and of presidential actions, and to strike down those they find unconstitutional. The system of checks and balances makes compromise and consensus necessary. Compromise is also a vital aspect of other levels of government in the United States. This system protects against extremes. It means, for example, that new presidents cannot radically change governmental policies just as they wish. In the U.S., therefore, when people think of "the government," they usually mean the entire system, that is, the Executive Branch and the President, Congress, and the courts. In fact and in practice, therefore, the President (i.e. "the Administration") is not as powerful as many people outside the U.S. seem to think he is. In comparison with other leaders in systems where the majority party forms "the government," he is much less so.

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